COVID-19 vaccine boosters could mean billions for drugmakers, $26B just for PFIZER


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Billions more in profits are at stake for some vaccine makers as the U.S. moves toward dispensing COVID-19 booster shots to shore up Americans’ protection against the virus.

How much the manufacturers stand to gain depends on how big the rollout proves to be.

U.S. health officials late on Thursday endorsed booster shots of the Pfizer vaccine for all Americans 65 and older — along with tens of millions of younger people who are at higher risk from the coronavirus because of health conditions or their jobs.

Officials described the move as a first step. Boosters will likely be offered even more broadly in the coming weeks or months, including boosters of vaccines made by Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. That, plus continued growth in initial vaccinations, could mean a huge gain in sales and profits for Pfizer and Moderna in particular.

Are you left wing communist cuckold faggot assholes going to realize that COVID has become big business for big business.

$26 billion for PFIZER?

You people are DUMB FUCKING SHEEP.

"FREE" vaccines, huh?

Why are the pharma companies making billions off something that is FREE?

Lefties, since when are you guys PRO BIG BUSINESS?

I thought they were evil groups that dont pay taxes.

When did BIG PHARMA become your GOD?

10 boosters!!
Anyone that thinks covid vaccines are going away are not living in reality. Vaccines are huge huge money makers and no company wants to give up that money. So you can expect "experts" to keep pushing vaccines from now on. And those same drug companies will lobby and donate to keep the fear factor up from politicians to keep that money rolling in.

There is an entire industry now built around covid. From cleaners, to masks, even to those stupid social distancing signs and stickers you see everywhere.

Covid is a multi billion dollar a year business.

And not only is covid profitable, it's also an excuse to govern and control people. Scare people enough and they will blindly do what you say and even give up personal freedom and willingly accept new rules like covid passports.
Billions more in profits are at stake for some vaccine makers as the U.S. moves toward dispensing COVID-19 booster shots to shore up Americans’ protection against the virus.

How much the manufacturers stand to gain depends on how big the rollout proves to be.

U.S. health officials late on Thursday endorsed booster shots of the Pfizer vaccine for all Americans 65 and older — along with tens of millions of younger people who are at higher risk from the coronavirus because of health conditions or their jobs.

Officials described the move as a first step. Boosters will likely be offered even more broadly in the coming weeks or months, including boosters of vaccines made by Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. That, plus continued growth in initial vaccinations, could mean a huge gain in sales and profits for Pfizer and Moderna in particular.

Are you left wing communist cuckold faggot assholes going to realize that COVID has become big business for big business.

$26 billion for PFIZER?

You people are DUMB FUCKING SHEEP.

What is the point of your post? Are you arguing for socialized medicine so Pfizer doesnt make money off selling drugs? Or are you arguing we shouldnt take medicine because drug makers make a profit? Not quite sure I understand where you are coming from.
Lefties, since when are you guys PRO BIG BUSINESS?

I thought they were evil groups that dont pay taxes.

When did BIG PHARMA become your GOD?
Sane people dont take medicine based off whether a not a company makes a profit. But I agree, the private for profit drug industry should be eliminated and it should be socialized.
The point is left wing cuck assholes always say that BIG CORPORATIONS ARE all of a sudden, these same people just LOVE big corporations and are ready to get MULTIPLE jabs from an EVIL CORPORATION.

The left are morality weather vanes.
The point is left wing cuck assholes always say that BIG CORPORATIONS ARE all of a sudden, these same people just LOVE big corporations and are ready to get MULTIPLE jabs from an EVIL CORPORATION.

The left are morality weather vanes.
Like i said, pretty sure sane people dont think about how much profit a company makes or whether a corporation is "evil" when they take medicine/vaccines that they need.
Biden and Harris said not to trust the VAX.

Lefties dont care. SLAM IT INTO THEIR ARMS!
Pfizer has been better than Moderna at selling their vaccine...but to date the Moderna vaccine is a better vaccine. Moderna vaccine recipients don't need a booster at this point and possibly can wait until they get a Variant booster or the ultimate vaccine that handles most variants. (New discoveries in better antibodies against corona)

I'm not exactly a fan of regular boosters...there are a lot of issues with using them.
Like mixing Pfizer with Moderna or J&J.

This is really complicated stuff.
Biden and Harris said not to trust the VAX.

Lefties dont care. SLAM IT INTO THEIR ARMS!
A woman's body is hers to choose about until it comes time for vaccines....then slam her into a rape chair and pump her full of vaccines.
What is the point of your post? Are you arguing for socialized medicine so Pfizer doesnt make money off selling drugs? Or are you arguing we shouldnt take medicine because drug makers make a profit? Not quite sure I understand where you are coming from.

He's pointing out the left's hypocrisy, obviously that went over your head.
Exactly. I think this type of "VACCINE" was for soldiers going to war.
They can use DOD and make the taxpayer pay for it all as long as it falls under emergency use. They have found an unlimited way to keep stripping wealth from the people under the guise of it being 'good for everyone' and 'protecting you'. We been paying for those flu shots every year but this is so much better for their bottom line. Congress is allowing it and I sure do not see any of them standing against this major slaughter either.
Billions more in profits are at stake for some vaccine makers as the U.S. moves toward dispensing COVID-19 booster shots to shore up Americans’ protection against the virus.

How much the manufacturers stand to gain depends on how big the rollout proves to be.

U.S. health officials late on Thursday endorsed booster shots of the Pfizer vaccine for all Americans 65 and older — along with tens of millions of younger people who are at higher risk from the coronavirus because of health conditions or their jobs.

Officials described the move as a first step. Boosters will likely be offered even more broadly in the coming weeks or months, including boosters of vaccines made by Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. That, plus continued growth in initial vaccinations, could mean a huge gain in sales and profits for Pfizer and Moderna in particular.

Are you left wing communist cuckold faggot assholes going to realize that COVID has become big business for big business.

$26 billion for PFIZER?

You people are DUMB FUCKING SHEEP.

So you've admitted to be a Communist, one who hates Capitalism.

Well, how many other comrades agree with your ideology?
"FREE" vaccines, huh?

Why are the pharma companies making billions off something that is FREE?

Pissed off Commie ^^^, hates that stock owners and CEO's, CFO and other senior management will get huge bonuses for saving lives.

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