COVID-19’s Biological Politics

One link to Ft. Detrick in post #340 is here:

Hantavirus Vaccine
’....There are multiple vaccine candidates with evidence of conferring long protective immunity against hantaviruses. Some of these had been already trialed on humans....hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome(HFRS), hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS). These two disorders are associated with fever with acute thrombocytopenia and changes in vascular permeability.
The lack of apparent disease in natural hosts and lack of suitable animal models are significant obstacles in understanding the pathogenesis of HFRS and HPS.

First Generation Vaccines. Inactivated HFRS Vaccines in China and Korea. Both cell culture and rodent-brain derived vaccines have been developed and tested in humans in China and Korea....a case-control study conducted in the Korean Army had not shown statistically significant effectiveness even after the three-dose vaccination.’
From the reputable Brazilian Oswaldo Cruz Institute, a report arguing for a new classification for COVID-19:

14 Ap 2021. COVID-19: Article Defends a New Classification for the Disease
’....The authors propose that COVID-19 is the first infection classified as thrombotic viral fever. The disease is currently classified as severe acute respiratory syndrome.’
Following the fentanyl trajectory, we recall that in the George Floyd case in court, expert witness Isenschmid gave examples of levels of fentanyl in people who were not proven to be infected with COVID-19, though Floyd was infected with COVID-19 at the time of death, thus calling into question amounts of fentanyl that may or may not be fatal. Why didn’t Isenschmid mention Floyd’s COVID-19 infection as it relates to breathing problems? The first synthesis of fentanyl links to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine:

4 Feb 2020 Post # 256, Snake Meat: Source of Chinese Virus
Paul Janssen first synthesized fentanyl in 1960. We will compare COVID-19 mutations with mutations that affect fentanyl metabolism.
Following the fentanyl trajectory, we recall that in the George Floyd case in court, expert witness Isenschmid gave examples of levels of fentanyl in people who were not proven to be infected with COVID-19, though Floyd was infected with COVID-19 at the time of death, thus calling into question amounts of fentanyl that may or may not be fatal. Why didn’t Isenschmid mention Floyd’s COVID-19 infection as it relates to breathing problems? The first synthesis of fentanyl links to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine:

4 Feb 2020 Post # 256, Snake Meat: Source of Chinese Virus

Covid-19 and breathing problems are related, but fentanyl is not.
Fentanyl does not cause breathing problems in general that a person would notice.
That is because before fentanyl would slow down breathing, the person would already be unconscious.
That is because breathing is an autonomic function and very difficult to interfere with.
That is why we do not stop breathing when we call asleep at night.
Floyd was not lacking in consciousness at all, until he was strangled.
It would have taken several hours for an overdose on fentanyl to have killed him, after he was unconscious.
Paul Janssen first synthesized fentanyl in 1960. We will compare COVID-19 mutations with mutations that affect fentanyl metabolism.

Covid-19 has zero effect on the metabolism of fentanyl.
Covid-19 only has a very slight effect on the lungs and nothing else.
To further investigate fentanyl metabolism, this report from 8 Ap 2021 for the lung doctor and Isenschmid’s toxocology:

8 Ap 2021 New York Times
’....16.8 nanograms per millimeter....’

Fentanyl behaves like COVID-19. One example is the P.1 variant (Brazil-Japan) mutation at position 417 (K417N/T). The South African variant also mutates at position 417, though does not express the threonine (T) which can also be asparagine (N).

