CDZ Covid Vaccine Thread - what's your take on them?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2016
I started thinking that it might make more sense to have a single thread concerning Covid Vaccine articles and perspectives in general. If it gets a lot of traffic, I might subdivide it a bit more, but thinking it'd be good to start with this. To start things off, I thought I'd start with an article from a website I don't think I've sourced from before, Before we begin, I imagine that someone will chime in saying that mediabiasfactcheck doesn't like them. I know. I'm not that keen on mediabiasfactcheck a lot of the time either. I even decided to make a thread a bit ago with 3 articles from 3 different sites giving reasons why these sites also don't like them. It's here for anyone interested:

That being said, I don't know much about Lifesitenews, so I will quote a bit about what mediabiasfactcheck's article on them says and then make a few comments:
In review, LifeSiteNews primarily reports on anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, and pro-Evangelical Christian issues. An example of a pro-Christian story is why being Christian means traveling with Jesus from Bethlehem to Calvary. LifeSiteNews also has a favorable opinion of former President Trump, as evidenced by this piece: How Trump brought Christmas back to America. Editorially, every story is right-leaning, including this story that sources non-credible sources such as Rush Limbaugh and CNSNews. In general, story selection favors the Christian right and denigrates the left, while not always being factual in reporting.

If what they say is true on this, then I'll say that I am pro abortion, pro gay marriage, not a Christian (I'm a Pantheist) and have always disliked Trump. When I perused the article below, I didn't see them getting into any of those subjects, so I think we're in the clear. Now, on to quoting a bit from one of their articles:
April 7, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer's former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory who spent 32 years in the industry leading new medicines research and retired from the pharmaceutical giant with “the most senior research position” in his field, spoke with LifeSiteNews.

He addressed the “demonstrably false” propaganda from governments in response to COVID-19, including the “lie” of dangerous variants, the totalitarian potential for “vaccine passports,” and the strong possibility we are dealing with a “conspiracy” which could lead to something far beyond the carnage experienced in the wars and massacres of the 20th century.


Their full article is here:

Constructive feedback welcome.
My personal take is that they're irrelevant to me, since I already had and survived the Faicuvirus cooties.

Haven't you heard? The CDC thinks that the vaccine is better than natural immunity:

Utter rubbish in my view, I'd say natural immunity is -way- better than any alleged vaccine immunity. And then, ofcourse, there's evidence that taking the vaccine can actually make your reaction to covid variants even worse:
I'm not at all anti-vaccine, but I will not be getting any of the COVID jabs.

I prefer my vaccines with several more years of clinical trials.

I am anti vaccine, but I still commend you for at least waiting a few more years for them to complete their clinical trials.
My take is why take a vaccine fir a virus no desdlier than the common cold,I never did for the cold,not about to start now.

The sad thing is that these covid vaccines may actually make Covid 19 deadlier than the cold, at least to those who take the vaccines:
My personal take is that they're irrelevant to me, since I already had and survived the Faicuvirus cooties.

Haven't you heard? The CDC thinks that the vaccine is better than natural immunity:

Utter rubbish in my view, I'd say natural immunity is -way- better than any alleged vaccine immunity. And then, ofcourse, there's evidence that taking the vaccine can actually make your reaction to covid variants even worse:
Warshington bureaucrats and technocrats, who haven't been right about anything about this dampanic, can kiss my ass.
I started thinking that it might make more sense to have a single thread concerning Covid Vaccine articles and perspectives in general. If it gets a lot of traffic, I might subdivide it a bit more, but thinking it'd be good to start with this. To start things off, I thought I'd start with an article from a website I don't think I've sourced from before, Before we begin, I imagine that someone will chime in saying that mediabiasfactcheck doesn't like them. I know. I'm not that keen on mediabiasfactcheck a lot of the time either. I even decided to make a thread a bit ago with 3 articles from 3 different sites giving reasons why these sites also don't like them. It's here for anyone interested:

