Could someone please explain---


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
If William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet was a fictional story of 2 teenage lovers, then why is Juliet's tomb such a popular Verona tourist attraction? Was anyone laid to rest there when they died? If, so - - Whom??

If William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet was a fictional story of 2 teenage lovers, then why is Juliet's tomb such a popular Verona tourist attraction? Was anyone laid to rest there when they died? If, so - - Whom??

WS was a little to far up the scale for me. I was more into the bathroom wall literature.
If William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet was a fictional story of 2 teenage lovers, then why is Juliet's tomb such a popular Verona tourist attraction? Was anyone laid to rest there when they died? If, so - - Whom??

That is so cool and that is the one play of his that I can't stand. But, it's very, very cool. Like..........holy crap, IDK but I'm going to figure that one out.
If William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet was a fictional story of 2 teenage lovers, then why is Juliet's tomb such a popular Verona tourist attraction? Was anyone laid to rest there when they died? If, so - - Whom??

Purely a tourist site, as is Juliet's balcony.

The tomb site is located at the historic monastery grounds that was the only such place matching the location and description in the play. So it is like setting up a staged production scene to match the story.
If William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet was a fictional story of 2 teenage lovers, then why is Juliet's tomb such a popular Verona tourist attraction? Was anyone laid to rest there when they died? If, so - - Whom??

Purely a tourist site, as is Juliet's balcony.

The tomb site is located at the historic monastery grounds that was the only such place matching the location and description in the play. So it is like setting up a staged production scene to match the story.
It's only 4:30 am and you have totally taken out today's mystery. Thanks Em. Now I have a whole day with no mystery.
If William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet was a fictional story of 2 teenage lovers, then why is Juliet's tomb such a popular Verona tourist attraction? Was anyone laid to rest there when they died? If, so - - Whom??

Purely a tourist site, as is Juliet's balcony.

The tomb site is located at the historic monastery grounds that was the only such place matching the location and description in the play. So it is like setting up a staged production scene to match the story.
It's only 4:30 am and you have totally taken out today's mystery. Thanks Em.
In other news, on my FB group for Christian Anarchists I posted the idea of uniting multiple Parties on suing states to stop Democrats from abusing Govt to establish Statism, which violates beliefs of Libertarians and Constitutionalists and discriminates by Creed.

If even 3 people agree to take this up and pursue it, we could start the next big movement instead of full secession.

Looking up Juliet's Tomb was easy.

Trying to explain Constitutionalism to Anarchists who don't believe any govt should exist at all is a bit more of a mystery to address.

If we can get past the areas we disagree, and unite on a common lawsuit anyway, the publicity alone from uniting several political movements and parties on a common grievance against Govt abuses might be enough to spark reform and inspire change.

Let's see if these 4 a.m. posts have any impact on the greater cosmos....
If William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet was a fictional story of 2 teenage lovers, then why is Juliet's tomb such a popular Verona tourist attraction? Was anyone laid to rest there when they died? If, so - - Whom??

Purely a tourist site, as is Juliet's balcony.

The tomb site is located at the historic monastery grounds that was the only such place matching the location and description in the play. So it is like setting up a staged production scene to match the story.
It's only 4:30 am and you have totally taken out today's mystery. Thanks Em.
In other news, on my FB group for Christian Anarchists I posted the idea of uniting multiple Parties on suing states to stop Democrats from abusing Govt to establish Statism, which violates beliefs of Libertarians and Constitutionalists and discriminates by Creed.

If even 3 people agree to take this up and pursue it, we could start the next big movement instead of full secession.

Looking up Juliet's Tomb was easy.

Trying to explain Constitutionalism to Anarchists who don't believe any govt should exist at all is a bit more of a mystery to address.

If we can get past the areas we disagree, and unite on a common lawsuit anyway, the publicity alone from uniting several political movements and parties on a common grievance against Govt abuses might be enough to spark reform and inspire change.

Let's see if these 4 a.m. posts have any impact on the greater cosmos....

If some can ignore the Constitution and laws, all should be able to.
If William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet was a fictional story of 2 teenage lovers, then why is Juliet's tomb such a popular Verona tourist attraction? Was anyone laid to rest there when they died? If, so - - Whom??

Purely a tourist site, as is Juliet's balcony.

The tomb site is located at the historic monastery grounds that was the only such place matching the location and description in the play. So it is like setting up a staged production scene to match the story.
It's only 4:30 am and you have totally taken out today's mystery. Thanks Em.
In other news, on my FB group for Christian Anarchists I posted the idea of uniting multiple Parties on suing states to stop Democrats from abusing Govt to establish Statism, which violates beliefs of Libertarians and Constitutionalists and discriminates by Creed.

If even 3 people agree to take this up and pursue it, we could start the next big movement instead of full secession.

Looking up Juliet's Tomb was easy.

Trying to explain Constitutionalism to Anarchists who don't believe any govt should exist at all is a bit more of a mystery to address.

