Corona Leak: explosive information from the German Ministry of the Interior. Anything about Covid-19 is a lie!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Anything is a lie, western governements deliberately destroyed economies, murdered hundred of thousands ill peoples and force us to the deadly 'vaccine'


1. Western peoples shall stand up to the gang of criminals ( Merkel, Macron, Conte & Co ) and take countries back.
2. All parties supported Covid-19 crime shall be prohibited
3. All those who are guilty on the biggest crime in the history shall be tried by tribunal
4. The function of states shall be minimized, at best to zero. Taxation so less as possible.
5. It shall be prohibited to own more as one media unit, no corporate medias anymore
6. Only competent politicians shall run offices, no more as two times in life time, no carrier politicians anymore
7. Police shall be completely renewed.
8. The US second amendment in all western Constitutions.
9. The wealth of Bill Getes & Co shall be expropriated and destributed among victims of Covid-19 Fake pandemic
10. And the most important. The new system shall be established, no one cretin shall be allowed go to politic.

By EUGEN PRINZ | Bang from the Federal Ministry of the Interior! As TICHYS EINBLICK reports, the head of the KM4 (Critical Infrastructure Protection) department in the Federal Ministry of the Interior has prepared an 86-page medical damage analysis of the shutdown and has come to an alarming conclusion:

"The observable effects and impacts of COVID-19 do not provide sufficient evidence that it is more than a false alarm - in terms of health effects on society as a whole".

"The collateral damage is now greater than the perceived benefit."

Furthermore, the head of unit notes that the supposed protective measures are currently causing further serious damage every day, material and health-related - up to a large number of avoidable deaths.

What enables the official to make his analysis?

Although the head of unit is not a member of the Corona crisis unit, he has access to all relevant data, as it is the task of his unit to evaluate the state protective measures for critical areas that are vital for survival, such as health protection. In fact, his unit checks the work of the other units of the Ministry and its officials, an internal audit, to a certain extent.

No interest of the Ministry in a damage analysis

As TICHYS EINBLICK further reports, the head of unit had suggested to his superiors some time ago to prepare an analysis of the damage of the corona protection measures introduced. Not only did he fall on deaf ears, but he was even threatened with consequences if he pursued the matter further. Thereupon the high official turned to Gunter Frank, a physician and guest author on TICHYS EINBLICK, who had already published several articles on the topic "COVID-19".

Frank then established contact with helpful professional colleagues - from university institute directors to clinic directors - who supported the official with their expertise and their entire medical network in the preparation of the damage analysis. It should be noted that this analysis is only concerned with the medical consequences of the shutdown, not the economic ones. These will be added to the list.

The shocking result of the paper is quoted on TICHYS EINBLICK as follows:

"The damage, from a purely medical standpoint, will be far greater than Corona could ever have caused. Of course, the economic, social and political damage is also connected with this. Everything is mutually dependent, but this paper was mainly concerned with the medical side, such as the 2.5 million operations, further treatment, early detection or care restrictions not carried out during the corona months".

More specifically:

"The expected mortality rate cannot be seriously estimated; experts assume that there are figures between less than 5,000 and up to 125,000 patients who will/will die due to the postponed operations".

And that was just what happened in the hospitals and clinics. Now we come to the nursing homes. Here the analysis says this:

"The forced reduction in levels in March and April of 2020 (probably) caused premature deaths. With 3.5 million people in need of nursing care, an additional death rate of one tenth of a percent would mean an additional 3,500 deaths. Whether this is more or less is not known for lack of more precise estimates".

In the paper, the author also points out that ten times as many people have died in the flu epidemics of recent years as have died of Corona. He also strongly criticizes the Robert Koch Institute. The paper also describes in detail how the corona error occurred and where the systemic error lies in the decision-making processes. All this leads to this devastating summary:

"Crisis management and political decision-makers could cause gigantic avoidable damage to our society, which could far exceed the potential of the Coranavirus and cause unimaginable suffering. The stability of our community and the existence of our state order could be endangered. The state could face heavy demands for compensation for manifestly wrong decisions."

Now the question arises whether the Federal Ministry of the Interior has ever considered what damage the shutdowns actually do to you. The dossier also provides an answer to this question:

"At no meeting was the total cost of the protection measures or the need for new borrowing discussed, nor was the impact on the economy and labour market development. Neither was the collateral damage to health (including deaths) an issue".

Hard to believe, but true.

The head of department now asked his superiors to present the analysis he had prepared to Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer - in vain. The request was rejected without an examination of the content of the document. Thereupon, the head of unit sent it to the interior ministries of the federal states through official channels on the afternoon of 8 May 2020.