That being said, I don't know much about Lifesitenews, so I will quote a bit about what mediabiasfactcheck's article on them says and then make a few comments:
In review, LifeSiteNews primarily reports on anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, and pro-Evangelical Christian issues. An example of a pro-Christian story is why being Christian means traveling with Jesus from Bethlehem to Calvary. LifeSiteNews also has a favorable opinion of former President Trump, as evidenced by this piece: How Trump brought Christmas back to America. Editorially, every story is right-leaning, including this story that sources non-credible sources such as Rush Limbaugh and CNSNews. In general, story selection favors the Christian right and denigrates the left, while not always being factual in reporting.

If what they say is true on this, then I'll say that I am pro abortion, pro gay marriage, not a Christian (I'm a Pantheist) and have always disliked Trump. When I perused the article below, I didn't see them getting into any of those subjects, so I think we're in the clear. Now, on to quoting a bit from one of their articles:
April 7, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer's former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory who spent 32 years in the industry leading new medicines research and retired from the pharmaceutical giant with “the most senior research position” in his field, spoke with LifeSiteNews.

He addressed the “demonstrably false” propaganda from governments in response to COVID-19, including the “lie” of dangerous variants, the totalitarian potential for “vaccine passports,” and the strong possibility we are dealing with a “conspiracy” which could lead to something far beyond the carnage experienced in the wars and massacres of the 20th century.


Their full article is here:

Constructive feedback welcome.
A. I got my shot back in August as part of the moderna trial. I've had no ill effects, nor have I contracted the virus. Last week I still had high levels of "neutralizing antibodies" as well.

B. We do have a forum specifically for wacky conspiracy theories. I'd suggest using it.
A. I got my shot back in August as part of the moderna trial. I've had no ill effects, nor have I contracted the virus. Last week I still had high levels of "neutralizing antibodies" as well.

Glad to hear it.

B. We do have a forum specifically for wacky conspiracy theories. I'd suggest using it.

One man's "wacky conspiracy theory" is another man's dogma. Take the official narrative for instance. Changed so very many times, but some people just follow along with it like it's always been the same.
I'm not at all anti-vaccine, but I will not be getting any of the COVID jabs.

I prefer my vaccines with several more years of clinical trials.

I am anti vaccine, but I still commend you for at least waiting a few more years for them to complete their clinical trials.
I wouldn't call what's going on "clinical trials" -- it's more like Mengele-like human experiments.
I'm not at all anti-vaccine, but I will not be getting any of the COVID jabs.

I prefer my vaccines with several more years of clinical trials.

I am anti vaccine, but I still commend you for at least waiting a few more years for them to complete their clinical trials.
I wouldn't call what's going on "clinical trials" -- it's more like Mengele-like human experiments.

Yeah, pretty much :-/
Just letting the virus run wild until everyone who is going to die is dead & everyone who is going to get sick does, & we arrive at immunity. when would that be? the thought of one or two more years of this too ugly. willing to put my fears aside for the sake of our nation. now waiting for my 2nd shot.
In all likelihood the vaccines are safer for an individual when compared to trekking society without one. I compare their use to car seatbelts before the advent of airbags. Are there crashes where seatbelts could be more harmful than beneficial? Yes. So, is buckling a seatbelt a bad idea. No. These days the problem with any vaccine is that it needs to be presented in two different ways. One presentation has the vaccine recommended by conservatives, one recommended by liberals. One presentation would state that the vaccine was produced and manufactured at a pharmaceutical company called Trump Pharmaceuticals, the other at MedBiden. Both pharmacuetical companies would be fake and just facades. They would produce the exact same vaccine, just presented to America in two different forms. Of course there would be both liberals and conservatives mocking rare individual cases where the other person's vaccine had some horrible reaction not realizing that the two vaccines are the same.
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In all likelihood the vaccines are safer for an individual when compared to trekking society without one. I compare their use to car seatbelts before the advent of airbags. Are there crashes where seatbelts could be more harmful than beneficial? Yes. So, is buckling a seatbelt a bad idea. No. These days the problem with any vaccine is that it needs to be presented in two different ways. One presentation has the vaccine recommended by conservatives, one recommended by liberals. One presentation would state that the vaccine was produced and manufactured at a pharmaceutical company called Trump Pharmaceuticals, the other at MedBiden. Both pharmacuetical companies would be fake and just facades. They would produce the exact same vaccine, just presented to America in two different forms. Of course there would be both liberals and conservatives mocking rare individual cases where the other person's vaccine had some horrible reaction not realizing that the two vaccines are the same.

