COVID is a ploy, further proof


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Here's how shit works.

A. You instill fear into the public. It's worth selling out the middle class, small business, human rights and sanity when the upside is power gained by the world's elitists through dog & pony shows such as what the Demonicrats perform. Read 45 declarations of communist takeover, the Demonicrats did that and more.

B. You cancel all kinds of shit under COVID, safe-spaces and stuff. The fun part is the flu was canceled too, who'd have thought it?

C. Pharmaceuticals get rich in the process. Won't be needing that flu shot anymore, there wasn't enough demand. COVID will be an annual process and this time you have to have the flu shot, I mean the COVID shot. Can't cure the common cold (COVID), here's your shot, you need this and crave it.

D. Then you remove the mask "mandate" despite there being more cases than one year ago. So long as the Demonicrats gained power that's what's important. Sit back and watch as the Xiden admin. fucks this up anyway, no handicap is enough for the handicapped and twisted.

Meanwhile people getting their shots and still wearing masks too. COVID is the great cancel event and demonstrates how far we've dumbed down too.

Here's how shit works.

A. You instill fear into the public. It's worth selling out the middle class, small business, human rights and sanity when the upside is power gained by the world's elitists through dog & pony shows such as what the Demonicrats perform. Read 45 declarations of communist takeover, the Demonicrats did that and more.

B. You cancel all kinds of shit under COVID, safe-spaces and stuff. The fun part is the flu was canceled too, who'd have thought it?

C. Pharmaceuticals get rich in the process. Won't be needing that flu shot anymore, there wasn't enough demand. COVID will be an annual process and this time you have to have the flu shot, I mean the COVID shot. Can't cure the common cold (COVID), here's your shot, you need this and crave it.

D. Then you remove the mask "mandate" despite there being more cases than one year ago. So long as the Demonicrats gained power that's what's important. Sit back and watch as the Xiden admin. fucks this up anyway, no handicap is enough for the handicapped and twisted.

Meanwhile people getting their shots and still wearing masks too. COVID is the great cancel event and demonstrates how far we've dumbed down too.

COVID the progressive pipedream. Has all the elements..

Victim roles
Power grab

Here's how shit works.

A. You instill fear into the public. It's worth selling out the middle class, small business, human rights and sanity when the upside is power gained by the world's elitists through dog & pony shows such as what the Demonicrats perform. Read 45 declarations of communist takeover, the Demonicrats did that and more.

B. You cancel all kinds of shit under COVID, safe-spaces and stuff. The fun part is the flu was canceled too, who'd have thought it?

C. Pharmaceuticals get rich in the process. Won't be needing that flu shot anymore, there wasn't enough demand. COVID will be an annual process and this time you have to have the flu shot, I mean the COVID shot. Can't cure the common cold (COVID), here's your shot, you need this and crave it.

D. Then you remove the mask "mandate" despite there being more cases than one year ago. So long as the Demonicrats gained power that's what's important. Sit back and watch as the Xiden admin. fucks this up anyway, no handicap is enough for the handicapped and twisted.

Meanwhile people getting their shots and still wearing masks too. COVID is the great cancel event and demonstrates how far we've dumbed down too.

How about the right wing play book.

Let's take guns.

Obama gets elected. "He's coming for you guns" Gun ownership in the U.S. 1972-2020 | Statista

Then people go out and buy guns.

Or the coronavirus happens and you use it to scare people. "The government's coming for you freedom", same as they're coming for you guns, right?

Mostly it seems a ploy to keep the right and left at each other's throats so the politicians can get on with the job of doing what the rich want.
Freedom? Hell, your votes hardly even count.
Here's how shit works.

A. You instill fear into the public. It's worth selling out the middle class, small business, human rights and sanity when the upside is power gained by the world's elitists through dog & pony shows such as what the Demonicrats perform. Read 45 declarations of communist takeover, the Demonicrats did that and more.

B. You cancel all kinds of shit under COVID, safe-spaces and stuff. The fun part is the flu was canceled too, who'd have thought it?

C. Pharmaceuticals get rich in the process. Won't be needing that flu shot anymore, there wasn't enough demand. COVID will be an annual process and this time you have to have the flu shot, I mean the COVID shot. Can't cure the common cold (COVID), here's your shot, you need this and crave it.

