Coronavirus Shifts Trump to a 'Wartime' Footing


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
this is an excellent take from RCP -- as with everything else; the histrionic OMB shouts from progs and their sycophants in the media will backfire and blow up in their face

the nation will rally around the President in a time of crisis

we have already seen it with Governor Newsom in Cali

Trump is a master of working the media and controlling the narrative. He will come out stronger and more popular


Trump is now a wartime president, said Jason Miller, who served as communications director during the last general election. Pathogens are unlike partisans, and the response will define his presidency.

“This is a war unlike anything we’ve faced in American history,” Miller told RCP, “and it’s going to take an unconventional President who isn’t trapped by preconceived notions of doing things the way they’ve always been done to lead us through this.”

A president who keeps partisanship at the top of his mind and who seemed incapable of abandoning that predisposition, said Wednesday night it is time to “put politics aside.”
The next two or three weeks will tell the tale, if the virus "bell curve" is flat we won the war, if the number of infected explodes upward with many deaths, then we lost the war and its time to get ready for the fall battle.
One other thing this virus showed us is that moving so much manufacturing capacity to China was stupid. The US used to be a manufacturing powerhouse. Now we need to beg for stuff like toilet paper and antibiotics, as well as gloves, masks, etc.
this is an excellent take from RCP -- as with everything else; the histrionic OMB shouts from progs and their sycophants in the media will backfire and blow up in their face

the nation will rally around the President in a time of crisis

we have already seen it with Governor Newsom in Cali

Trump is a master of working the media and controlling the narrative. He will come out stronger and more popular


Trump is now a wartime president, said Jason Miller, who served as communications director during the last general election. Pathogens are unlike partisans, and the response will define his presidency.

“This is a war unlike anything we’ve faced in American history,” Miller told RCP, “and it’s going to take an unconventional President who isn’t trapped by preconceived notions of doing things the way they’ve always been done to lead us through this.”

A president who keeps partisanship at the top of his mind and who seemed incapable of abandoning that predisposition, said Wednesday night it is time to “put politics aside.”
Yup. We are a nation that quickly puts partisanship aside when it's time to come together. The Gov's of NY and Cali both went on record thanking Trump/Pence for backing their front line efforts all the way. This is the American Way.

The Fake News Clowns and Mouthy blame fixing idiots are simply showing the world that they are useless whiny idiots with no survival instinct.

The regular press conferences being held by the president, Vice President Pence, and the Coronavirus Task force show that the “White House Pandemic Office” was immediately open for business when the magnitude of the problem became known. Perhaps Team Trump would have gotten an earlier start if they weren’t also having to deal with impeachment:

Ronna McDaniel


· Mar 11, 2020
Since Democrats in Congress keep attacking @realDonaldTrump, let's compare records.

JAN 7:

CDC established a coronavirus incident management system, two days before China announced the outbreak.

Pelosi began Week 3 of withholding her sham impeachment articles. (1/8)

Ronna McDaniel


JAN 21:

The CDC activated its emergency operations center to provide ongoing support to confront coronavirus.

What were Congressional Democrats focused on?

Writing their opening arguments for their bogus impeachment trial. (2/8)

10:22 AM - Mar 11, 2020
this is an excellent take from RCP -- as with everything else; the histrionic OMB shouts from progs and their sycophants in the media will backfire and blow up in their face

the nation will rally around the President in a time of crisis

we have already seen it with Governor Newsom in Cali

Trump is a master of working the media and controlling the narrative. He will come out stronger and more popular


Trump is now a wartime president, said Jason Miller, who served as communications director during the last general election. Pathogens are unlike partisans, and the response will define his presidency.

“This is a war unlike anything we’ve faced in American history,” Miller told RCP, “and it’s going to take an unconventional President who isn’t trapped by preconceived notions of doing things the way they’ve always been done to lead us through this.”

A president who keeps partisanship at the top of his mind and who seemed incapable of abandoning that predisposition, said Wednesday night it is time to “put politics aside.”
Yup. We are a nation that quickly puts partisanship aside when it's time to come together. The Gov's of NY and Cali both went on record thanking Trump/Pence for backing their front line efforts all the way. This is the American Way.