I don't think side effects are rare. Already, thousands have reported serious injuries after taking Covid vaccines and there has also been over 2,200 deaths in the U.S. alone that may have been caused in whole or in part by the Covid vaccines:

The thing is, this may just be the tip of the iceberg. 2 other posters here have posted threads referring to one Dr. Doug Corrigan who suspects things could get much worse for Covid vaccine takers further down the line:

In all likelihood the vaccines are safer for an individual when compared to trekking society without one. I compare their use to car seatbelts before the advent of airbags. Are there crashes where seatbelts could be more harmful than beneficial? Yes. So, is buckling a seatbelt a bad idea. No. These days the problem with any vaccine is that it needs to be presented in two different ways. One presentation has the vaccine recommended by conservatives, one recommended by liberals. One presentation would state that the vaccine was produced and manufactured at a pharmaceutical company called Trump Pharmaceuticals, the other at MedBiden. Both pharmacuetical companies would be fake and just facades. They would produce the exact same vaccine, just presented to America in two different forms. Of course there would be both liberals and conservatives mocking rare individual cases where the other person's vaccine had some horrible reaction not realizing that the two vaccines are the same.

I don't think side effects are rare. Already, thousands have reported serious injuries after taking Covid vaccines and there has also been over 2,200 deaths in the U.S. alone that may have been caused in whole or in part by the Covid vaccines:

The thing is, this may just be the tip of the iceberg. 2 other posters here have posted threads referring to one Dr. Doug Corrigan who suspects things could get much worse for Covid vaccine takers further down the line:

You are citing fake news media websites and an anti-vaxxer doctor, one anti-vaxxer doctor. He does not make for a medical consensus. But you are right in that the side-effects are not rare. I took both parts of the Moderna vaccine and after the second dose I had chills and a slight fever 12 hours later that lasted for a couple of hours. My sister had similar side-effects. Side effects that cause hospitalization are rare and death due to side-effects are extremely rare, far far more rare than deaths due to covid-19 and that is the reality that people need to consider. It goes back to the "seat belt" analogy in my first post.
My personal take is that they're irrelevant to me, since I already had and survived the Faicuvirus cooties.

Haven't you heard? The CDC thinks that the vaccine is better than natural immunity:

Utter rubbish in my view, I'd say natural immunity is -way- better than any alleged vaccine immunity. And then, ofcourse, there's evidence that taking the vaccine can actually make your reaction to covid variants even worse:
This has always seemed too me, to be gas-lighting.

How can a "vaccine" which is based on a protein from the virus which give you natural immunity, give you something better than natural immunity?

Nowhere have a found anyone, anywhere explain that to me.

They take stuff from nature to create this, and then expect me to believe it makes the bodies response better than it would be than if it were exposed to nature?

How is that possible? It is based off of nature.

You are citing fake news media websites...

According to who, mediabiasfactcheck? I've written a thread on that website, feel free to take a look:

It's easy to say "that site is fake" and go about your day, but if you do the research, you'll see that they link to government sources, such as VAERS.
You are citing fake news media websites...

According to who, mediabiasfactcheck? I've written a thread on that website, feel free to take a look:

It's easy to say "that site is fake" and go about your day, but if you do the research, you'll see that they link to government sources, such as VAERS.
If you cite a fake news website and claim that it is linked to government sources, then why not post the government sources? At least cite websites that are not blatantly biased.

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