D. Then you remove the mask "mandate" despite there being more cases than one year ago. So long as the Demonicrats gained power that's what's important. Sit back and watch as the Xiden admin. fucks this up anyway, no handicap is enough for the handicapped and twisted.

Meanwhile people getting their shots and still wearing masks too. COVID is the great cancel event and demonstrates how far we've dumbed down too.

I'm fully vaccinated. So is every one I run around with. 5 of us went to a minor league game here night before last without masks, as not required. Nobody is terrified. None of us have been terrified and we've been in on the ground floor, with 3 of us catching Covid Feb 2020, while on a ski trip, no deaths, no hospitalization. We're the healthy types with no pre-existing conditions, as you paid us to stay in shape for so many years it got to be habit. Still, tonight I went out to buy a pack at Dodge's convenience store and wore a mask without a second thought as it was on the door, to ask wearing by their management. We're just going about our lives and doing the right thing for all involved. I kayaked 15 miles week before last and leased a big house on the beach in Florida of upcoming vacation. Everybody going down is vaccinated and we're going about our lives.
All the whiny covid crybabies can kiss my ass, bitch about covid restrictions from the sidelines, (as anti-mask whimps are pussies to begin with) while the rest of us, act responsibly and just go on about our lives in the mainstream.
Here's how shit works.

A. You instill fear into the public. It's worth selling out the middle class, small business, human rights and sanity when the upside is power gained by the world's elitists through dog & pony shows such as what the Demonicrats perform. Read 45 declarations of communist takeover, the Demonicrats did that and more.

B. You cancel all kinds of shit under COVID, safe-spaces and stuff. The fun part is the flu was canceled too, who'd have thought it?

C. Pharmaceuticals get rich in the process. Won't be needing that flu shot anymore, there wasn't enough demand. COVID will be an annual process and this time you have to have the flu shot, I mean the COVID shot. Can't cure the common cold (COVID), here's your shot, you need this and crave it.

D. Then you remove the mask "mandate" despite there being more cases than one year ago. So long as the Demonicrats gained power that's what's important. Sit back and watch as the Xiden admin. fucks this up anyway, no handicap is enough for the handicapped and twisted.

Meanwhile people getting their shots and still wearing masks too. COVID is the great cancel event and demonstrates how far we've dumbed down too.

I'm fully vaccinated. So is every one I run around with. 5 of us went to a minor league game here night before last without masks, as not required. Nobody is terrified. None of us have been terrified and we've been in on the ground floor, with 3 of us catching Covid Feb 2020, while on a ski trip, no deaths, no hospitalization. We're the healthy types with no pre-existing conditions, as you paid us to stay in shape for so many years it got to be habit. Still, tonight I went out to buy a pack at Dodge's convenience store and wore a mask without a second thought as it was on the door, to ask wearing by their management. We're just going about our lives and doing the right thing for all involved. I kayaked 15 miles week before last and leased a big house on the beach in Florida of upcoming vacation. Everybody going down is vaccinated and we're going about our lives.
All the whiny covid crybabies can kiss my ass, bitch about covid restrictions from the sidelines, (as anti-mask whimps are pussies to begin with) while the rest of us, act responsibly and just go on about our lives in the mainstream.
Thanks for sharing, Karen.
Here's how shit works.

A. You instill fear into the public. It's worth selling out the middle class, small business, human rights and sanity when the upside is power gained by the world's elitists through dog & pony shows such as what the Demonicrats perform. Read 45 declarations of communist takeover, the Demonicrats did that and more.

B. You cancel all kinds of shit under COVID, safe-spaces and stuff. The fun part is the flu was canceled too, who'd have thought it?

C. Pharmaceuticals get rich in the process. Won't be needing that flu shot anymore, there wasn't enough demand. COVID will be an annual process and this time you have to have the flu shot, I mean the COVID shot. Can't cure the common cold (COVID), here's your shot, you need this and crave it.

D. Then you remove the mask "mandate" despite there being more cases than one year ago. So long as the Demonicrats gained power that's what's important. Sit back and watch as the Xiden admin. fucks this up anyway, no handicap is enough for the handicapped and twisted.

Meanwhile people getting their shots and still wearing masks too. COVID is the great cancel event and demonstrates how far we've dumbed down too.

