COVID-19 Might Shrink Parts Of The Brain, Scientists Say


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This is not good. If the studies are right people who have had the virus may have life long problems.

We do have the vaccine now so people don't have to go through this.

From the article:

In their report, the authors of the study said they identified “significant effects of COVID-19 in the brain,” finding a loss of brain tissue known as gray matter in some regions of the brain that affect a person’s sense of taste and smell. The authors also identified consistent abnormalities among COVID-19 survivors in a part of the brain that deals with memory.
Losses of smell or taste are symptoms of COVID-19. And in long COVID, symptoms can include difficulty thinking or concentrating, sometimes referred to as “brain fog.”
The authors cautioned that they can’t “make claims of disease causality with absolute certainty.” Still, they wrote, their observations are based on “a consistent pattern of abnormalities caused by the disease process” that they found, which points to “a possible mechanism for the spread of the disease inside the central nervous system.”
The observational study was conducted by scientists at the University of Oxford and Imperial College in the United Kingdom and the National Institutes of Health in Maryland and posted on MedRxiv last week. The authors studied 394 people who happened to have brain scans in medical records before being infected with the coronavirus, and also had their brains scanned after infection.
The records were compared to the brain scans of 388 people who did not contract the coronavirus but had similar age, sex and ethnicity, and who also had a similar time interval between the two brain scans.
This is not good. If the studies are right people who have had the virus may have life long problems.

We do have the vaccine now so people don't have to go through this.

From the article:

In their report, the authors of the study said they identified “significant effects of COVID-19 in the brain,” finding a loss of brain tissue known as gray matter in some regions of the brain that affect a person’s sense of taste and smell. The authors also identified consistent abnormalities among COVID-19 survivors in a part of the brain that deals with memory.
Losses of smell or taste are symptoms of COVID-19. And in long COVID, symptoms can include difficulty thinking or concentrating, sometimes referred to as “brain fog.”
The authors cautioned that they can’t “make claims of disease causality with absolute certainty.” Still, they wrote, their observations are based on “a consistent pattern of abnormalities caused by the disease process” that they found, which points to “a possible mechanism for the spread of the disease inside the central nervous system.”
The observational study was conducted by scientists at the University of Oxford and Imperial College in the United Kingdom and the National Institutes of Health in Maryland and posted on MedRxiv last week. The authors studied 394 people who happened to have brain scans in medical records before being infected with the coronavirus, and also had their brains scanned after infection.
The records were compared to the brain scans of 388 people who did not contract the coronavirus but had similar age, sex and ethnicity, and who also had a similar time interval between the two brain scans.

You were already safe.
This is not good. If the studies are right people who have had the virus may have life long problems.

We do have the vaccine now so people don't have to go through this.

From the article:

In their report, the authors of the study said they identified “significant effects of COVID-19 in the brain,” finding a loss of brain tissue known as gray matter in some regions of the brain that affect a person’s sense of taste and smell. The authors also identified consistent abnormalities among COVID-19 survivors in a part of the brain that deals with memory.
Losses of smell or taste are symptoms of COVID-19. And in long COVID, symptoms can include difficulty thinking or concentrating, sometimes referred to as “brain fog.”
The authors cautioned that they can’t “make claims of disease causality with absolute certainty.” Still, they wrote, their observations are based on “a consistent pattern of abnormalities caused by the disease process” that they found, which points to “a possible mechanism for the spread of the disease inside the central nervous system.”
The observational study was conducted by scientists at the University of Oxford and Imperial College in the United Kingdom and the National Institutes of Health in Maryland and posted on MedRxiv last week. The authors studied 394 people who happened to have brain scans in medical records before being infected with the coronavirus, and also had their brains scanned after infection.
The records were compared to the brain scans of 388 people who did not contract the coronavirus but had similar age, sex and ethnicity, and who also had a similar time interval between the two brain scans.
Sucking your own CO2 through your eternal facediaper does more damage than the leftyvirus.
Lol no wonder left loons fear it.....think

I’m sure there’s a punchline there but I don’t see it.

Liberals fear it because they don’t want to lose their brain. Conservatives don’t fear it because they don’t have much use for their brain anyway.

That’s all I got. What’s your punchline?
Lol no wonder left loons fear it.....think

I’m sure there’s a punchline there but I don’t see it.

Liberals fear it because they don’t want to lose their brain. Conservatives don’t fear it because they don’t have much use for their brain anyway.

That’s all I got. What’s your punchline?

Cease annoying me. Understand?
Wow the replies from the conservatives are even more disgusting than usual.

This is a very serious virus and it does serious damage to the body.
Soo...everyone in the politics forum has had covid?
classic. . . :auiqs.jpg:

Wow the replies from the conservatives are even more disgusting than usual.

This is a very serious virus and it does serious damage to the body.
If it is shrinking brains, then it could spell a death sentence to progressive/marxist's. They can ill-afford a loss of that kind no matter what the severity!