If we can get past the areas we disagree, and unite on a common lawsuit anyway, the publicity alone from uniting several political movements and parties on a common grievance against Govt abuses might be enough to spark reform and inspire change.

Let's see if these 4 a.m. posts have any impact on the greater cosmos....

If some can ignore the Constitution and laws, all should be able to.
As long as you still respect the rights and beliefs of neighbors based on consent.

Nobody wants their free will or rights to security, due process and protections violated by others.

That is natural law we are all under by nature of being human, having free will and conscience.

What we differ on is our language and beliefs for expressing and defending our principles.

I'm saying whether or not people use Constitutional, Christian or other laws or terms for expressing their beliefs, values and interests, consent or dissent, these beliefs people have should be defended equally for all people. By organizing in likeminded groups based on common beliefs, we can have self govt under relative systems without conflict, competition or compromise by other groups.

This is still within Constitutional laws of respecting "free exercise of religion" as long as people agree to uphold the same principles of due process and equal protections of other people and groups as we claim for ourselves.

That is still Equal Justice, by any other name.
If William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet was a fictional story of 2 teenage lovers, then why is Juliet's tomb such a popular Verona tourist attraction? Was anyone laid to rest there when they died? If, so - - Whom??

Purely a tourist site, as is Juliet's balcony.

The tomb site is located at the historic monastery grounds that was the only such place matching the location and description in the play. So it is like setting up a staged production scene to match the story.
It's only 4:30 am and you have totally taken out today's mystery. Thanks Em.
In other news, on my FB group for Christian Anarchists I posted the idea of uniting multiple Parties on suing states to stop Democrats from abusing Govt to establish Statism, which violates beliefs of Libertarians and Constitutionalists and discriminates by Creed.

If even 3 people agree to take this up and pursue it, we could start the next big movement instead of full secession.

Looking up Juliet's Tomb was easy.

Trying to explain Constitutionalism to Anarchists who don't believe any govt should exist at all is a bit more of a mystery to address.

If we can get past the areas we disagree, and unite on a common lawsuit anyway, the publicity alone from uniting several political movements and parties on a common grievance against Govt abuses might be enough to spark reform and inspire change.

Let's see if these 4 a.m. posts have any impact on the greater cosmos....

If some can ignore the Constitution and laws, all should be able to.
As long as you still respect the rights and beliefs of neighbors based on consent.

Nobody wants their free will or rights to security, due process and protections violated by others.

That is natural law we are all under by nature of being human, having free will and conscience.

What we differ on is our language and beliefs for expressing and defending our principles.

I'm saying whether or not people use Constitutional, Christian or other laws or terms for expressing their beliefs, values and interests, consent or dissent, these beliefs people have should be defended equally for all people. By organizing in likeminded groups based on common beliefs, we can have self govt under relative systems without conflict, competition or compromise by other groups.

This is still within Constitutional laws of respecting "free exercise of religion" as long as people agree to uphold the same principles of due process and equal protections of other people and groups as we claim for ourselves.

That is still Equal Justice, by any other name.

We are nowhere close to equality for all. I agree in the idea and support it but since we seem to not really want to practice it, I support it all falling apart.
In other news, on my FB group for Christian Anarchists I posted the idea of uniting multiple Parties on suing states to stop Democrats from abusing Govt to establish Statism, which violates beliefs of Libertarians and Constitutionalists and discriminates by Creed.
Why just pick on Democrats?
The Shakster rocks!

To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die, to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache
and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause. There's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office
and the spurns
That patient merit of th' unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
No traveller returns,
puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?

Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action. Soft you now!
The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remember'd.

Shrug, some things never change
Wow, if that story really is based upon something that really did take place, I never knew that and my freshman high school year is when I learned about it in English class.

God bless you always!!!

If William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet was a fictional story of 2 teenage lovers, then why is Juliet's tomb such a popular Verona tourist attraction? Was anyone laid to rest there when they died? If, so - - Whom??

Purely a tourist site, as is Juliet's balcony.

The tomb site is located at the historic monastery grounds that was the only such place matching the location and description in the play. So it is like setting up a staged production scene to match the story.
It's only 4:30 am and you have totally taken out today's mystery. Thanks Em.
In other news, on my FB group for Christian Anarchists I posted the idea of uniting multiple Parties on suing states to stop Democrats from abusing Govt to establish Statism, which violates beliefs of Libertarians and Constitutionalists and discriminates by Creed.

If even 3 people agree to take this up and pursue it, we could start the next big movement instead of full secession.

Looking up Juliet's Tomb was easy.

Trying to explain Constitutionalism to Anarchists who don't believe any govt should exist at all is a bit more of a mystery to address.

If we can get past the areas we disagree, and unite on a common lawsuit anyway, the publicity alone from uniting several political movements and parties on a common grievance against Govt abuses might be enough to spark reform and inspire change.

Let's see if these 4 a.m. posts have any impact on the greater cosmos....

Nope. Not doing it.

I was going to use the tomb to disassociate.

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