Fentanyl / Asparagine 230 of the Mu-Opioid Receptor
’....We mutated this residue to Thr and Leu....enhancement of the potency of morphine and fentanyl can be explained by mutating Asn 230 towards more hydrophobic amino acids.’
The report on fentanyl in post #347 that shows the similarity between fentanyl and COVID-19 mutations is from the Laboratory of Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Leuven, Belgium. Indeed, Janssen Pharmaceutica is a Belgium-based division of Johnson & Johnson, who developed the vaccine in collaboration with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

When clicking on “More Contagious Variants,” the investigator has limited access to information, when visiting the New York Times page about the Johnson & Johnson vaccine:

26 Ap 2021 How Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Works
’ More Contagious Variants: Limited Access.’

Did the toxicologist, Isenschmid, mention Floyd’s COVID-19 infection during the trial? If not, why not? For an infected patient’s metabolism, COVID-19 and fentanyl link again precisely at the hypoxia-inducible factor pathway:

Jun 2020 Italy, HIF-1 / COVID-19
’....This review addresses some of the pathways leading to endothelial derangement, such as compliment, HIF-1alpha and ABL tyrosine kinase....high morbidity has been related to hypoxia....aberrant coagulation....

Hypoxia: A Key Feature of COVID-19 Launching Activation of HIF-1 and Cytokine Storm

Kyoto, Japan, Morphine / Fentanyl / HIF-1alpha

HIF-1 / Fentanyl
’....both anesthetics modulated the expression of HIF-1alpha, VEGF, VEGF-R2 and CD31....’

There is no doubt that both the COVID-19 virus and the fentanyl were acting upon the HIF-1alpha pathway at the time of Floyd’s death.

There is no doubt that both the COVID-19 virus and the fentanyl were acting upon the HIF-1alpha pathway at the time of Floyd’s death.

But it is still illegal and attempted murder to ever use any pressure on the neck.
It should never be done unless you are so at risk that you can use deadly force back.
Nor would there be any excuse for failing to perform CPR and instead to maintain neck pressure, except for a deliberate desire to murder.

Covid and fentanyl can not explain the death or else he would not have been walking around only 8 minutes earlier.
Pressure on the neck cannot be a separate argument that excludes any influence of fentanyl and the virus acting in synergy on a hypoxia pathway. Mechanical force on the neck can’t be separate from the influence of fentanyl-virus on the brain, when fentanyl-virus influence on the brain was prior to other influences. That would be juridical bias. Did the toxicologist’s or any other testimony mention Floyd’s COVID-19 infection during the trial?

Another factor not brought up during the trial is the source of the fentanyl. Was Floyd’s fentanyl Chinese?

Missouri’s Fentanyl Problem: The China Connection

Are there any notable differences in fentanyl sources or synthesis?
Not murder, not murder-suicide, but suicide-murder, if the reasoning is chronological. The first influence on asphyxia introduced is fentanyl, while the virus also pre-empted mechanical influence, and may have influenced the synergy of the fentanyl.
Not murder, not murder-suicide, but suicide-murder, if the reasoning is chronological. The first influence on asphyxia introduced is fentanyl, while the virus also pre-empted mechanical influence, and may have influenced the synergy of the fentanyl.

Covid-19 can not cause asphyxia, ever.
Covid can reduce lung capacity, but that only is a factor for an athlete.
A immune system over reaction can cause a cytokine storm that fills the lungs fluid, and that can cause asphyxia, but that clearly was not the case.
First of all anyone experiencing an cytokine storm would have been sick for days ahead of time, and unable to get out of bed.
Second is that the fluid build up in the lungs would drain after death and been extremely obvious to an autopsy.

And the fentanyl could not be factor because Floyd was not just conscious 8 minutes before, but talking, walking, sitting down, etc.
It would have taken a long time to die from fentanyl from the active state we saw.
It would have made him unconscious at least a half hour before death.

And even if something else actually were to cause death, neck pressure is still attempted murder and totally illegal.
We think that blacks who have received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine are now particularly out of style, especially those with sickle-cell traits. Johnson & Johnson vaccine is the paramount link to fentanyl, and it does not do well in those countries that sport more contagious variants.

Post #353 fixates on the virus though seems to forget the synergy of fentanyl to shut down the brain’s respiratory centers. Of course, Isenschmid doesn’t think there were fatal levels of fentanyl. There may be political reasons Floyd’s COVID-19 infection was not mentioned.

