Coupon Queen to beat all mother trucking Coupon Queens


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
All y'all jump in I just wanted a zingy thread title. I'm no better than any other real coupon player but let me pass on all the tricks of the trade I know.

Now though if you think this is in the wrong forum, because I'm not sure where to put this lets ask the mods to help us out.


What I found with coupons is the trick was with the multiples. If I could get one thing for free, go for ten or 20 and if you were already stocked up you're ahead of the game by a long shot.

Seriously, in a Bellvue Kroeger my husband is giving me shit because I wanted ketchup for 17 cents a bottle when I already had 20 at home that I got for 5 cents or whatever on another deal. Some guy looks at Rog and goes what??? I passed on the coupons. I started to get smart when I realized other people didn't get the game.

They give you free in the states. Even up here I've seen and heard so many "oh coupons are nothing".

Oh freaking really? I just walked into a store that gave me a $1.00 off surnami (you know the lobster flakes) but that they'd priced at $2.00 so I'm getting these babies at a buck a pack.

If you want to learn and anyone wants to jump in here and I can tell you how to get stuff for free LEGALLY I'll be more than happy to help you.



ps first I'll have to tell you how to organize yourself with the coupons.
Got any liquor coupons to share?


I'm in Canada. Our booze prices are way higher. That's why Screech goes so far. You can strip your furniture and get shit faced at the same time from the bloody fumes.

We made one really big humoungous mistake in Tennessee. We went up to Kentucky to buy cheaper beer. It was called Fall River Beer.

6 bucks for a two four. Finally what flagged us is that the beer didn't freeze (as canucks you don't have to use your fridge between Labour Day and Thanksgiving] and we had severe gastrointestinal repercussions.

Propylene glycol aka anti freeze right on the box. My husband is a U of T Science dude (I don't know this stuff and he scares the hell out of me everytime he reads a label).
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I'm having a lot of computer and line problems so hang in with me.

You have to have your coupon boxes really organized. I made mine in breakdowns of categories and then I made them alphabetical.

Let's take cleaning materials. You make this category "Cleaning Materials" and that's a no brainer but here's the trick. Break it down from there or you get lost in a quizzillion coupons.

Go from Dishes to Dishwasher to Shower to Toilet. Get my drift? And omgoodness it is so important to highlite expiry dates. And your cashier will love you to death for just highlighting the expiry date. And always but always leave your about to be expired coupons on a shelf for another.
Hi guys. Haven't forgotten about this thread.

My modem fried out last week and my old rescue cat headed off to rainbow bridge, so I'm trying to play catch up hockey around the house and yard and I will be back in to the thread next week to continue with coupon tips.

I've only been in enough to make smart ass comments in Politics, lol. Super left wing Libs keep me fired up to keep trucking on.
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I'm having a lot of computer and line problems so hang in with me.

You have to have your coupon boxes really organized. I made mine in breakdowns of categories and then I made them alphabetical.

Let's take cleaning materials. You make this category "Cleaning Materials" and that's a no brainer but here's the trick. Break it down from there or you get lost in a quizzillion coupons.

Go from Dishes to Dishwasher to Shower to Toilet. Get my drift? And omgoodness it is so important to highlite expiry dates. And your cashier will love you to death for just highlighting the expiry date. And always but always leave your about to be expired coupons on a shelf for another.

I used to use coupons several years back but just in a a hit or miss, here or there kind of way. Stopped getting the Sunday paper and stopped getting coupons and forgot about them. Until that Extreme Couponing show. Cripes. I guess there really are people who put in 60 hours and dumpster dive and all to get entire cart loads of hot sauce for next to nothing. I'm not one of them. BUT, it did peak my interest just enough that I resubscribed to the Sunday paper again and started paying attention. Ooooh, hold the coupons until the item is at it's lowest price then buy. If you happen to get more than one coupon buy as many items on sale as you have a coupon for. Duh, why didn't I think of that myself? Too busy with small kids trying to burn down the house I guess. lol

So I got myself a binder and some card holders and a system that works for me and I've been doing pretty well. Some weeks the deals are better than others (so are the coupons). I managed to snag 16 bags of coffee on a BOGO plus an additional .50 off per bag. Bought the price down from $5.69 to $1.77 per bag. Not too shabby. I've also signed up for RSS feeds from a few sites that list weekly sales/deals/coupons. I've always been the 'buy a lot of chicken when it's on sale and freeze it for later' type. Now I do it with nearly everything.

The most surprising learning curve was CVS (drug store chain). They have "extra bucks", basically store money (like Kohl's cash) that you can earn on certain items. Combining savings from my store card, mfg. coupons, and cvs coupons you can save on the initial item then get extra bucks back to purchase other items (you can also use mfgr. coupons and cvs coupons on these items). Once you get the hang of it? You can stockpile toothpaste, deodorant, body wash, hell even mayonnaise for super cheap or free.

Glad you started this thread, td. I must have missed it earlier.

So very sorry about your cat. How lucky were you to have him in your life though! I'll bet he had a terrific time here. :)
Got any liquor coupons to share?


I'm in Canada. Our booze prices are way higher. That's why Screech goes so far. You can strip your furniture and get shit faced at the same time from the bloody fumes.

We made one really big humoungous mistake in Tennessee. We went up to Kentucky to buy cheaper beer. It was called Fall River Beer.

6 bucks for a two four. Finally what flagged us is that the beer didn't freeze (as canucks you don't have to use your fridge between Labour Day and Thanksgiving] and we had severe gastrointestinal repercussions.

Propylene glycol aka anti freeze right on the box. My husband is a U of T Science dude (I don't know this stuff and he scares the hell out of me everytime he reads a label).
This is why I like Canadians.

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