A damn serious virus. It is a threat to 0.05% of the population. It's a wonder that any of us survived!
Lol no wonder left loons fear it.....think

I’m sure there’s a punchline there but I don’t see it.

Liberals fear it because they don’t want to lose their brain. Conservatives don’t fear it because they don’t have much use for their brain anyway.

That’s all I got. What’s your punchline?

Cease annoying me. Understand?

Sure thing Princess. We’ll do our best not to say or fo anything to offend your snowflake sensibilities.
This is not good. If the studies are right people who have had the virus may have life long problems.

We do have the vaccine now so people don't have to go through this.

From the article:

In their report, the authors of the study said they identified “significant effects of COVID-19 in the brain,” finding a loss of brain tissue known as gray matter in some regions of the brain that affect a person’s sense of taste and smell. The authors also identified consistent abnormalities among COVID-19 survivors in a part of the brain that deals with memory.
Losses of smell or taste are symptoms of COVID-19. And in long COVID, symptoms can include difficulty thinking or concentrating, sometimes referred to as “brain fog.”
The authors cautioned that they can’t “make claims of disease causality with absolute certainty.” Still, they wrote, their observations are based on “a consistent pattern of abnormalities caused by the disease process” that they found, which points to “a possible mechanism for the spread of the disease inside the central nervous system.”
The observational study was conducted by scientists at the University of Oxford and Imperial College in the United Kingdom and the National Institutes of Health in Maryland and posted on MedRxiv last week. The authors studied 394 people who happened to have brain scans in medical records before being infected with the coronavirus, and also had their brains scanned after infection.
The records were compared to the brain scans of 388 people who did not contract the coronavirus but had similar age, sex and ethnicity, and who also had a similar time interval between the two brain scans.

Between this thread, and [Coronavirus Lingers in Penis and Could Cause Impotence], there seems to be a pattern emerging, of unintelligent, unvirile left wrong-wing girly-men trying to blame the #CoronaHoax2020 virus for their intellectual, sexual, and other shortcomings.

You LIbtARdS need to face the truth. You were dumb, and you were impotent, long before the #CoronaHoax came to be. That's how your masters want you to be.
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This is not good. If the studies are right people who have had the virus may have life long problems.

We do have the vaccine now so people don't have to go through this.

From the article:

In their report, the authors of the study said they identified “significant effects of COVID-19 in the brain,” finding a loss of brain tissue known as gray matter in some regions of the brain that affect a person’s sense of taste and smell. The authors also identified consistent abnormalities among COVID-19 survivors in a part of the brain that deals with memory.
Losses of smell or taste are symptoms of COVID-19. And in long COVID, symptoms can include difficulty thinking or concentrating, sometimes referred to as “brain fog.”
The authors cautioned that they can’t “make claims of disease causality with absolute certainty.” Still, they wrote, their observations are based on “a consistent pattern of abnormalities caused by the disease process” that they found, which points to “a possible mechanism for the spread of the disease inside the central nervous system.”
The observational study was conducted by scientists at the University of Oxford and Imperial College in the United Kingdom and the National Institutes of Health in Maryland and posted on MedRxiv last week. The authors studied 394 people who happened to have brain scans in medical records before being infected with the coronavirus, and also had their brains scanned after infection.
The records were compared to the brain scans of 388 people who did not contract the coronavirus but had similar age, sex and ethnicity, and who also had a similar time interval between the two brain scans.

Covid-19 can not get into or survive in the bloodstream, so then it can not get to the brain or any other organs.
If someone infected with covid-19 is having systemic symptoms, it is due to the immune system over reaction, not the virus itself.
This is not good. If the studies are right people who have had the virus may have life long problems.

We do have the vaccine now so people don't have to go through this.

From the article:

In their report, the authors of the study said they identified “significant effects of COVID-19 in the brain,” finding a loss of brain tissue known as gray matter in some regions of the brain that affect a person’s sense of taste and smell. The authors also identified consistent abnormalities among COVID-19 survivors in a part of the brain that deals with memory.
Losses of smell or taste are symptoms of COVID-19. And in long COVID, symptoms can include difficulty thinking or concentrating, sometimes referred to as “brain fog.”
The authors cautioned that they can’t “make claims of disease causality with absolute certainty.” Still, they wrote, their observations are based on “a consistent pattern of abnormalities caused by the disease process” that they found, which points to “a possible mechanism for the spread of the disease inside the central nervous system.”
The observational study was conducted by scientists at the University of Oxford and Imperial College in the United Kingdom and the National Institutes of Health in Maryland and posted on MedRxiv last week. The authors studied 394 people who happened to have brain scans in medical records before being infected with the coronavirus, and also had their brains scanned after infection.
The records were compared to the brain scans of 388 people who did not contract the coronavirus but had similar age, sex and ethnicity, and who also had a similar time interval between the two brain scans.
Anti-vaxxers would never notice.

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