The Fake News Clowns and Mouthy blame fixing idiots are simply showing the world that they are useless whiny idiots with no survival instinct.

The regular press conferences being held by the president, Vice President Pence, and the Coronavirus Task force show that the “White House Pandemic Office” was immediately open for business when the magnitude of the problem became known. Perhaps Team Trump would have gotten an earlier start if they weren’t also having to deal with impeachment:

Ronna McDaniel


· Mar 11, 2020
Since Democrats in Congress keep attacking @realDonaldTrump, let's compare records.

JAN 7:

CDC established a coronavirus incident management system, two days before China announced the outbreak.

Pelosi began Week 3 of withholding her sham impeachment articles. (1/8)

Ronna McDaniel


JAN 21:

The CDC activated its emergency operations center to provide ongoing support to confront coronavirus.

What were Congressional Democrats focused on?

Writing their opening arguments for their bogus impeachment trial. (2/8)

10:22 AM - Mar 11, 2020

Trump has much responsibility for this crisis!

this is an excellent take from RCP -- as with everything else; the histrionic OMB shouts from progs and their sycophants in the media will backfire and blow up in their face

the nation will rally around the President in a time of crisis

we have already seen it with Governor Newsom in Cali

Trump is a master of working the media and controlling the narrative. He will come out stronger and more popular


Trump is now a wartime president, said Jason Miller, who served as communications director during the last general election. Pathogens are unlike partisans, and the response will define his presidency.

“This is a war unlike anything we’ve faced in American history,” Miller told RCP, “and it’s going to take an unconventional President who isn’t trapped by preconceived notions of doing things the way they’ve always been done to lead us through this.”

A president who keeps partisanship at the top of his mind and who seemed incapable of abandoning that predisposition, said Wednesday night it is time to “put politics aside.”
Yup. We are a nation that quickly puts partisanship aside when it's time to come together. The Gov's of NY and Cali both went on record thanking Trump/Pence for backing their front line efforts all the way. This is the American Way.

The Fake News Clowns and Mouthy blame fixing idiots are simply showing the world that they are useless whiny idiots with no survival instinct.

The regular press conferences being held by the president, Vice President Pence, and the Coronavirus Task force show that the “White House Pandemic Office” was immediately open for business when the magnitude of the problem became known. Perhaps Team Trump would have gotten an earlier start if they weren’t also having to deal with impeachment:

Ronna McDaniel


· Mar 11, 2020
Since Democrats in Congress keep attacking @realDonaldTrump, let's compare records.

JAN 7:

CDC established a coronavirus incident management system, two days before China announced the outbreak.

Pelosi began Week 3 of withholding her sham impeachment articles. (1/8)

Ronna McDaniel


JAN 21:

The CDC activated its emergency operations center to provide ongoing support to confront coronavirus.

What were Congressional Democrats focused on?

Writing their opening arguments for their bogus impeachment trial. (2/8)

10:22 AM - Mar 11, 2020

Trump has much responsibility for this crisis!

Your crazed histronics aside we are all in this together.



The regular press conferences being held by the president, Vice President Pence, and the Coronavirus Task force show that the “White House Pandemic Office” was immediately open for business as the magnitude of the problem became known. Team Trump, undeterred by Dem's mindless impeachment were working to safeguard The American People while Crazed Pelosi and the Mad Democrat Congress were tilting at the Impeachment Windmill:

Since Democrats in Congress keep attacking @realDonaldTrump, let's compare records.

JAN 7:

CDC established a coronavirus incident management system, two days before China announced the outbreak.

At the same time Crazy Pelosi began Week 3 of withholding her sham impeachment articles.

JAN 21:

The CDC activated its emergency operations center to provide ongoing support to confront coronavirus.

What were Congressional Democrats focused on?

Writing their opening arguments for their bogus impeachment trial.

