Court Tells trump: 'Calling Vote Unfair Doesn't Make It So'


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
Another court, this time an appeals court, has rejected trump's lies about the election.

trump lost again.

Wow I wonder if trump and his followers have gotten tired of all that "winning" yet?

From what I've read of this latest ruling, the judges have lost their patience with trump, his lawyers and all their lies.

Apparently the trump followers believe the same thing as trump, that just saying something makes it true. It doesn't.

trump will take it to the Supreme Court but since trump has no evidence of his claims, I find it very hard to believe the court will even take the case.

trump and all his followers better learn to say President Joe Biden.

Another court, this time an appeals court, has rejected trump's lies about the election.

trump lost again.

Wow I wonder if trump and his followers have gotten tired of all that "winning" yet?

From what I've read of this latest ruling, the judges have lost their patience with trump, his lawyers and all their lies.

Apparently the trump followers believe the same thing as trump, that just saying something makes it true. It doesn't.

trump will take it to the Supreme Court but since trump has no evidence of his claims, I find it very hard to believe the court will even take the case.

trump and all his followers better learn to say President Joe Biden.

Pedophile Joe Biden is far far more accurate.
Another court, this time an appeals court, has rejected trump's lies about the election.

trump lost again.

Wow I wonder if trump and his followers have gotten tired of all that "winning" yet?

From what I've read of this latest ruling, the judges have lost their patience with trump, his lawyers and all their lies.

Apparently the trump followers believe the same thing as trump, that just saying something makes it true. It doesn't.

trump will take it to the Supreme Court but since trump has no evidence of his claims, I find it very hard to believe the court will even take the case.

trump and all his followers better learn to say President Joe Biden.

And that is why there are lawyers going to court....Fuck you are one stupid prog slave.......
Most damaging about the appellate ruling is that no one seems to be able to find any matter of law on which to proceed to the Supreme Court. The Trumped-Up remarks as usual claim that the President-Elect, Joe Biden, has to prove that he got the 80 Mil. votes that were counted in the election. The Republican lawsuits have taken up the matter: Clearly on behalf of the President-Elect!

The major challenges lost now equal 31. Proof.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Christian legacy leaves, "Lives Don't Matter," to "Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth(?)" Possibly street dogs or wolves or something. The times were Roman Imperial era!)
Another court, this time an appeals court, has rejected trump's lies about the election.

trump lost again.

Wow I wonder if trump and his followers have gotten tired of all that "winning" yet?

From what I've read of this latest ruling, the judges have lost their patience with trump, his lawyers and all their lies.

Apparently the trump followers believe the same thing as trump, that just saying something makes it true. It doesn't.

trump will take it to the Supreme Court but since trump has no evidence of his claims, I find it very hard to believe the court will even take the case.

trump and all his followers better learn to say President Joe Biden.

Pedophile Joe Biden is far far more accurate.
Red herring bullshit logical fallacy. It in no way counters the argument that #Diaper Don legitimately got his ass kicked. Deal with it.

But just for the record:

PolitiFact | Fact-checking the pedophilia attacks against Joe Biden

Our ruling
Social media users claim that Biden is a pedophile. There is zero evidence — no accusations, testimonies, arrests or investigations — that gives this claim any credibility.

Photos that supposedly support the claim are taken out of context or have been directly contradicted by the families involved.

We rate this Pants on Fire.
Last edited:
The Court lost no patience. It affirmed that the case is non-precedential, meaning that it isn't even worth citing in any future cases. There is no matter of law on which to rely as a basis for a proceeding at the Supreme Court(?). That is Likely what was put into the opinion of the three-judge panel. There is no dissent on which a Supreme Court Justice can rely: As a basis-source for a further proceeding.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Christian legacy leaves, "Lives Don't Matter," to "Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth(?)" Possibly street dogs or wolves or something. Matt 25: 14-30. The times were Roman Imperial era!)
So. Much. Winning.

