Covid-19 is a formidable foe

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim

I wonder of space aliens transported it to earth by UFO to wipe out humans?? ... :cool:
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View attachment 341231

I wonder of space aliens transported it to earth by UFO to wipe out humans?? ... :cool:
I think you may be missing the whole point of efforts to flatten the curve. The virus is eventually going to infect damn near everyone. We just don't want so many people sick at the same time that it overwhelms our hospitals.

And yes, flattening the curve necessarily means lengthening it. Prolonging it.
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It's not so much that the virus can tell the difference between a bar and a grocery store, but how people behave when they are in them, and the behaviors in each are markedly different.

In a grocery store, it's not much in the way of socialization, unless you see someone you know while at the store. Most people are of the get in, grab what you need, and get out. And, in most of the places around here where I shop, around 50 percent of the people are wearing a mask.

Bars on the other hand, people stay in there, socialize, and breathe a lot of the same air in an enclosed space. Most of the people who go to the bar won't wear a mask as it's not easy to drink your beer while wearing one.

Me? I don't see myself going to a bar or a restaurant anytime soon. If I do decide to go to get food from one, I order take out.
View attachment 341231

I wonder of space aliens transported it to earth by UFO to wipe out humans?? ... :cool:
I think you may be missing the whole point of efforts to flatten the curve. The virus is eventually going to infect damn near everyone. We just don't want so many people sick at the same time that it overwhelms our hospitals.

And yes, flattening the curve necessarily means lengthening it. Prolonging it.
Absolute BS, remember the lockdown was to flatten the curve, it was supposed to last two weeks so hospitals were not over burdened with patients. That time has come and gone, If they try another House Arrest Americans will not put up with it. What was George Bush's famous statement 'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." not buying in a second time
View attachment 341231

I wonder of space aliens transported it to earth by UFO to wipe out humans?? ... :cool:
I think you may be missing the whole point of efforts to flatten the curve. The virus is eventually going to infect damn near everyone. We just don't want so many people sick at the same time that it overwhelms our hospitals.

And yes, flattening the curve necessarily means lengthening it. Prolonging it.
UM. Does that mean all the people laid off from the hospitals will need to go back to work ?
Absolute BS, remember the lockdown was to flatten the curve, it was supposed to last two weeks so hospitals were not over burdened with patients. That time has come and gone, If they try another House Arrest Americans will not put up with it. What was George Bush's famous statement 'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." not buying in a second time

Jr. didn't say that. He jumbled up the saying and messed it up. What he actually said was this...................................

“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”

― George W. Bush

View attachment 341231

I wonder of space aliens transported it to earth by UFO to wipe out humans?? ... :cool:
I think you may be missing the whole point of efforts to flatten the curve. The virus is eventually going to infect damn near everyone. We just don't want so many people sick at the same time that it overwhelms our hospitals.

And yes, flattening the curve necessarily means lengthening it. Prolonging it.
UM. Does that mean all the people laid off from the hospitals will need to go back to work ?
Sooner or later. But the thing is, we don't want to expose all of them to the possibility of becoming sick at once. We need to have a reserve of medical professionals. Some of them need to stand down and stay home right now in case the ones on the front line get wasted.
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View attachment 341231

I wonder of space aliens transported it to earth by UFO to wipe out humans?? ... :cool:
I think you may be missing the whole point of efforts to flatten the curve. The virus is eventually going to infect damn near everyone. We just don't want so many people sick at the same time that it overwhelms our hospitals.

And yes, flattening the curve necessarily means lengthening it. Prolonging it.
Absolute BS, remember the lockdown was to flatten the curve, it was supposed to last two weeks so hospitals were not over burdened with patients. That time has come and gone, If they try another House Arrest Americans will not put up with it. What was George Bush's famous statement 'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." not buying in a second time
that wasnt what bush said.....he fucked it up....
View attachment 341231

I wonder of space aliens transported it to earth by UFO to wipe out humans?? ... :cool:
I think you may be missing the whole point of efforts to flatten the curve. The virus is eventually going to infect damn near everyone. We just don't want so many people sick at the same time that it overwhelms our hospitals.

And yes, flattening the curve necessarily means lengthening it. Prolonging it.
The problem is flattening the curve at the current rates means it will take over 19 years to infect half the nation and get herd immunity.
View attachment 341231

I wonder of space aliens transported it to earth by UFO to wipe out humans?? ... :cool:
I think you may be missing the whole point of efforts to flatten the curve. The virus is eventually going to infect damn near everyone. We just don't want so many people sick at the same time that it overwhelms our hospitals.

