Corey Stingley: The Next Trayvon Martin. No Justice, No Peace!


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
[ame=]Surveillance video: Corey Stingley - YouTube[/ame]

Corey Stingley: The Next Trayvon Martin

By Publius1787

Only a year younger than the recently sainted Trayvon Martin, Corey Stingley was just "tryin' to get his drink on" when he attempted pursue his entitlement to a five finger discount of vodka from a local Milwaukee convenience store. Brandishing his gang colors around his forehead, and having shoved the 6 miniature sized bottles into his book bag, he then grabbed a Red Bull, so as not to make the cashier suspicious upon check out.

The clerk, who was obviously not practicing the standard racial profiling techniques that could have prevented the impending crisis, became suspicious and demanded to see the contents of the bag. Upon opening the bag the young boy knew he was caught and the clerk wasn't exactly in the mood for reparations. Sensing this, the young lad decided to demonstrate his track skills and make a run for it.

The thug in training didn't get far before one of the other clerks snatched him up. Violently resisting detention, he struggled to prevent his white (Arab?) oppressors from turning him in to the poe poe. Try as he did and struggle as he might, he was determined to smell the sweet air of freedom. That determination certainly persisted, as did that of his white oppressors, and thus, he endured until he could no further amid a strangle hold that would take his life.

The poe poe did their investigation and concluded that no charges should be filed, as there was no intent to murder the young angel. A tragedy, for sure, but how would his father take it?

Naturally, his father contacted the race hustlers at the NAACP and Eric Holders Justice Department, the latter of the two he did before the poe poe had concluded their investigation. Outraged by the favor the clerks did for the law abiding citizens of the community, the melanin abundant took to the streets. "No Justice, No Peace!" They shouted as they marched, dawning their Corey tee's in righteously entitled indignation and raising their black power fists.

Seeing an opportunity for fame, and perhaps a book deal, the thugs father took to the cameras. “My son was brutally murdered. This wasn’t restraint. This was murder,” he told Fox 6, "This is a national issue of no justice for African-Americans." Indeed, feasibly if the child was a white thug resisting his detention the clerks would have squeezed little less, or, the poe poe would have found more evidence to charge their fellow white oppressors with. In the absence of evidence, however, the race card should suffice.

It may be comforting to know that if Obama had a son he would perhaps look like Corey, but comfort is far from reach at the moment. The NAACP drafted a letter demanding at least a lesser charge and the DOJ is contemplating their next racial embarrassment absent of the rule of law, however, justice may come still.

Perhaps it will come in the form of exorbitant legal fees as race hustlers drum up enough cash so as to fund their prosecution. Perhaps they will apply racial tension in order to fire the Oppressor in Chief poe poe and get a more sensitive type who will err not on evidence, but on the side of skin color. Perhaps they will be forced to shut down their business due to boycotts, or conceivably, they may not be able to commute in peace. Likely, they will need to shut down their business and move it into the whitest section they can find. In any case, their dreams of peacefully serving the black community in honest trade and commerce are quickly vanishing.

But don't just sit there behind your computers and feel sorry for the young thug who so formally sported the gang colors his father now wears around his arm. You can march for justice after you grab, uh, purchase your own Red Bull and Vodka as those who supported Travon did Skittles and Iced Tea. Let it be known that punishment is due to any law abiding citizen who prevents an innocent young larcenist from "tryin to get his drink on!" If you get hungry on the way, however, head on over to VJ's Food Mart in Milwaukee for some Skittles, Tea, Vodka, Red Bull, or perhaps a Black n Mild and a Colt 45; they're going to need all the business they can get. No Justice! No Peace!

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This is how a responsible store owner would have handled it!

[ame=]Dont Be A Menace - Supermarket Scene - YouTube[/ame]

Notice how "The Man" framed the innocent thugs in the above video. This probably happened at the gas station as well.

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There were only suspicions that Trayvon Martin was a thief. There's absolutely no doubt about this one. If these are the depths to which blacks have to descend to find their next martyr, they are in dire straits indeed.
Awesome and cleverly written OP. Gave me heap plenty chuckles. Favorite bits, "poe poe" and "melanin abundant"
Knock! Knock!

Who's There?

KARMA, Corey! Lololololol.

Actually Corey just needed the Vodka for a science experiment. He was on his way home to work on his Physics homework in the hopes of bringing home 1st prize from the United States National Physics Olympiad. Republicans hate education.
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Another gang thug does something illegal and ends up dead. What's the problem?

Have you no sympathy!!?? Have you no shame!!?? Normally it wouldn't matter but this child was black, and that fact alone grants his extended friends and relatives more rights than those offered to everyone else in the US Constitution. He is 100% oppressed! Did you see how those oppressors decided to not to allow him to borrow their vodka? The shame!
You'd think the race pimps would be a little more shy about promoting black-youth crime after the Martin fiasco, but I doubt they have the intelligence. He shoulda hung outside and found some adult to buy the stuff like white kids do, but then maybe he was poe poe.
Awesome and cleverly written OP. Gave me heap plenty chuckles. Favorite bits, "poe poe" and "melanin abundant"

Cleverly written = flowery shit.

You call that cleverly/flowerily written? I did spend a little more time than I would the average op but I assure you I can do better. I will not let you down next time sir!

Also I would beg that you understand the above writing style ensures that readers in the forums actually read the entire passage. So many times I have seen people read the headline and ignore the rest. I therefore changed it up a bit for that reason among others.
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Awesome and cleverly written OP. Gave me heap plenty chuckles. Favorite bits, "poe poe" and "melanin abundant"

I'm glad someone enjoyed it. In this day and age I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Certainly the former is preferred over the latter. Your post made it worth the extra effort. Thanks!
The outrage: Yet another "child" killed by bloodthirsty police!

'Armed and very dangerous' teen killed after shooting 3 - U.S. News

Just another example of racist cops.

[ame=]Racist Black Cop - YouTube[/ame]

Just look at what all the killing is doing to the innocent teens in the crack, uh, black community!

[ame=]Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood- funny scene - YouTube[/ame]
Awesome and cleverly written OP. Gave me heap plenty chuckles. Favorite bits, "poe poe" and "melanin abundant"

Cleverly written = flowery shit.

You call that cleverly/flowerily written? I did spend a little more time than I would the average op but I assure you I can do better. I will not let you down next time sir!

Also I would beg that you understand the above writing style ensures that readers in the forums actually read the entire passage. So many times I have seen people read the headline and ignore the rest. I therefore changed it up a bit for that reason among others.

You wrote that??
Sorry I thought you pasted it from the internets. :redface:

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