Covid is all politics.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
I've been saying it from the beginning. It was all bullshit, the filthy sniveling bed wetters pretended it was something akin to the Spanish Flu, but when you actually look at the CDC stats, only 6% of the people infected actually died of that alone. 94% would have died if they caught H1N1 or any number of Flu bugs that might still rear it's ugly head and charge through the country. The left failed in their impeachment, and the very next week started hyperventilating about this disease, demanded the lockdowns and these stupid fucking masks.

Mark my words....

This shit goes away after the elections. The hysteria will shift to something else.

Synth, Blacks folks have low vitamin D levels which is critical to immune function. They also are susceptible to other diseases like diabetes and some conditions harmless to Whites. We can't stop the world because some people get sick can we?

The reality is this. The dems attacked our democracy. Generally Step 1 was the Russian Hoax. Step 2 was the Ukraine Hoax. Step 3 was the Kung Flu Hoax. Word is President Trump is going to take action to prevent democrat governors from attacking the freedom of US citizens. So that would be late January, 2021 when the bullshit Kung Flu nonsense will come to an end.
I've been saying it from the beginning. It was all bullshit, the filthy sniveling bed wetters pretended it was something akin to the Spanish Flu, but when you actually look at the CDC stats, only 6% of the people infected actually died of that alone. 94% would have died if they caught H1N1 or any number of Flu bugs that might still rear it's ugly head and charge through the country. The left failed in their impeachment, and the very next week started hyperventilating about this disease, demanded the lockdowns and these stupid fucking masks.

Mark my words....

This shit goes away after the elections. The hysteria will shift to something else.

I think you made a mistake in the stats you cited. You said "only 6% of the people infected [with COVID-19] actually died of that alone." COVID-19 does not have anywhere near a 6% mortality rate.

I think what you meant to say is only 6% of the reported deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. were caused by COVID-19 alone, as opposed to 94% which had co-morbidities (including motor vehicle collisions, heart attack, terminal cancer, fatal accident and homicide, among others). Big difference. And assuming that correction is what you meant, you are most certainly correct.
I've been saying it from the beginning. It was all bullshit, the filthy sniveling bed wetters pretended it was something akin to the Spanish Flu, but when you actually look at the CDC stats, only 6% of the people infected actually died of that alone. 94% would have died if they caught H1N1 or any number of Flu bugs that might still rear it's ugly head and charge through the country. The left failed in their impeachment, and the very next week started hyperventilating about this disease, demanded the lockdowns and these stupid fucking masks.

Mark my words....

This shit goes away after the elections. The hysteria will shift to something else.

I agree.
I've been saying it from the beginning. It was all bullshit, the filthy sniveling bed wetters pretended it was something akin to the Spanish Flu, but when you actually look at the CDC stats, only 6% of the people infected actually died of that alone. 94% would have died if they caught H1N1 or any number of Flu bugs that might still rear it's ugly head and charge through the country. The left failed in their impeachment, and the very next week started hyperventilating about this disease, demanded the lockdowns and these stupid fucking masks.

Mark my words....

This shit goes away after the elections. The hysteria will shift to something else.

Pretty much all of us who were not hopelessly brainwashed, knew this from the beginning.
I've been saying it from the beginning. It was all bullshit, the filthy sniveling bed wetters pretended it was something akin to the Spanish Flu, but when you actually look at the CDC stats, only 6% of the people infected actually died of that alone. 94% would have died if they caught H1N1 or any number of Flu bugs that might still rear it's ugly head and charge through the country. The left failed in their impeachment, and the very next week started hyperventilating about this disease, demanded the lockdowns and these stupid fucking masks.

Mark my words....

This shit goes away after the elections. The hysteria will shift to something else.

Covid is all politics.

And exactly this is the totally wrong view to such problems. Covid is first of all - like any other pandemic - a natural catastrophe - including some elements of human failure, which are part of the causes. But in general a pandemic can come at any time of history under all conditions. And the management how to handle such a natural catastrophe was also a presidential catastrophe in the USA. Donald Trump had created a nonsense ideology. Outspoken in words for example it sounds in this way: "Don't use masks to show to everyone you are mine". This and other charlataneries from Donald Trump destroyed worldwide a lot of discipline as well in the ways to think and the ways to act. Not to think at all and to ignore all real problems is the most wrong way to go.