And yes, flattening the curve necessarily means lengthening it. Prolonging it.
The problem is flattening the curve at the current rates means it will take over 19 years to infect half the nation and get herd immunity.
I just learned Michigan peaked 6 weeks ago (April 9th) and has been in decline all that time. Its over, but the governor pretends it's worse than ever. They (Democrats) need FEAR
View attachment 341231

I wonder of space aliens transported it to earth by UFO to wipe out humans?? ... :cool:
It ignores a packed supermarket, but it seeks out Christians in their places of worship! Amazing virus!

That is bullshit and you know it. The way people behave in a grocery store is much different than the way they behave in a church.

At the grocery store, most people are of the mindset to get in, grab what you need, pay for it and leave. Socialization and stopping to talk to people isn't something that I see a lot of in the market, unless they know each other and are just catching up. And, most people don't spend more than 30 min. in the store.

At church, you are in an enclosed room with a whole bunch of other people, all breathing the same air, and singing and praying, sometimes even shouting and speaking in tounges. And, not only that, but you are in that room for anywhere from one to two hours, and after the service, everyone shakes hands and hugs each other.

It's not that the virus can tell the difference between a supermarket and a church, it's the behaviors exhibited in church are much more dangerous than those exhibited in the supermarket.
View attachment 341231

I wonder of space aliens transported it to earth by UFO to wipe out humans?? ... :cool:
I think you may be missing the whole point of efforts to flatten the curve. The virus is eventually going to infect damn near everyone. We just don't want so many people sick at the same time that it overwhelms our hospitals.

And yes, flattening the curve necessarily means lengthening it. Prolonging it.
UM. Does that mean all the people laid off from the hospitals will need to go back to work ?
Sooner or later. But the thing is, we don't want to expose all of them to the possibility of becoming sick at once. We need to have a reserve of medical professionals. Some of them need to stand down and stay home right now in case the ones on the front line get wasted.
why can't they go back to work in non covid areas? They are allowing hospitals to work on elective surgeries now
View attachment 341231

I wonder of space aliens transported it to earth by UFO to wipe out humans?? ... :cool:
I think you may be missing the whole point of efforts to flatten the curve. The virus is eventually going to infect damn near everyone. We just don't want so many people sick at the same time that it overwhelms our hospitals.

And yes, flattening the curve necessarily means lengthening it. Prolonging it.
Absolute BS, remember the lockdown was to flatten the curve, it was supposed to last two weeks so hospitals were not over burdened with patients. That time has come and gone, If they try another House Arrest Americans will not put up with it. What was George Bush's famous statement 'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." not buying in a second time
You are exactly the reason I believe we will have between 500,000 and 1,000,000 deaths by this time next year. It seems very likely that the 2nd wave will hit by the fall, maybe a lot sooner with so many people determine to live life as before the virus. Unlike the first wave when there were only a few hundred known cases, today there are nearly a million active cases capable of spreading the virus plus all those that are asymptomatic we don't know about.

And when the 2nd wave hits, you can bet the nation is not going to be near as supportive of the lock down and closing of businesses and schools as they were in March. I expect the huge number of cases and deaths will convince a large segment of the population that the spread is inevitable and unstoppable so why try which will only make the situation even worse. The 2 million death estimate that is so widely ridiculed might turn out to be very accurate if not a low figure.
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View attachment 341231

I wonder of space aliens transported it to earth by UFO to wipe out humans?? ... :cool:
I think you may be missing the whole point of efforts to flatten the curve. The virus is eventually going to infect damn near everyone. We just don't want so many people sick at the same time that it overwhelms our hospitals.

And yes, flattening the curve necessarily means lengthening it. Prolonging it.
Absolute BS, remember the lockdown was to flatten the curve, it was supposed to last two weeks so hospitals were not over burdened with patients. That time has come and gone, If they try another House Arrest Americans will not put up with it. What was George Bush's famous statement 'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." not buying in a second time
You are exactly the reason I believe we will have between 500,000 and 1,000,000 deaths by this time next year. It seems very likely that the 2nd wave will hit by the fall, maybe a lot sooner with so many people determine to live life as before the virus. Unlike the first wave when there were only a few hundred known cases, today there are nearly a million active cases capable of spreading the virus plus all those that are asymptomatic we don't know about.

And when the 2nd wave hits, you can bet the nation is not going to be near as supportive of the lock down and closing of businesses and schools as they were in March. I expect the huge number of cases and deaths will convince a large segment of the population that the spread is inevitable and unstoppable so why try which will only make the situation even worse. The 2 million death estimate that is so widely ridiculed might turn out to be very accurate if not a low figure.
When the government screams the sky is falling and shuts down every thing and put Americans under house arrest for no apparent reason, You cannot blame any thing but the over reaction of the government if there is a second wave and people ignore it.

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