Countdown to Obama Oct/Nov suprise


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
As he does worse in the debate, as he slips further behind in the polls as his jackass running mates continues to bark at the Moon, it because apparent that Obama's only hope is in his October surprise.

Given the limited attention span of the American people, it may well be that Obama launches his "surprise" in November. People just don't pay attention for any length of time and "Moderates" and "Independents" are just plain fucking stupid and react only to the last thing they see.

I think Obama waits until Halloween to launch it.
As he does worse in the debate, as he slips further behind in the polls as his jackass running mates continues to bark at the Moon, it because apparent that Obama's only hope is in his October surprise.

Given the limited attention span of the American people, it may well be that Obama launches his "surprise" in November. People just don't pay attention for any length of time and "Moderates" and "Independents" are just plain fucking stupid and react only to the last thing they see.

I think Obama waits until Halloween to launch it.

Aside from what will Probably be an Over Optimistic Last Monthly Jobs Report that will be corrected later.

My Guess would be Either a Strike in Libya, or if he is really Desperate perhaps even an attack on Iran.

One thing is clear to me, Obama want to keep his Power, and I see no reason to think he would not wag the Dog with a small war to try and win the Election.
It is amazing, but elections are decided by the 'undecideds' - the people who have the least interest in politics.

If I were Obama, I'd show off my daughters in tutus. Cuteness is sure to sway even the most hardcore undecideds.
Frank could have just said "#6!", and it would have been faster. You know, quoting from the "why Romney lost" excuse list.

1. Democratic vote fraud!
2. Suppressing the military vote!
3. Liberal media!
4. Rigged polls!
5. Too many welfare cases!
6. October/November surprise!
7. Black panther thugs!
Gallop has Romney up.

Not just up, up by 7, 5 more than the Margin of Error, and over 50%. First time either Candidate has been over 50% on Gallup.

Like several Talking Heads, and even some Dems on TV have said.

IF the Gallup poll is accurate. It's over, Romney will win.

The Poll by the Way was of Likely Voters, which is usually more accurate, and had a sample size of 2700 which is 2 to 3 Times larger than most polls out there.

It is also the Most Current Rolling Average going from the 11th to 17th of Oct.
Countdown to Obama Oct/Nov suprise

October 18, 2012


"A Virgina sheriff confirmed to TPM on Thursday that his office is investigating whether a man seen tossing completed voter registration forms into a dumpster is connected to the state Republican Party.

Rockingham County Sheriff Bryan Hutcheson (R) said his office may make an announcement about the case as soon as Thursday afternoon depending up the outcome of interviews conducted earlier in the day.

His office began investigating after the manager at a Tuesday Morning store in Harrisonburg, Va., allegedly spotted a man on Monday afternoon throwing eight voter registration forms into a dumpster behind the shopping center where he works."

Countdown to Obama Oct/Nov suprise

October 18, 2012


"A Virgina sheriff confirmed to TPM on Thursday that his office is investigating whether a man seen tossing completed voter registration forms into a dumpster is connected to the state Republican Party.

Rockingham County Sheriff Bryan Hutcheson (R) said his office may make an announcement about the case as soon as Thursday afternoon depending up the outcome of interviews conducted earlier in the day.

His office began investigating after the manager at a Tuesday Morning store in Harrisonburg, Va., allegedly spotted a man on Monday afternoon throwing eight voter registration forms into a dumpster behind the shopping center where he works."


Huh? I thought voter fraud didn't happen?

Anyways - word has it that Gloria Allred is involved in some sort of surprise.. Has the looks of a sleezy, dishonest attempt to set upright the sinking Obama ship. They will stop at nothing.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm an undecided voter who can still be swayed.

Too bad you're a traitor.

Supporting Romney is treason. Should he be elected, he will destroy America.

Is this the same Mitt Romney who was a Republican Governor of one of the most heavily Democratic and steadfastly liberal States in the country?

Destroy America? Your histrionics amuse me. Mitt Romney is a moderate who works well with those across the aisle. For some reason you think he's the second coming of David Dukes. Get a grip or get a clue...seriously...

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