Could this be the end of corporate control of our nation?


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Jan 4, 2015
Well, well, well! In spite of a huge lead initially in Iowa for Hillary Clinton, the result was a tie between her and Senator Sanders. And now looking at New Hampshire, Bernie Sanders has been highly popular there for decades and currently leads Clinton by double digits in the polls there.

So much for the Senator being unelectable!

Maybe, just maybe, this could signal the beginning of the end of corporate preselected candidates for our government.

What? You didn't know they were preselected even before voters knew they were running? Well, if you remember those secret "Bilderberg meetings" that investigators like Alex Jones were carefully watching, all recent Presidents have been seen attending. That includes Obama, the Clintons - as well as most Republican Presidential candidates who were considered front-runners. Our major American media outlets very obviously concentrated on these candidates who were acceptable to the corporate powers well before the election cycle started.

So, where is this strangle-hold on our government being broken? It started in Iowa and is building momentum. Bernie Sanders is strategically tapping into this pent up anger at the way things have been going now for so long against the people. Maybe Sanders is giving us the opportunity to finally restore the government back to the people!
Well, well, well! In spite of a huge lead initially in Iowa for Hillary Clinton, the result was a tie between her and Senator Sanders. And now looking at New Hampshire, Bernie Sanders has been highly popular there for decades and currently leads Clinton by double digits in the polls there.

So much for the Senator being unelectable!

Maybe, just maybe, this could signal the beginning of the end of corporate preselected candidates for our government.

What? You didn't know they were preselected even before voters knew they were running? Well, if you remember those secret "Bilderberg meetings" that investigators like Alex Jones were carefully watching, all recent Presidents have been seen attending. That includes Obama, the Clintons - as well as most Republican Presidential candidates who were considered front-runners. Our major American media outlets very obviously concentrated on these candidates who were acceptable to the corporate powers well before the election cycle started.

So, where is this strangle-hold on our government being broken? It started in Iowa and is building momentum. Bernie Sanders is strategically tapping into this pent up anger at the way things have been going now for so long against the people. Maybe Sanders is giving us the opportunity to finally restore the government back to the people!
Alex Jones. .WTF!
Well, well, well! In spite of a huge lead initially in Iowa for Hillary Clinton, the result was a tie between her and Senator Sanders. And now looking at New Hampshire, Bernie Sanders has been highly popular there for decades and currently leads Clinton by double digits in the polls there.

So much for the Senator being unelectable!

Maybe, just maybe, this could signal the beginning of the end of corporate preselected candidates for our government.

What? You didn't know they were preselected even before voters knew they were running? Well, if you remember those secret "Bilderberg meetings" that investigators like Alex Jones were carefully watching, all recent Presidents have been seen attending. That includes Obama, the Clintons - as well as most Republican Presidential candidates who were considered front-runners. Our major American media outlets very obviously concentrated on these candidates who were acceptable to the corporate powers well before the election cycle started.

So, where is this strangle-hold on our government being broken? It started in Iowa and is building momentum. Bernie Sanders is strategically tapping into this pent up anger at the way things have been going now for so long against the people. Maybe Sanders is giving us the opportunity to finally restore the government back to the people!
Alex Jones. .WTF!
I am not a big fan of Alex Jones, but he was one of the investigators who exposed The Bilderberg Group. Jones does go off the rails occasionally, like in his opinion of Bernie Sanders. Jones has blinders on for some issues like social justice. All social programs don't lead to communism!
Bernie has great passion and has identified the problems, but he can't change anything because he is working in a corrupt system (plus his solutions have some problems). The only way to end corporate control is to run an independent party with not just a Presidential candidate but also a complete group of Congresisonal and Senate candidates. You might want to check out for an interesting discussion of how to do this.
Bernie has great passion and has identified the problems, but he can't change anything because he is working in a corrupt system (plus his solutions have some problems). The only way to end corporate control is to run an independent party with not just a Presidential candidate but also a complete group of Congresisonal and Senate candidates. You might want to check out for an interesting discussion of how to do this.

Creating a new political party with enough citizens who will vote its candidates into office is an even bigger task than getting Bernie nominated as a Democrat.

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