Another court, this time an appeals court, has rejected trump's lies about the election.

trump lost again.

Wow I wonder if trump and his followers have gotten tired of all that "winning" yet?

From what I've read of this latest ruling, the judges have lost their patience with trump, his lawyers and all their lies.

Apparently the trump followers believe the same thing as trump, that just saying something makes it true. It doesn't.

trump will take it to the Supreme Court but since trump has no evidence of his claims, I find it very hard to believe the court will even take the case.

trump and all his followers better learn to say President Joe Biden.

Pedophile Joe Biden is far far more accurate.
Red herring bullshit logical fallacy. It in no way counters the argument that #Diaper Don legitimately got his ass kicked
So you are okay with a late night 4am ballot dump where the only mark on the ballot was for XiBiden, not one out of the 180,000 were for Trump? I guess with liberal thinking the prog masters can do anything even murder an innocent intern who blew the whistle on Bitch Donna Brazille who funneled answers to Nitlery to cheat over Commie Bernie...

So you are okay with a late night 4am ballot dump where the only mark on the ballot was for XiBiden

We're not okay with you parrroting such stupid, stupid lies. No honest person is.

Everything your cult has told you has been a lie. Normal people understand that. You, being a piss-chugging cult moron, don't. That's why your masters appreciate you. Of all of their Useful Idiots, you're the dumbest, and therefore the most useful to them. No matter how insane the conspiracy theories are, you still believe them, without even thinking of questioning. The cult said it, so in your mind, that settles it.

Now, run back to your masters, apply another coat of saliva to their boots and other parts, and then find out what they want you to parrot. Then run back here and tell us. After all, that's what you do. It's all you do.
Another court, this time an appeals court, has rejected trump's lies about the election.

trump lost again.

Wow I wonder if trump and his followers have gotten tired of all that "winning" yet?

From what I've read of this latest ruling, the judges have lost their patience with trump, his lawyers and all their lies.

Apparently the trump followers believe the same thing as trump, that just saying something makes it true. It doesn't.

trump will take it to the Supreme Court but since trump has no evidence of his claims, I find it very hard to believe the court will even take the case.

trump and all his followers better learn to say President Joe Biden.

Pedophile Joe Biden is far far more accurate.
‘Calling Vote Unfair Doesn't Make It So' – the courts need to tell that to Trump’s supporters as well.
Another court, this time an appeals court, has rejected trump's lies about the election.

trump lost again.

Wow I wonder if trump and his followers have gotten tired of all that "winning" yet?

From what I've read of this latest ruling, the judges have lost their patience with trump, his lawyers and all their lies.

Apparently the trump followers believe the same thing as trump, that just saying something makes it true. It doesn't.

trump will take it to the Supreme Court but since trump has no evidence of his claims, I find it very hard to believe the court will even take the case.

trump and all his followers better learn to say President Joe Biden.

Pedophile Joe Biden is far far more accurate.
Red herring bullshit logical fallacy. It in no way counters the argument that #Diaper Don legitimately got his ass kicked
So you are okay with a late night 4am ballot dump where the only mark on the ballot was for XiBiden, not one out of the 180,000 were for Trump? I guess with liberal thinking the prog masters can do anything even murder an innocent intern who blew the whistle on Bitch Donna Brazille who funneled answers to Nitlery to cheat over Commie Bernie...

View attachment 422251
Maybe they should have told the judge that story.
Another court, this time an appeals court, has rejected trump's lies about the election.

trump lost again.

Wow I wonder if trump and his followers have gotten tired of all that "winning" yet?

From what I've read of this latest ruling, the judges have lost their patience with trump, his lawyers and all their lies.

Apparently the trump followers believe the same thing as trump, that just saying something makes it true. It doesn't.

trump will take it to the Supreme Court but since trump has no evidence of his claims, I find it very hard to believe the court will even take the case.

trump and all his followers better learn to say President Joe Biden.