A further complicating parameter to be suspicious of is Floyd’s sickle cell trait shown at autopsy. We thank Irosie for pointing this out.

Jan 2021 Clinical Predictors of Poor Outcomes in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease and COVID-19
’....Anticoagulation use while inpatient was twice less common in patients who died.’

This is a vaccine link to CVST as well as the link between COVID-19 and hantavirus.
#353: No, neck pressure is not necessarily attempted murder. Your problematic is the same as the CIA’s chronic problem: intent. Invoking Floyd’s active state is suspicious because in an instant, fentanyl can cause unconsciousness, precisely what was seen in the Russian theater hostage crisis.

So, is it true or not that none at the scene knew Floyd was COVID-19 infected nor on fentanyl as an ill man with sickel-cell traIts?
These complications of SCD with COVID-19 point to the fact that fentanyl and the COVID-19 virus act in synergy on the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF-1) pathway, and that rare COVID-19 vaccine reactions such as CVST are relevant to the Floyd case. That the countries in which Johnson & Johnson vaccine does not work well, is best exemplified by the Brazil-Japan variant, because that is the only variant that shows the unique and exquisite mutation that links to fentanyl’s increased potency: K417N/T.

COVID-19 Complications in Sickle Cell Disease
’....The recurrent sickling process in SCD causes tissue hypoxemia and micro-infarcts, resulting in end organ damage....Prophylactic antgicoagulation should be considered in every management protocol because SCD and COVID-19 are thrombogenic conditions.’
#353: No, neck pressure is not necessarily attempted murder. Your problematic is the same as the CIA’s chronic problem: intent. Invoking Floyd’s active state is suspicious because in an instant, fentanyl can cause unconsciousness, precisely what was seen in the Russian theater hostage crisis.

So, is it true or not that none at the scene knew Floyd was COVID-19 infected nor on fentanyl as an ill man with sickel-cell traIts?

Yes, ANY neck pressure is illegal unless homicide is warranted in defense from a potentially lethal attack.
Police are trained that any neck pressure is an attempt to kill.

The Russian theater hostage use of fentanyl is not applicable in my opinion because it was inhaled as a gas in Russia, while it was theorized to have been recently ingests into the stomach with Floyd. Absorption through the digestive system is MUCH slower.

And all of the things you list, like fentanyl, covid-19, and sickle-cell anemia, together should not have killed at all, much less to quickly. All these things are slow, and once producing a noticeable effect, Floyd should easily have been kept alive through CPR. But instead, after we hear Floyd say he was having trouble breathing, we see the police piling on instead of giving CPR. That is a deliberate intent to harm. There was never any need to pile on.
If you are correct about neck pressure protocol, Chauvin was attempting to kill, though Floyd was ill and on fentanyl, already working on his suicide. Here is an example of fatal fentanyl in a sickle-cell patient:

Fatal Overdose Due to Prescription Fentanyl Patches in a Patient with Sickle Cell / Beta Thalassemia and Acute Chest Syndrome

In the Russian theater crisis, people who died were both slumped forward or with heads fallen back.

Relating to Floyd’s case, here is an example of COVID-19 patients using fentanyl patches in prone positions:

Transdermal Fentanyl Patch / COVID-19 / Conscious Proning
Floyd’s fentanyl level was 11 ng, which is supposedly not a fatal amount. Janssen Pharmaceutica, Belgium, knows very well that when the asparagine of COVID-19 variant P.1 mutates to threonine, it has exactly mimicked the mu-opioid receptor mutation that allows increased potency of fentanyl.

Fentanyl-Mediated Rapid Death
’....Janssen Pharmaceutica, the manufacturer of fentanyl, recognized that muscle rigidity induced by fentanyl should be treated with a paralytic and respiratory depression should be treated with a mu-opioid receptor antagonist, such as naloxone....wooden chest syndrome, which occurs 1-2 minutes after injection and lasts 8-15 minutes.’

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