I'm fully vaccinated. So is every one I run around with. 5 of us went to a minor league game here night before last without masks, as not required. Nobody is terrified. None of us have been terrified and we've been in on the ground floor, with 3 of us catching Covid Feb 2020, while on a ski trip, no deaths, no hospitalization. We're the healthy types with no pre-existing conditions, as you paid us to stay in shape for so many years it got to be habit. Still, tonight I went out to buy a pack at Dodge's convenience store and wore a mask without a second thought as it was on the door, to ask wearing by their management. We're just going about our lives and doing the right thing for all involved. I kayaked 15 miles week before last and leased a big house on the beach in Florida of upcoming vacation. Everybody going down is vaccinated and we're going about our lives.
All the whiny covid crybabies can kiss my ass, bitch about covid restrictions from the sidelines, (as anti-mask whimps are pussies to begin with) while the rest of us, act responsibly and just go on about our lives in the mainstream.
Thanks for sharing, Karen.
What Karen speak did I say? I just have a low tolerance for complaining whimps, as if complaining over nothing is some sort of privileged or positive attribute. They often make mountains out of mole hills, just to have something to whine about.
Here's how shit works.

A. You instill fear into the public. It's worth selling out the middle class, small business, human rights and sanity when the upside is power gained by the world's elitists through dog & pony shows such as what the Demonicrats perform. Read 45 declarations of communist takeover, the Demonicrats did that and more.

B. You cancel all kinds of shit under COVID, safe-spaces and stuff. The fun part is the flu was canceled too, who'd have thought it?

C. Pharmaceuticals get rich in the process. Won't be needing that flu shot anymore, there wasn't enough demand. COVID will be an annual process and this time you have to have the flu shot, I mean the COVID shot. Can't cure the common cold (COVID), here's your shot, you need this and crave it.

D. Then you remove the mask "mandate" despite there being more cases than one year ago. So long as the Demonicrats gained power that's what's important. Sit back and watch as the Xiden admin. fucks this up anyway, no handicap is enough for the handicapped and twisted.

Meanwhile people getting their shots and still wearing masks too. COVID is the great cancel event and demonstrates how far we've dumbed down too.

How about the right wing play book.

Let's take guns.

Obama gets elected. "He's coming for you guns" Gun ownership in the U.S. 1972-2020 | Statista

Then people go out and buy guns.

Or the coronavirus happens and you use it to scare people. "The government's coming for you freedom", same as they're coming for you guns, right?

Mostly it seems a ploy to keep the right and left at each other's throats so the politicians can get on with the job of doing what the rich want.
Freedom? Hell, your votes hardly even count.

Apples Vs hand grenades, IMO

Let's take guns. The left does. I have a clean record and papers but can't have my ammo and pistol in the same place to enter the left's flagship state California, as both have to be locked up separately. Can't carry more than a ten round clip as well. That's one example. Perhaps PROGS should concern themselves with illegal guns instead, no?

Obama gets elected. "He's coming for you guns" Gun ownership in the U.S. 1972-2020 | Statista

Then people go out and buy guns. True story

Or the coronavirus happens and you use it to scare people. "The government's coming for you freedom", same as they're coming for you guns, right? Yep, bought a Glock19 last March.

Mostly it seems a ploy to keep the right and left at each other's throats so the politicians can get on with the job of doing what the rich want. We agree. Fucking Bush, he's half PROG easy. I remember he was using red alerts (post 9-11) to scare people into re-electing him.

Freedom? Hell, your votes hardly even count. Agree, and if they do what do they count for?
Funny how The Flu disappeared nearly completely when it is a virus same as cornonavirus which has been around since man has been here.

Just because you test positive for COVID (made up name, really coronavirus) does not mean you have Faux COVID which is a hoax. Coronanvirus is simply a class of viruses that have a crown like appearance, and their are thousands of variants you can have in your body and have no symptoms and test positive for The Faux Rona.

It's just another virus, that if Big Pharma cared at all about the poor people they gouge, they'd just make Hydroxychloroquine free to the public or produce Ivermectin in human doses. Total cost of cure is just $6 and no hospitalization. Recovery in 3-5 days. Longer if you are a Fat Gluttonous tub of goo or old fart who partied his ass off and never took care of themselves and now paying the price in your old age.

These fiends in Big Pharma do not actually want any diseases cured, they want them treated, with their drugs and vaccines.

It's their business model.

Better to keep you on life support than to let you live your life!

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