Cops & CPS Seize Child From Parents For Mistrusting Government


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Jan 6, 2007

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever. George Orwell.

Police: Teaching Kids to Mistrust Government Makes Couple ‘Unsuitable’ Parents

Williamson County Courthouse, in Georgetown, Texas
Texans, beware: If you teach your kids that the “government is out to harm them,” police in Williamson County might just deem you an “unsuitable” parent.

That startling claim, leveled by officers in Child Protective Services documents detailing an investigation into an Austin-area activist couple, should be enough to give reason for pause to any staunch conservative in the state.
Police: Teaching Kids to Mistrust Government Makes Couple ‘Unsuitable’ Parents - Stephen C. Webster - Brave New Hooks - True/Slant
How's about we stick to defining "abuse" as "physical and verbal maltreatment" instead of degrading and devaluing it to mean "anything that doesn't agree with my personal worldview"? We do TRULY abused children a serious disservice in belittling the hell they live through by trying to equate it to something like this, not to mention by wasting CPS's time and resources trying to play thought police when they already do an incredibly crappy job of protecting abused children.

Would it be too much to ask that they stick to requiring parents to feed, clothe, shelter, educate, and speak nicely to their children, instead of having them, in essence, prove THESE parents correct?
A thorough investigation into all of the facts let out on this case reveals:
1. The parents are activists for the legalization of marijuana. In today's police state world in America these kind of folks are targeted for persecution by all law enforcement. The more drug cases a narc squad makes the more funding they get the next year. Job security.
2. The search warrant for the residence is on a MISDEMEANOR charge. VERY RARE to see a search warrant in a small misdemeanor case so that indicates a mandate of some kind by the police department.
3. Any time I see conflicting information from the many different government departments, in this case the DA's office, the police and child services just to name the top three, it indicates to me that most, if not all, of the government's case is fabricated or distortedat the least.

Because of the severity of Texas drug laws these parents stand to lose one or all of their children.
The irony of this is the very people that claim we have too much government and point to this as an example are the ones THAT SUPPORT 100% the prohibition of drugs.
Absolutely what cps has done to these children is abusive and confirms everything they have been told

Yes, this type of story is very disturbing. I'm all for protecting children from real abuse, but what kind of trauma and abuse is it to remove a child from their own parents? The real abuse here seems to be an abuse of power by the authorities.

After CPS interviewed the couple, Travis County Deputy District Attorney Dayna Blazey pronounced both Coopers to be fit parents, whose children are healthy, happy and “well cared for.”

“[There] is nothing to indicate that the kids are at risk,” she wrote.

A message requesting the deputy DA’s comment on this story went unanswered at time of publication.


Once in the couple’s home, officers discovered a small amount of marijuana and charged the Coopers with Class B misdemeanors, resulting in both their arrests. Each immediately bonded out of jail and paid a small fine. Days later, while Candi’s youngest son was visiting his father in east Texas, Child Protective Services contacted the Coopers, revealing that the incident could cost them not only custody of the boy, but also their freedom on felony child endangerment charges.
Child Protective Services, good grief.

I work closely with them, and my best friend is a CW worker so I'm not going to say any more. But the things I COULD say!
Child Protective Services, good grief.

I work closely with them, and my best friend is a CW worker so I'm not going to say any more. But the things I COULD say!

Do tell!

Barry and Candi Cooper, a married duo well-known in the world of drug reform activism, have temporarily lost custody of Candi’s youngest child due to misdemeanor charges stemming from a recent “KopBusters” sting operation against a police officer in Williamson County, Texas.

Pot smoking moms and dads of America, pay attention: This could happen to you too. Although the Coopers’ case is a bit more unusual than most and not all Child Protective Services entanglements over marijuana will result in children being taken or custody being modified, it can and does happen.

Zachary Johnston, 7, has cerebral palsy and exhibits the intelligence of a four-year-old, according to Barry. He had been sent away for a brief visit with his father, David, when the embattled activists were paid a visit by Child Protective Services on Friday, March 18, they said.

“That’s when they told us,” Candi sobbed. “That’s when we knew.”
‘KopBusters’ Couple Lose Son Over Misdemeanor Pot Charge - Stephen C. Webster - Brave New Hooks - True/Slant
A thorough investigation into all of the facts let out on this case reveals:
1. The parents are activists for the legalization of marijuana. In today's police state world in America these kind of folks are targeted for persecution by all law enforcement. The more drug cases a narc squad makes the more funding they get the next year. Job security.
2. The search warrant for the residence is on a MISDEMEANOR charge. VERY RARE to see a search warrant in a small misdemeanor case so that indicates a mandate of some kind by the police department.
3. Any time I see conflicting information from the many different government departments, in this case the DA's office, the police and child services just to name the top three, it indicates to me that most, if not all, of the government's case is fabricated or distortedat the least.

Because of the severity of Texas drug laws these parents stand to lose one or all of their children.
The irony of this is the very people that claim we have too much government and point to this as an example are the ones THAT SUPPORT 100% the prohibition of drugs.

Not this Dude here.
I'm 100 percent against the legalization of drugs and 100 percent in favor of protecting children. But this case doesn't make sense. There's more to this story that we won't hear because CPS can't talk. I can't speak for TX, but in NJ every effort is made to keep kids with their folks even in very questionable circumstances.
All I'm saying is that if these kids didn't believe their parents that "government = authoritarian goons" before, they sure as hell do NOW.

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