Now a lesser man than The Amazing Trump might have been knocked off stride, but lucky for the Dems their ignorant fecklessness will likely be swallowed up by Trump's boundless effectiveness as he arrays the unrivaled might of American Private and Public Sector against this enemy.
A president who keeps partisanship at the top of his mind and who seemed incapable of abandoning that predisposition, said Wednesday night it is time to “put politics aside.”
Trump immediately, as all but the dumbest of people expected, completely abandoned the effort to "put politics aside."
A president who keeps partisanship at the top of his mind and who seemed incapable of abandoning that predisposition, said Wednesday night it is time to “put politics aside.”
Trump immediately, as all but the dumbest of people expected, completely abandoned the effort to "put politics aside."
They are whining and blaming focused, Trump is solution focused.

While Trump was taking steps to protect this great nation, crazed Democrats were tilting at the impeachment windmill.

Since Democrats in Congress keep attacking @realDonaldTrump, let's compare records.

JAN 7:

CDC established a coronavirus incident management system, two days before China announced the outbreak.

Crazy Pelosi and began Week 3 of withholding her sham impeachment articles.

JAN 21:

The CDC activated its emergency operations center to provide ongoing support to confront coronavirus.

What were Congressional Democrats focused on?

Writing their opening arguments for their bogus impeachment trial!

When you folks come to your senses, you'll apologize, shut up, and join The American People meeting this crisis.

JAN 27: A tale of 2 press conferences.
outlined the administration's efforts to work with China to counter coronavirus.

Vile Chuck Schumer demanded that more time be wasted with new impeachment witnesses.

JAN 31:
initiated travel restrictions from China, which the experts have praised as a critical decision to slow the spread of coronavirus.

Democrat leaders called him “xenophobic” and “racist.”

FEB 9: The Trump administration’s Coronavirus Task Force met with governors to coordinate response efforts. Chuck Schumer was busy soliciting inspectors general to open NEW investigations into

MAR 2: The Trump administration secured commitments from top pharmaceutical companies to develop a vaccine to fight coronavirus. Democrats began "quietly discussing moving ahead with punishments for individuals who defied subpoenas" in the impeachment sham.
this is an excellent take from RCP -- as with everything else; the histrionic OMB shouts from progs and their sycophants in the media will backfire and blow up in their face

the nation will rally around the President in a time of crisis

we have already seen it with Governor Newsom in Cali

Trump is a master of working the media and controlling the narrative. He will come out stronger and more popular


Trump is now a wartime president, said Jason Miller, who served as communications director during the last general election. Pathogens are unlike partisans, and the response will define his presidency.

“This is a war unlike anything we’ve faced in American history,” Miller told RCP, “and it’s going to take an unconventional President who isn’t trapped by preconceived notions of doing things the way they’ve always been done to lead us through this.”

A president who keeps partisanship at the top of his mind and who seemed incapable of abandoning that predisposition, said Wednesday night it is time to “put politics aside.”
Yup. We are a nation that quickly puts partisanship aside when it's time to come together. The Gov's of NY and Cali both went on record thanking Trump/Pence for backing their front line efforts all the way. This is the American Way.

The Fake News Clowns and Mouthy blame fixing idiots are simply showing the world that they are useless whiny idiots with no survival instinct.

The regular press conferences being held by the president, Vice President Pence, and the Coronavirus Task force show that the “White House Pandemic Office” was immediately open for business when the magnitude of the problem became known. Perhaps Team Trump would have gotten an earlier start if they weren’t also having to deal with impeachment:

Ronna McDaniel


· Mar 11, 2020
Since Democrats in Congress keep attacking @realDonaldTrump, let's compare records.

JAN 7:

CDC established a coronavirus incident management system, two days before China announced the outbreak.

Pelosi began Week 3 of withholding her sham impeachment articles. (1/8)

Ronna McDaniel


JAN 21:

The CDC activated its emergency operations center to provide ongoing support to confront coronavirus.

What were Congressional Democrats focused on?

Writing their opening arguments for their bogus impeachment trial. (2/8)

10:22 AM - Mar 11, 2020

Trump has much responsibility for this crisis!

this is an excellent take from RCP -- as with everything else; the histrionic OMB shouts from progs and their sycophants in the media will backfire and blow up in their face

the nation will rally around the President in a time of crisis

we have already seen it with Governor Newsom in Cali

Trump is a master of working the media and controlling the narrative. He will come out stronger and more popular


Trump is now a wartime president, said Jason Miller, who served as communications director during the last general election. Pathogens are unlike partisans, and the response will define his presidency.

