Coronavirus, Article from "WEB-MD"

Chuz Life

Gold Member
Jun 18, 2015
A coronavirus is a kind of common virus that causes an infection in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat. Most coronaviruses aren't dangerous.

What Is a Coronavirus?
Coronaviruses were first identified in the 1960s, but we don't know where they come from. They get their name from their crown-like shape. Sometimes, but not often, a coronavirus can infect both animals and humans.

Most coronaviruses spread the same way other cold-causing viruses do: through infected people coughing and sneezing, by touching an infected person's hands or face, or by touching things such as doorknobs that infected people have touched.

Almost everyone gets a coronavirus infection at least once in their life, most likely as a young child. In the United States, coronaviruses are more common in the fall and winter, but anyone can come down with a coronavirus infection at any time.

Severe coronavirus outbreaks include:

  • COVID-19: In early 2020, after a December 2019 outbreak in China, the World Health Organization (WHO) identified a new type, 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), which can be fatal. The organization named the virus severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and named the disease it causes COVID-19. The outbreak quickly moved from China around the world.
Common Symptoms of Coronavirus
The symptoms of most coronaviruses are similar to any other upper respiratory infection, including runny nose, coughing, sore throat, and sometimes a fever. In most cases, you won't know whether you have a coronavirus or a different cold-causing virus, such as rhinovirus.

You could get lab tests, including nose and throat cultures and blood work, to find out whether your cold was caused by a coronavirus, but there's no reason to. The test results wouldn't change how you treat your symptoms, which typically go away in a few days.

But if a coronavirus infection spreads to the lower respiratory tract (your windpipe and your lungs), it can cause pneumonia, especially in older people, people with heart disease, or people with weakened immune systems

It appears that Trump has infiltrated Web-Md and forced them into posting "no need to panic" propaganda!
People are dying, Trump is playing Golf..

He should be out there handing out test kits personally, right? Maybe the president should be covering this entire problem top to bottom on his own, rather than, you know, just being the president. That seems reasonable.
He should be out there handing out test kits personally, right? Maybe the president should be covering this entire problem top to bottom on his own, rather than, you know, just being the president. That seems reasonable.

Fiddling while Rome Burns... do you know why that still resonates as bad management 2000 years later?

Yes, Trump should be in Washington, not making Pence the fall guy when this whole thing goes south.
Like you really give a fuck about life.

I care about getting Trump out of office because he isn't up to managing a crisis like this.

Three years of playing America on Easy Mode. Now we have a major outbreak and the markets are crashing and burning.

I told you so.

Huff Poo verses Web-Md. . .

The only "crisis" we face is the one being manufactured in leftarded circles like the ones you participate in.
I care about getting Trump out of office because he isn't up to managing a crisis like this.

Your reasoning changes with each new outrage. You want Trump out because he's a loud Republican that has been more successful than you thought he would be and you hate it.
Huff Poo verses Web-Md. . .

The only "crisis" we face is the one being manufactured in leftarded circles like the ones you participate in.

WebMD is why all the crazy Aunts thinks they have "Disease of the week".

Trump mismanaged this crisis from the first reported case. The markets are crashing, a recession is coming and Trump is done.

Hello, President Biden.
Your reasoning changes with each new outrage. You want Trump out because he's a loud Republican that has been more successful than you thought he would be and you hate it.

You mean it took longer for him to fuck things up than I thought? Um. Yeah. He still fucked things up, though.

Here's the thing. We should have gotten rid of him when we found out he was throwing kids into concentration camps, or when we found out he was trying to rig the election. But a lot of people didn't care, because, hey, the market's good.

Now the market ain't so good anymore.
Your reasoning changes with each new outrage. You want Trump out because he's a loud Republican that has been more successful than you thought he would be and you hate it.

You mean it took longer for him to fuck things up than I thought? Um. Yeah. He still fucked things up, though.

Here's the thing. We should have gotten rid of him when we found out he was throwing kids into concentration camps, or when we found out he was trying to rig the election. But a lot of people didn't care, because, hey, the market's good.

Now the market ain't so good anymore.

Logical thinkers can see by the sheer numbers (in perspective) that the crisis (sic) is purely manufactured by the left.

More people will be killed by drunk drivers this year, then there will be killed by Corona Virus.

That said, it is a problem that must be dealt with and it IS being dealt with.

I would rather a President that keeps calm and keeps things in perspective, than a fuctarded wannabe that can't even remember which office he is running for.
Logical thinkers can see by the sheer numbers (in perspective) that the crisis (sic) is purely manufactured by the left.

More people will be killed by drunk drivers this year, then there will be killed by Corona Virus.

That said, it is a problem that must be dealt with and it IS being dealt with.

I would rather a President that keeps calm and keeps things in perspective, than a fuctarded wannabe that can't even remember which office he is running for.

Dow down 2013 points yesterday... you think all those people aren't "logical"? They are probably richer than you are.

These very logical people who probably know more than you do have looked at Trump's response and found it wanting.
We should have gotten rid of him when we found out he was throwing kids into concentration camps

Have you ever seen actual pictures of the detention centers where children were held? You have completely discredited yourself as a reasonable person with this comment alone.

Tell me, if two drug dealing American parents were to get arrested, would you be outraged when their children were taken into state custody? Those kids had no other caregivers. When their parents were detained for breaking the law something had to be done with them, unless you think we should have just left the kids out on the street. Concentration camps, wow. You are a partisan hack through and through.
It appears that Trump has infiltrated Web-Md and forced them into posting "no need to panic" propaganda!

People are dying, Trump is playing Golf..

So much for being "Pro-Life".

obama played golf when people died - Yahoo Search Results

But, but, but OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOObama... the last sad cry of a Trump Cultist.


after all this time, you still calling me a Trump cultist?

Can you show me ONE post during any of those times that you berated Obama for golfing?

Or, won't your TDS allow you to do that?

Or is it TDS?

did you whine about Bush golfing when there was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING he could do about the situation?

Maybe it's Republican Derangement Syndrome?

Bet you went nuts when Bush said, "now, watch this drive".
Have you ever seen actual pictures of the detention centers where children were held? Y

I've seen staged pictures of them without any people in them. I'm sure Dr. Goebbels made Dachau look like it wasn't so bad, either.

But this is off topic.. the main problem is that most Germans didn't care about Concentration camps. They only turned on Hitler when Hitler lost the war.

Just like Americans are only finally turning on Trump now that they are terrified of catching Covid-19 while watching their nest eggs evaporate.

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