No, Trump never los. America lost/ Put out the call and the American
So you are okay with a late night 4am ballot dump where the only mark on the ballot was for XiBiden

We're not okay with you parrroting such stupid, stupid lies. No honest person is.

Everything your cult has told you has been a lie. Normal people understand that. You, being a piss-chugging cult moron, don't. That's why your masters appreciate you. Of all of their Useful Idiots, you're the dumbest, and therefore the most useful to them. No matter how insane the conspiracy theories are, you still believe them, without even thinking of questioning. The cult said it, so in your mind, that settles it.

Now, run back to your masters, apply another coat of saliva to their boots and other parts, and then find out what they want you to parrot. Then run back here and tell us. After all, that's what you do. It's all you do.
My, my, how brave the liberal boi's are when they hide behind their keyboards. Put out the damn call already. Real American patriots will fix this bs for all times.
Another court, this time an appeals court, has rejected trump's lies about the election.

trump lost again.

Wow I wonder if trump and his followers have gotten tired of all that "winning" yet?

From what I've read of this latest ruling, the judges have lost their patience with trump, his lawyers and all their lies.

Apparently the trump followers believe the same thing as trump, that just saying something makes it true. It doesn't.

trump will take it to the Supreme Court but since trump has no evidence of his claims, I find it very hard to believe the court will even take the case.

trump and all his followers better learn to say President Joe Biden.

Pedophile Joe Biden is far far more accurate.
Red herring bullshit logical fallacy. It in no way counters the argument that #Diaper Don legitimately got his ass kicked
So you are okay with a late night 4am ballot dump where the only mark on the ballot was for XiBiden, not one out of the 180,000 were for Trump? I guess with liberal thinking the prog masters can do anything even murder an innocent intern who blew the whistle on Bitch Donna Brazille who funneled answers to Nitlery to cheat over Commie Bernie...

View attachment 422251

You really should bring all your evidence to trump.

Thus far, he has presented ZERO evidence of his claims.

I would think if what you claim was true trump would know about it by now and have taken all that proof to court.

He has not.

In fact judges are getting ticked off with him. He has presented ZERO evidence.

You are just like trump. You apparently believe that just saying something makes it true. It doesn't.

Not one word of what you claim is honestly true. If it was, trump and his lawyers would have taken it with them to court as proof.

Wallow in your hatred. Wallow in your misery.

Get used to President Joe Biden for the next 4 years.

Another court, this time an appeals court, has rejected trump's lies about the election.

trump lost again.

Wow I wonder if trump and his followers have gotten tired of all that "winning" yet?

From what I've read of this latest ruling, the judges have lost their patience with trump, his lawyers and all their lies.

Apparently the trump followers believe the same thing as trump, that just saying something makes it true. It doesn't.

trump will take it to the Supreme Court but since trump has no evidence of his claims, I find it very hard to believe the court will even take the case.

trump and all his followers better learn to say President Joe Biden.

No, Trump never los. America lost/ Put out the call and the American
So you are okay with a late night 4am ballot dump where the only mark on the ballot was for XiBiden

We're not okay with you parrroting such stupid, stupid lies. No honest person is.

Everything your cult has told you has been a lie. Normal people understand that. You, being a piss-chugging cult moron, don't. That's why your masters appreciate you. Of all of their Useful Idiots, you're the dumbest, and therefore the most useful to them. No matter how insane the conspiracy theories are, you still believe them, without even thinking of questioning. The cult said it, so in your mind, that settles it.

Now, run back to your masters, apply another coat of saliva to their boots and other parts, and then find out what they want you to parrot. Then run back here and tell us. After all, that's what you do. It's all you do.
My, my, how brave the liberal boi's are when they hide behind their keyboards. Put out the damn call already. Real American patriots will fix this bs for all times.
What the hell are you blathering about. We would say the same thing to your face if we could. I have neighbors like you and I tell just how full of shit that they are. What exactly are you people going to fix? #Diaper Don lost . The people fired him. End of story.
Another court, this time an appeals court, has rejected trump's lies about the election.

trump lost again.