Professional end for the head of unit

The reaction of his superiors was not long in coming. The official was immediately put on leave and is now facing a career end. A department head of the Federal Ministry of the Interior sent the following lines to all addressees of the damage analysis:

"I would like to point out that the present paper was written by an individual employee. The employee was neither involved in the crisis team, nor was he commissioned or authorised to prepare or publish such an analysis. It reflects his private opinion, not that of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Homeland Affairs".

It's not about health anymore, only appearances

This shows that the fear also expressed in the paper is true that the decisive protective goal of national crisis management is no longer the safety and health of the population, but the credibility and acceptance of government parties and members of government.

Or, to put it even more clearly: they now know full well that the shutdown will do more harm than good, but they are still going ahead to keep up appearances. And the mainstream press is working hard, not wanting to lose its media cash cow.

It must be pointed out that the analysis is not a product for public relations, but an internal report. The head of unit looked at the situation solely from the perspective of his area of responsibility, that is, the strategic protection of critical infrastructures. It was not at all his intention that the paper should be made public.

So what happens next? That depends entirely on whether the Federal Ministry of the Interior succeeds in portraying the man as an incompetent nutcase who gave his unauthorized, unfounded opinion and keeping the matter out of the media, especially the BILD.

Honour to whom honour is due

In conclusion: Honour to whom honour is due! This article is a summary of the most important information from three contributions to the dossier on TICHYS EINBLICK. PI-NEWS only quoted from them, the corona damage analysis is exclusively available on TICHYS EINBLICK. You can read the facts in detail here, here and here.

There is no difference between cretins from below and MPs in western parliaments who support the Fake Pandemic

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I have to tell you, I wish what you were saying is true ... just so I could see that look on your face.

I guess I just have to be satisfied with the fact that you really believe it is true.
I have to tell you, I wish what you were saying is true ... just so I could see that look on your face.

I guess I just have to be satisfied with the fact that you really believe it is true.

Just one question:

Why we must trust our 'governments', mostly corrupted good-for-nothing lying satanistic Freemasons who only rob, lie and cheat us.
After the Fake Corona Pandemic western folks shall make freemasonry, satanism, socialism and modern political systems illegal.

All constitutions shall be rewritten, where as the first article shall be stipulated a death sentence to anyone, who tries to pervert the meaning of articles.

Free market, freedom, no government, obligatory gun possession to any citizen to protect themselves against new dictators.

Germany today for example:

Merkel Gang prohibits citizens keep in hand German Constitution.

All 'polizists' who support NWO Fascist Corona Dictatorship shall be tried by tribunal soon.

All Merkel fascist 'cops' who persecute today citizens shall be sued for the high treason later.
They are paid by citizens, not by criminal Merkel Gang

"Not suitable for medical purposes or personal protection"

By wearing dumb muzzles Merkel wants to destroy your psyche and to make from you a slave.
It is the sign you approve Merkel and you will accept her 'vaccine' which later kills you.


Yep, you're still nuts.

We are not slaves of NWO and we want to have our freedom back!

If you believe there is a nefarious New World Order that is controlling your life, you are a slave to conspiracy theories, and a little nuts.

Do you have a psychiatric problem? Nothing what you say has anything to do with reality.
Sounds funny coming from you...

Says a drunken Nazi-Milchreisbubele on his way to jail? You are as absurde as Baron. By the way: Why do you use such an unbelievable amount of energy to waste your own life?

Dackelfreunde raus!

"Dackelfreunde raus?" ... You have absolutelly not any idea about real Germans, Nazi. ...

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Do you have a psychiatric problem? Nothing what you say has anything to do with reality.
Sounds funny coming from you...

Says a drunken Nazi-Milchreisbubele on his way to jail? You are as absurde as Baron. By the way: Why do you use such an unbelievable amount of energy to waste your own life?

Dackelfreunde raus!

"Dackelfreunde raus?" ... You have absolutelly not any idea about real Germans, Nazi. ...


"Not suitable for medical purposes or personal protection"

By wearing dumb muzzles Merkel wants to destroy your psyche and to make from you a slave.
It is the sign you approve Merkel and you will accept her 'vaccine' which later kills you.


Yep, you're still nuts.

We are not slaves of NWO and we want to have our freedom back!

If you believe there is a nefarious New World Order that is controlling your life, you are a slave to conspiracy theories, and a little nuts.

Any sane human knows who run the World and we are are prohibited talking about

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