So: Keep distance - use masks - wash hands - let fresh air in your rooms. To do so helps you and others and is anything else than a political statement. The worst case scenario to do so: It's possible it helps not in one or some cases. The best case scenario to do so: You save many lifes including your own life. And do not forget: An undone war is not written down in history book. Take just simple care it will not happen. Don't carry this damned virus to anyone - it is not able to move alone. God knows your heart and no one has to fear not to get his reward who helps others and oneself.

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I've been saying it from the beginning. It was all bullshit, the filthy sniveling bed wetters pretended it was something akin to the Spanish Flu, but when you actually look at the CDC stats, only 6% of the people infected actually died of that alone. 94% would have died if they caught H1N1 or any number of Flu bugs that might still rear it's ugly head and charge through the country. The left failed in their impeachment, and the very next week started hyperventilating about this disease, demanded the lockdowns and these stupid fucking masks.

Mark my words....

This shit goes away after the elections. The hysteria will shift to something else.

I think you made a mistake in the stats you cited. You said "only 6% of the people infected [with COVID-19] actually died of that alone." COVID-19 does not have anywhere near a 6% mortality rate.

This discussion is senseless. In Denmark they slaughter for example in the moment millions of minks in mink farms, whether they are sick or not. Reason: Some got covid - with a mutated form of this virus. This variation of the virus could come back - so nearly all minks have to die now, because it could be a damned deadly variation, what no one knows in the moment for sure and no one likes to know in all possible futures.

And now do me the favor please not to get panic and to start to kill all minks in the USA. They are very successful in Denmark to isolate this problem.
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Masks have not stopped the spread of the virus


And even if it would be in this way: Who cares? If you wear a mask because you like to help others to keep cool, then you also help others. You don't help others - nor yourselve - by trying to tell them to be a lazybone is the best solution.

and were never going to because peoples hands and eyes are remain fully exposed. So stupid Joe Biden yapping about his mask plan is a joke.

I fear in some cases only a brain amputation seems to help any longer. THIS IS NOT A POLITICAL PROBLEM. THIS IS A PROBLEM OF TO BE OR NOT TO BE.
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The COVID19 lockdowns were needed to 'flatten the curve' so it would not overwhelm our hospitals, but lockdowns to 'stop the virus' are ignorant bullshit.

You CANNOT stop a virus for fucks sake.

Democrats and their medical allies and media are pushing this narrative solely for the purpose of giving them indefinite emergency power and there is nothing more to it.
The COVID19 lockdowns were needed to 'flatten the curve' so it would not overwhelm our hospitals, but lockdowns to 'stop the virus' are ignorant bullshit.

You CANNOT stop a virus for fucks sake.

No one has to stop this virus because this virus is practically not moving on its own. We carry it.

Democrats and their medical allies and media are pushing this narrative solely for the purpose of giving them indefinite emergency power and there is nothing more to it.

You give someone political power when you keep distance - use masks - wash your hands - and let fresh air in your rooms? How?

And by the way: If you bet against a virus with or without mask - what do you think is your better chance?
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And exactly this is the totally wrong view to such problems. Covid is first of all - like any other pandemic - a natural catastrophe - including some elements of human failure, which are part of the causes. But in general a pandemic can come at any time of history under all conditions. And the management how to handle such a natural catastrophe was also a presidential catastrophe in the USA. Donald Trump had created a nonsense ideology. Outspoken in words for example it sounds in this way: "Don't use masks to show to everyone you are mine". This and other charlataneries from Donald Trump destroyed worldwide a lot of discipline as well in the ways to think and the ways to act. Not to think at all and to ignore all real problems is the most wrong way to go.

So: Keep distance - use masks - wash hands - let fresh air in your rooms. To do so helps you and others and is anything else than a political statement. The worst case scenario to do so: It's possible it helps not in one or some cases. The best case scenario to do so: You save many lifes including your own life. And do not forget: An undone war is not written down in history book. Take just simple care it will not happen. Don't carry this damned virus to anyone - it is not able to move alone. God knows your heart and no one has to fear not to get his reward who helps others and oneself.

It's a Dempanic, not a legitimate PANDEMIC. A disease with a 99% survival ratio is not something to be hysterical about, especially when you consider the fact that out of all the deaths, that is the 1%, 94% of them had other serious medical conditions that would have made them susceptible to another wave of H1N1 or SARs. Only 6% of the people who have died from COVID actually died from that alone and they were ALL very old people.

