Coronavirus Australia: The debate over when to reduce restrictions around schools is a minefield


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
It’s hard to pinpoint the exact moment that the debate on schools, kids, and COVID-19 in Australia descended into complete hysteria.

One minute the kids in my suburb were enjoying a few weeks of sunshine after smoke blanketed the city and closed the highway out to the beach.

The next, the coronavirus appeared on the horizon and parents seemed to divide into warring camps of those who wanted kids to stay at school and those calling for shutdowns.

We are not the only people that have gone right over the edge.
It is indeed.

I have a son in year 9 and am conflicted.

Australia has done really well, WA really well but we really do not understand this virus yet. There is debate if there can be any meaningful immunity once contracted, how it is spread is still not fully understood and we have seen in countries like Singapore that did really well at first, new and serious virus spikes.

I reckon though Australia has done well this may be a year long battle with upsides and downsides.

I would wait a month or so more before massive school openings, in the age of the internet they can learn, though not as well, from home.

Just my two cents.

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