“This is a war unlike anything we’ve faced in American history,” Miller told RCP, “and it’s going to take an unconventional President who isn’t trapped by preconceived notions of doing things the way they’ve always been done to lead us through this.”

A president who keeps partisanship at the top of his mind and who seemed incapable of abandoning that predisposition, said Wednesday night it is time to “put politics aside.”
Yup. We are a nation that quickly puts partisanship aside when it's time to come together. The Gov's of NY and Cali both went on record thanking Trump/Pence for backing their front line efforts all the way. This is the American Way.

The Fake News Clowns and Mouthy blame fixing idiots are simply showing the world that they are useless whiny idiots with no survival instinct.

The regular press conferences being held by the president, Vice President Pence, and the Coronavirus Task force show that the “White House Pandemic Office” was immediately open for business when the magnitude of the problem became known. Perhaps Team Trump would have gotten an earlier start if they weren’t also having to deal with impeachment:

Ronna McDaniel


· Mar 11, 2020
Since Democrats in Congress keep attacking @realDonaldTrump, let's compare records.

JAN 7:

CDC established a coronavirus incident management system, two days before China announced the outbreak.

Pelosi began Week 3 of withholding her sham impeachment articles. (1/8)

Ronna McDaniel


JAN 21:

The CDC activated its emergency operations center to provide ongoing support to confront coronavirus.

What were Congressional Democrats focused on?

Writing their opening arguments for their bogus impeachment trial. (2/8)

10:22 AM - Mar 11, 2020

Trump has much responsibility for this crisis!


Medical Martial Law.
this is an excellent take from RCP -- as with everything else; the histrionic OMB shouts from progs and their sycophants in the media will backfire and blow up in their face

the nation will rally around the President in a time of crisis

we have already seen it with Governor Newsom in Cali

Trump is a master of working the media and controlling the narrative. He will come out stronger and more popular


Trump is now a wartime president, said Jason Miller, who served as communications director during the last general election. Pathogens are unlike partisans, and the response will define his presidency.

“This is a war unlike anything we’ve faced in American history,” Miller told RCP, “and it’s going to take an unconventional President who isn’t trapped by preconceived notions of doing things the way they’ve always been done to lead us through this.”

A president who keeps partisanship at the top of his mind and who seemed incapable of abandoning that predisposition, said Wednesday night it is time to “put politics aside.”
Yup. We are a nation that quickly puts partisanship aside when it's time to come together. The Gov's of NY and Cali both went on record thanking Trump/Pence for backing their front line efforts all the way. This is the American Way.

The Fake News Clowns and Mouthy blame fixing idiots are simply showing the world that they are useless whiny idiots with no survival instinct.

The regular press conferences being held by the president, Vice President Pence, and the Coronavirus Task force show that the “White House Pandemic Office” was immediately open for business when the magnitude of the problem became known. Perhaps Team Trump would have gotten an earlier start if they weren’t also having to deal with impeachment:

Ronna McDaniel


· Mar 11, 2020
Since Democrats in Congress keep attacking @realDonaldTrump, let's compare records.

JAN 7:

CDC established a coronavirus incident management system, two days before China announced the outbreak.

Pelosi began Week 3 of withholding her sham impeachment articles. (1/8)

Ronna McDaniel


JAN 21:

The CDC activated its emergency operations center to provide ongoing support to confront coronavirus.

What were Congressional Democrats focused on?

Writing their opening arguments for their bogus impeachment trial. (2/8)

10:22 AM - Mar 11, 2020

Trump has much responsibility for this crisis!


Medical Martial Law.
Won't be necessary in our nation of free people. Smart People with Good Information, make Good Decisions and take the Right Actions.
this is an excellent take from RCP -- as with everything else; the histrionic OMB shouts from progs and their sycophants in the media will backfire and blow up in their face

the nation will rally around the President in a time of crisis

we have already seen it with Governor Newsom in Cali

Trump is a master of working the media and controlling the narrative. He will come out stronger and more popular


Trump is now a wartime president, said Jason Miller, who served as communications director during the last general election. Pathogens are unlike partisans, and the response will define his presidency.