Wow I wonder if trump and his followers have gotten tired of all that "winning" yet?

From what I've read of this latest ruling, the judges have lost their patience with trump, his lawyers and all their lies.

Apparently the trump followers believe the same thing as trump, that just saying something makes it true. It doesn't.

trump will take it to the Supreme Court but since trump has no evidence of his claims, I find it very hard to believe the court will even take the case.

trump and all his followers better learn to say President Joe Biden.

Pedophile Joe Biden is far far more accurate.
Red herring bullshit logical fallacy. It in no way counters the argument that #Diaper Don legitimately got his ass kicked
So you are okay with a late night 4am ballot dump where the only mark on the ballot was for XiBiden, not one out of the 180,000 were for Trump? I guess with liberal thinking the prog masters can do anything even murder an innocent intern who blew the whistle on Bitch Donna Brazille who funneled answers to Nitlery to cheat over Commie Bernie...

View attachment 422251

You really should bring all your evidence to trump.

Thus far, he has presented ZERO evidence of his claims.

I would think if what you claim was true trump would know about it by now and have taken all that proof to court.

He has not.

In fact judges are getting ticked off with him. He has presented ZERO evidence.

You are just like trump. You apparently believe that just saying something makes it true. It doesn't.

Not one word of what you claim is honestly true. If it was, trump and his lawyers would have taken it with them to court as proof.

Wallow in your hatred. Wallow in your misery.

Get used to President Joe Biden for the next 4 years.

And then president Harris for the next 8!
Another court, this time an appeals court, has rejected trump's lies about the election.

trump lost again.

Wow I wonder if trump and his followers have gotten tired of all that "winning" yet?

From what I've read of this latest ruling, the judges have lost their patience with trump, his lawyers and all their lies.

Apparently the trump followers believe the same thing as trump, that just saying something makes it true. It doesn't.

trump will take it to the Supreme Court but since trump has no evidence of his claims, I find it very hard to believe the court will even take the case.

trump and all his followers better learn to say President Joe Biden.

Pedophile Joe Biden is far far more accurate.
‘Calling Vote Unfair Doesn't Make It So' – the courts need to tell that to Trump’s supporters as well.
When the Supreme Court decides who won, then i will accept the verdict...
Another court, this time an appeals court, has rejected trump's lies about the election.

trump lost again.

Wow I wonder if trump and his followers have gotten tired of all that "winning" yet?

From what I've read of this latest ruling, the judges have lost their patience with trump, his lawyers and all their lies.

Apparently the trump followers believe the same thing as trump, that just saying something makes it true. It doesn't.

trump will take it to the Supreme Court but since trump has no evidence of his claims, I find it very hard to believe the court will even take the case.

trump and all his followers better learn to say President Joe Biden.

Another court, this time an appeals court, has rejected trump's lies about the election.

trump lost again.

Wow I wonder if trump and his followers have gotten tired of all that "winning" yet?

From what I've read of this latest ruling, the judges have lost their patience with trump, his lawyers and all their lies.

Apparently the trump followers believe the same thing as trump, that just saying something makes it true. It doesn't.

trump will take it to the Supreme Court but since trump has no evidence of his claims, I find it very hard to believe the court will even take the case.

trump and all his followers better learn to say President Joe Biden.

Yeah...thats why countries all over the globe dont use electronic voting and mail in ballots. :cuckoo:
My, my, how brave the liberal boi's are when they hide behind their keyboards. Put out the damn call already.

Put out the call for what? What are you babbling about? I was merely pointing out to a particularly stupid and brainwashed Trump cultist that he was, indeed, profoundly stupid and brainwashed. I don't see how that relates to any "call".

Real American patriots will fix this bs for all times.

Well then, please tell us exactly how that will be accomplished. This should be funny.

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