The fact that your response had to include Trump proves it is entirely political. You have to defend the hysterical agitprop by attacking the one guy who didn't want the global economy crashed over something that is not a serious threat to the vast majority of people. I'm talking about 99% of the people on the planet. More people are suffering serious hardships thanks to media hysteria worldwide than would even feel like shit for a few days if they caught COVID and moved on with their lives. There is no justification for the lockdowns. It was an excuse by the collectivist global elite to undermine Trump's economy and his endeavors to marginalize the Chi-Com expansionist agenda.

Simply put, if the left could have used something like this to prevent Reagan from bankrupting the USSR they would have done so in 1984.

Everyone should be washing their hands and being sanitary, that's a given no matter what. The mask bullshit is just another layer of misery.

And exactly this is the totally wrong view to such problems. Covid is first of all - like any other pandemic - a natural catastrophe - including some elements of human failure, which are part of the causes. But in general a pandemic can come at any time of history under all conditions. And the management how to handle such a natural catastrophe was also a presidential catastrophe in the USA. Donald Trump had created a nonsense ideology. Outspoken in words for example it sounds in this way: "Don't use masks to show to everyone you are mine". This and other charlataneries from Donald Trump destroyed worldwide a lot of discipline as well in the ways to think and the ways to act. Not to think at all and to ignore all real problems is the most wrong way to go.

So: Keep distance - use masks - wash hands - let fresh air in your rooms. To do so helps you and others and is anything else than a political statement. The worst case scenario to do so: It's possible it helps not in one or some cases. The best case scenario to do so: You save many lifes including your own life. And do not forget: An undone war is not written down in history book. Take just simple care it will not happen. Don't carry this damned virus to anyone - it is not able to move alone. God knows your heart and no one has to fear not to get his reward who helps others and oneself.

It's a Dempanic, not a legitimate PANDEMIC.

Do you really think if you close your eyes the world disappears?

A disease with a 99% survival ratio is not something to be hysterical about,

If 1% of your people - 3.3 million - will die on a broken leg then this is not anyones problem in the world. But if you let survive a Sars-CoV-2 virus then you are a problem for the whole planet. Many people have by the way extremly long term health problems - eventually the rest of their life - who survived covid19.

especially when you consider the fact

Sorry - but the word "fact" from a Trumpist sounds mad. You don't have any idea why you said 99%, isn't it? You lost in world war II 418,000 people during the whole war. This was a problem. Now you lost in less than a year nearly 250,000 people and it is no problem? And the virus is by the way perhaps also able to kill in the background - what eventually could be compensated because we fight this virus - what fights also other health problems. We will know more after the end of the current pandemic. Not now.

[that out of all the deaths, that is the 1%, 94% of them had other serious medical conditions that would have made them susceptible to another wave of H1N1 or SARs. Only 6% of the people who have died from COVID actually died from that alone and they were ALL very old people.

The fact that your response had to include Trump proves it is entirely political. You have to defend the hysterical agitprop by attacking the one guy who didn't want the global economy crashed over something that is not a serious threat to the vast majority of people. I'm talking about 99% of the people on the planet. More people are suffering serious hardships thanks to media hysteria worldwide than would even feel like shit for a few days if they caught COVID and moved on with their lives. There is no justification for the lockdowns. It was an excuse by the collectivist global elite to undermine Trump's economy and his endeavors to marginalize the Chi-Com expansionist agenda.

Simply put, if the left could have used something like this to prevent Reagan from bankrupting the USSR they would have done so in 1984.

Everyone should be washing their hands and being sanitary, that's a given no matter what. The mask bullshit is just another layer of misery.

Buy a new brain. The strategy to repeat endless always the same stupid nonsense is not transparent to me. Specially because the result of this nonsense means nothing else than "to do nothing is the best". Why do you say such an unbelievable bullshit? Only to keep Trump in power against the in elections expressed will of the most people of the USA? What for heavens sake is wrong with you and your country? Where do you live? In the state Pippifaxia? How did they vote there?

By the way: The slogan "wash hands" is only the most important point. It means in general "hygiene". I disinfect my hands immediatelly when I have the feeling it was not 100% safe, what I had to touch. But normal soap works in case of this virus also very good. And the use of masks is one of the best tools to fight this virus. This all has nothing to do with US-American politics. This has to do with this what we call in our language "a sane human mind" - and you call in your language "common sense".
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