“This is a war unlike anything we’ve faced in American history,” Miller told RCP, “and it’s going to take an unconventional President who isn’t trapped by preconceived notions of doing things the way they’ve always been done to lead us through this.”

A president who keeps partisanship at the top of his mind and who seemed incapable of abandoning that predisposition, said Wednesday night it is time to “put politics aside.”
Yup. We are a nation that quickly puts partisanship aside when it's time to come together. The Gov's of NY and Cali both went on record thanking Trump/Pence for backing their front line efforts all the way. This is the American Way.

The Fake News Clowns and Mouthy blame fixing idiots are simply showing the world that they are useless whiny idiots with no survival instinct.

The regular press conferences being held by the president, Vice President Pence, and the Coronavirus Task force show that the “White House Pandemic Office” was immediately open for business when the magnitude of the problem became known. Perhaps Team Trump would have gotten an earlier start if they weren’t also having to deal with impeachment:

Ronna McDaniel


· Mar 11, 2020
Since Democrats in Congress keep attacking @realDonaldTrump, let's compare records.

JAN 7:

CDC established a coronavirus incident management system, two days before China announced the outbreak.

Pelosi began Week 3 of withholding her sham impeachment articles. (1/8)

Ronna McDaniel


JAN 21:

The CDC activated its emergency operations center to provide ongoing support to confront coronavirus.

What were Congressional Democrats focused on?

Writing their opening arguments for their bogus impeachment trial. (2/8)

10:22 AM - Mar 11, 2020

Trump has much responsibility for this crisis!


Medical Martial Law.
Won't be necessary in our nation of free people. Smart People with Good Information, make Good Decisions and take the Right Actions.

We'll see.
this is an excellent take from RCP -- as with everything else; the histrionic OMB shouts from progs and their sycophants in the media will backfire and blow up in their face

the nation will rally around the President in a time of crisis

we have already seen it with Governor Newsom in Cali

Trump is a master of working the media and controlling the narrative. He will come out stronger and more popular


Trump is now a wartime president, said Jason Miller, who served as communications director during the last general election. Pathogens are unlike partisans, and the response will define his presidency.

“This is a war unlike anything we’ve faced in American history,” Miller told RCP, “and it’s going to take an unconventional President who isn’t trapped by preconceived notions of doing things the way they’ve always been done to lead us through this.”

A president who keeps partisanship at the top of his mind and who seemed incapable of abandoning that predisposition, said Wednesday night it is time to “put politics aside.”
Yup. We are a nation that quickly puts partisanship aside when it's time to come together. The Gov's of NY and Cali both went on record thanking Trump/Pence for backing their front line efforts all the way. This is the American Way.

The Fake News Clowns and Mouthy blame fixing idiots are simply showing the world that they are useless whiny idiots with no survival instinct.

The regular press conferences being held by the president, Vice President Pence, and the Coronavirus Task force show that the “White House Pandemic Office” was immediately open for business when the magnitude of the problem became known. Perhaps Team Trump would have gotten an earlier start if they weren’t also having to deal with impeachment:

Ronna McDaniel


· Mar 11, 2020
Since Democrats in Congress keep attacking @realDonaldTrump, let's compare records.

JAN 7:

CDC established a coronavirus incident management system, two days before China announced the outbreak.

Pelosi began Week 3 of withholding her sham impeachment articles. (1/8)

Ronna McDaniel


JAN 21:

The CDC activated its emergency operations center to provide ongoing support to confront coronavirus.

What were Congressional Democrats focused on?

Writing their opening arguments for their bogus impeachment trial. (2/8)

10:22 AM - Mar 11, 2020

Trump has much responsibility for this crisis!


Medical Martial Law.
Won't be necessary in our nation of free people. Smart People with Good Information, make Good Decisions and take the Right Actions.

