Could Trump actually beat Hillary in a debate?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
All he ever offers are platitudes with no substance. While I don't agree with Hillary on anything I don't think Trump could best her on substance. She would constantly be able to use one phrase that would keep Trump perpetually in defense mode, "Remember when you said......*insert liberal positions here*"
All he ever offers are platitudes with no substance. While I don't agree with Hillary on anything I don't think Trump could best her on substance. She would constantly be able to use one phrase that would keep Trump perpetually in defense mode, "Remember when you said......*insert liberal positions here*"

If Megyn Kelly put fear into his heart then I hate to see what Hillary Clinton would do, and I wounder would he even debate her or just hold rallies and tell his supporters there is no need for a debate?
All he ever offers are platitudes with no substance. While I don't agree with Hillary on anything I don't think Trump could best her on substance. She would constantly be able to use one phrase that would keep Trump perpetually in defense mode, "Remember when you said......*insert liberal positions here*"

the answer is... no he can't. but that's fine... neither can any of the other GOP'ers.
Trump would lose and lose huge in a 1 on 1 presidential debate. You are going to need a Cruz or Paul to go toe to toe with Hillary and her tag team partner the leftist scum debate moderator.
All he ever offers are platitudes with no substance. While I don't agree with Hillary on anything I don't think Trump could best her on substance. She would constantly be able to use one phrase that would keep Trump perpetually in defense mode, "Remember when you said......*insert liberal positions here*"
My dog could beat Hillary in a debate.
All he ever offers are platitudes with no substance. While I don't agree with Hillary on anything I don't think Trump could best her on substance. She would constantly be able to use one phrase that would keep Trump perpetually in defense mode, "Remember when you said......*insert liberal positions here*"

Trump would have serious problems... He has created problems in a debate where you are right Clinton will just troll through...

But a bigger problem for trump is his history... He has a litany of beating up the little guys, being a bully. Clinton landry has been well aired and found wanting... There is no substance and eventually (after 6 weeks ) people as why are you talking about bullshit emails and not the economy. People start to ask what is your actual plan in details and that is when not only Trump has a problem but Cruz and Rubio have issues too... Cruz especially, he is hated even by his own side.
All he ever offers are platitudes with no substance. While I don't agree with Hillary on anything I don't think Trump could best her on substance. She would constantly be able to use one phrase that would keep Trump perpetually in defense mode, "Remember when you said......*insert liberal positions here*"

Trump would have serious problems... He has created problems in a debate where you are right Clinton will just troll through...

But a bigger problem for trump is his history... He has a litany of beating up the little guys, being a bully. Clinton landry has been well aired and found wanting... There is no substance and eventually (after 6 weeks ) people as why are you talking about bullshit emails and not the economy. People start to ask what is your actual plan in details and that is when not only Trump has a problem but Cruz and Rubio have issues too... Cruz especially, he is hated even by his own side.

That's why Cruz won Iowa with the largest number of votes in history. SMH
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All he ever offers are platitudes with no substance. While I don't agree with Hillary on anything I don't think Trump could best her on substance. She would constantly be able to use one phrase that would keep Trump perpetually in defense mode, "Remember when you said......*insert liberal positions here*"

the answer is... no he can't. but that's fine... neither can any of the other GOP'ers.
All he ever offers are platitudes with no substance. While I don't agree with Hillary on anything I don't think Trump could best her on substance. She would constantly be able to use one phrase that would keep Trump perpetually in defense mode, "Remember when you said......*insert liberal positions here*"

the answer is... no he can't. but that's fine... neither can any of the other GOP'ers.

you probably should keep drinking. you're going to be very unhappy come November.

there's still time for you wingers to pick someone who doesn't make the electorate gag.

oh wait.....
All he ever offers are platitudes with no substance. While I don't agree with Hillary on anything I don't think Trump could best her on substance. She would constantly be able to use one phrase that would keep Trump perpetually in defense mode, "Remember when you said......*insert liberal positions here*"

the answer is... no he can't. but that's fine... neither can any of the other GOP'ers.

you probably should keep drinking. you're going to be very unhappy come November.

there's still time for you wingers to pick someone who doesn't make the electorate gag.

oh wait.....

GOP turnout surged 50 percent, Democrats dropped nearly 30 percent in Iowa caucuses

Reality sucks huh?
Rubio or Cruz or Kasich or Christie could hold their own with Hillary.

Trump can't.
Hillary sat in front of Congress for hours on end and didn't even flinch. Congressmen get paid to debate,and practice on each other on a daily basis.

So yes, Clinton could, and will step on Donnie in a debate.
The GOP has the potential to DESTROY Hillary in the eventual up-coming debates. The only thing that could stop them will be their own refusal to bring everything in their arsenal out in the name of 'political correctness' and 'playing nice'.

The ads coming alone are going to hammer the crap out of her. Picture now Hillary Clinton arguing with Obama in the last election's debate about being the best one to be there to answer the infamous 2am hone call in the WH....then the image flashes to scenes of the compound in Benghazi being attacked while the narrator reminds Americans how for 13 HOURS HILLARY WAS CALLED....AND NEVER PICKED UP THE PHONE.

The Phone Call she never answered.

Telling the Ambassador and her daughter she KNEW the video had nothing to do with the attack yet lied to the American people...and called the grieving family members 'liars'

Giving the Russian Ambassador a plastic 'reset' plaque with the words 'Over-Charge' in Russian on it because Hillary and her staff were too incompetent to figure out what the Russian word for 'Reset' was

The failures around the world while she was Sect of State - ISIS invades Iraq, Al Qaeida takes over Libya, etc...

Her incompetence and inability to run an AGENCY, let alone the Govt

Her e-mail scandal and inability to / lack of desire to ensure the protection of our Natl security

4 Americans needlessly killed, more Americans around the world placed in harm's way because she had the names of our spies on an Un-Class server...

Taking money from nations that fund / support terrorism, that oppresses women, murders women for being raped, mutilates their genitalia, and nations that murder homosexuals...

FBI investigation for Corruption and crimes under the Espionage Act

Protecting a foreign donor, while Sect of State, who was caught violating US sanctions against Iran by running contraband to Iran - ensuring the guy / his company never got hit with fines, punishment...


The GOP is sitting on a 'treasure trove' of stuff just waiting for the up-coming one-on-one showdown. Hillary will be too busy defending her self FROM HERSELF to ever get around to talking about her twisted vision of America.
First of all, he would also be debating the moderator, but Trump would not lose to Hillary. She already got a taste of what Trump can do when she tried to play the gender card against him. She shut up immediately. Trump will exploit Hillary's baggage to a point where she would be afraid to say anything.
All he ever offers are platitudes with no substance. While I don't agree with Hillary on anything I don't think Trump could best her on substance. She would constantly be able to use one phrase that would keep Trump perpetually in defense mode, "Remember when you said......*insert liberal positions here*"

Ted Cruz nor Donald Trump could beat Hillary Clinton in a debate. They both talk in platitudes--and never directly answer a question or they'll try and change the topic.

In a one on one debate -- Hillary Clinton would run them through a paper shredder. She is a two time senator, former Secretary of State--they wouldn't be able to hold a candle to her knowledge and that would be evident within the first 3 minutes of any debate.
watch the RW candidates destroy each others credibility for the duration of the primary season, then debate Cliinton with what little they have left, if any at all.
That's the great thing about Hillary. No matter what the GOP candidates will do to each other, that 'treasure trove' of stuff to be used against Hillary.

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