If that was the case there would not be a shortage of TP for a virus that has no known intestinal issues associated with it.
Yup. We are a nation that quickly puts partisanship aside when it's time to come together. The Gov's of NY and Cali both went on record thanking Trump/Pence for backing their front line efforts all the way. This is the American Way.

The Fake News Clowns and Mouthy blame fixing idiots are simply showing the world that they are useless whiny idiots with no survival instinct.

The regular press conferences being held by the president, Vice President Pence, and the Coronavirus Task force show that the “White House Pandemic Office” was immediately open for business when the magnitude of the problem became known. Perhaps Team Trump would have gotten an earlier start if they weren’t also having to deal with impeachment:

Ronna McDaniel


· Mar 11, 2020
Since Democrats in Congress keep attacking @realDonaldTrump, let's compare records.

JAN 7:

CDC established a coronavirus incident management system, two days before China announced the outbreak.

Pelosi began Week 3 of withholding her sham impeachment articles. (1/8)

Ronna McDaniel


JAN 21:

The CDC activated its emergency operations center to provide ongoing support to confront coronavirus.

What were Congressional Democrats focused on?

Writing their opening arguments for their bogus impeachment trial. (2/8)

10:22 AM - Mar 11, 2020

Trump has much responsibility for this crisis!


Medical Martial Law.
Won't be necessary in our nation of free people. Smart People with Good Information, make Good Decisions and take the Right Actions.

If that was the case there would not be a shortage of TP for a virus that has no known intestinal issues associated with it.

LOL. True that.

There wouldn't be a chicken little panic sell-off of securities either.
Trump has much responsibility for this crisis!


Medical Martial Law.
Won't be necessary in our nation of free people. Smart People with Good Information, make Good Decisions and take the Right Actions.

If that was the case there would not be a shortage of TP for a virus that has no known intestinal issues associated with it.

LOL. True that.

There wouldn't be a chicken little panic sell-off of securities either.
The market has been built on stock buybacks which probably just ended.


We could have major buying opportunities very quickly for those that have cash reserves.

Medical Martial Law.
Won't be necessary in our nation of free people. Smart People with Good Information, make Good Decisions and take the Right Actions.

If that was the case there would not be a shortage of TP for a virus that has no known intestinal issues associated with it.

LOL. True that.

There wouldn't be a chicken little panic sell-off of securities either.
The market has been built on stock buybacks which probably just ended.


We could have major buying opportunities very quickly for those that have cash reserves.

Yep, as always the rich will get much richer
A president who keeps partisanship at the top of his mind and who seemed incapable of abandoning that predisposition, said Wednesday night it is time to “put politics aside.”
Trump immediately, as all but the dumbest of people expected, completely abandoned the effort to "put politics aside."
They are whining and blaming focused, Trump is solution focused.

While Trump was taking steps to protect this great nation, crazed Democrats were tilting at the impeachment windmill.

Since Democrats in Congress keep attacking @realDonaldTrump, let's compare records.

JAN 7:

CDC established a coronavirus incident management system, two days before China announced the outbreak.

Crazy Pelosi and began Week 3 of withholding her sham impeachment articles.

JAN 21:

The CDC activated its emergency operations center to provide ongoing support to confront coronavirus.

What were Congressional Democrats focused on?

Writing their opening arguments for their bogus impeachment trial!

When you folks come to your senses, you'll apologize, shut up, and join The American People meeting this crisis.

JAN 27: A tale of 2 press conferences.
outlined the administration's efforts to work with China to counter coronavirus.

Vile Chuck Schumer demanded that more time be wasted with new impeachment witnesses.

JAN 31:
initiated travel restrictions from China, which the experts have praised as a critical decision to slow the spread of coronavirus.

Democrat leaders called him “xenophobic” and “racist.”

FEB 9: The Trump administration’s Coronavirus Task Force met with governors to coordinate response efforts. Chuck Schumer was busy soliciting inspectors general to open NEW investigations into

MAR 2: The Trump administration secured commitments from top pharmaceutical companies to develop a vaccine to fight coronavirus. Democrats began "quietly discussing moving ahead with punishments for individuals who defied subpoenas" in the impeachment sham.

So where are all the test kits?

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