Constitutional balance budget on the horizon? Let's hope so!


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Liberals will probably just diss Norris and ignore the message like they always do. Fact is that we need to do something or we will end up so far in debt that we will collapse. We can make a lot of cuts in Washington despite Pelosi's claims that there are no more cuts to be made. We can start with forgetting about amnesty. People migrating here should not cost us money and that's a fact. Obama's amnesty has a hefty price tag and it's not right for tax payers to foot the bill for that.

Washington is irresponsible with our money and that is a fact. All we hear is that what they spend on their own expenses, with private jets and hefty food and alcohol bills, is a mere pittance in the scheme of things and that it wouldn't make any difference. When they take that same attitude towards all their spending, it's easy to see how those bills added up to drown us in debt.

Liberals especially tend to put us on unsustainable paths. Either we tackle this now or wait till we are forced to cut necessary things because the money runs out.

From the link:

"A constitutional balanced budget amendment, or BBA, is not a new idea, and neither is the states’ push for such legislation," he continued.

"However, what could be new to many Americans is just how close its enactment is to becoming reality. Unknown to many, 25 states have already called for the convention to add the BBA, and only nine more states (34 in total, or two-thirds) are required to force the convention."

Norris said that many state legislators are fearful of a BBA because they fear "that it would put the U.S. economy in further jeopardy during recessions or years with lower federal revenue by forcing policymakers to cut spending, raise taxes or both; hence, ultimately leading to higher deficits and a weaker economy, or so they say."

However, Norris quotes University of Colorado economist Barry Poulson, who posits that "The Congressional Budget Office projects that under current law over the next 25 years federal spending will increase to 36 percent of national income."

"The increased deficits and debt that accompany this spending will result in retardation and stagnation in economic growth that will make it virtually impossible to balance the budget."

"If we wait another decade to constrain spending the task of balancing the federal budget becomes insurmountable. By then the economy will be stagnating; and eliminating deficits will require that federal spending be cut in half, something that will never happen."

Norris closes with a dire warning, admixed with a bit of hope.

"The window to stop and correct the economic chaos perpetuated by Washington is narrow and passing," he writes.

"Without intervention, Washington will spiral our economy to its point of no return. All other solutions for economic federal restraint or solvency have proven fruitless, despite the best of intentions of some.

"The only way to save our posterity from inevitable economic peril is to enact this BBA as soon as possible. There is no reasonable alternative."
You better be willing to cut the military budget in half to get this idiotic idea. Of course I know what you'll do...You'll cut infrastructure, science, and r&d until they're gone and then you will point fingers at the rats when our science programs don't stop that next virus or warn you of that Katrina. You will point your nasty fucking fingers at the rats the next time that bridge falls into the river or when China is funding the best tech on the planet!!! And wondering what the fuck happen to America as you post a slam on Obama or President Clinton.

You people shouldn't be allowed near power, but sadly the only opposition in this country besides the moderate republicans is a bunch of social identity politic morons.
You better be willing to cut the military budget in half to get this idiotic idea. Of course I know what you'll do...You'll cut infrastructure, science, and r&d until they're gone and then you will point fingers at the rats when our science programs don't stop that next virus or warn you of that Katrina. You will point your nasty fucking fingers at the rats the next time that bridge falls into the river or when China is funding the best tech on the planet!!!

You people shouldn't be allowed near power, but sadly the only opposition in this country besides the moderate republicans is a bunch of social identity politic morons.

Military has already been seriously cut and that continues. I suspect that it'll be cut in half anyway. There are some things we could change, like forgetting amnesty. We should focus on welfare reform, but first some onerous and unreasonable regulations need to be done away with so companies can offer jobs.
There is an easier, fairer and less disruptive alternative: Simply freeze per capita spending on all government programs unless and until the budget is balanced. Inflation and economic growth will solve this faster than you think. At a combined 7% annual rate, the deficit could be eliminated in five years.

Given unified Democrat opposition in Congress, the only way to do this would be a Constitutional Amendment emanating from a Constitutional Convention called by 2/3 (and then approved by 3/4) of the States.
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A balanced budget amendment is a one way trip to rapid decline and eventual ruin.
The 500 billion shortfall in the budget will be made up by legalizing weed and taxing it at the federal level...
List of government budgets by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The United States spends 1.4 TRILLION per year than the 2nd Ranked country in the World for expenditures............

Yet, the left can't say we have a spending problem.
They say we have a small Gov't...........

They don't want to cut ANYTHING except our military.............

They don't even want to freeze spending at current levels............

And they always want more programs..............more more more............when we can't pay the bills already................RHINO'S are included in this group..................

Our country needs to live within it's means...........or we will fuck over our children................but I guess that doesn't matter to the left...............all they can say is TAX TAX TAX...............and refuse to see that we have a spending problem.
A balanced budget amendment is a one way trip to rapid decline and eventual ruin.

So is unrestrained deficit spending.
Bullshit, nothing would damage us more than being forced to neglect big problems because they cost too much and no way to raise additional funds because our hands are tied.

Nothing would damage us more then some people trying to stop us from being $25 trillion in debt.... or $30 trillion...
A balanced budget amendment is a one way trip to rapid decline and eventual ruin.

So is unrestrained deficit spending.
Bullshit, nothing would damage us more than being forced to neglect big problems because they cost too much and no way to raise additional funds because our hands are tied.

Nothing would damage us more then some people trying to stop us from being $25 trillion in debt.... or $30 trillion...
Try having our national credit rating downgraded to junk and everyone rushing to cash in their bonds, it would be the immediate response to a BBA.
Liberals will probably just diss Norris and ignore the message like they always do. Fact is that we need to do something or we will end up so far in debt that we will collapse. We can make a lot of cuts in Washington despite Pelosi's claims that there are no more cuts to be made. We can start with forgetting about amnesty. People migrating here should not cost us money and that's a fact. Obama's amnesty has a hefty price tag and it's not right for tax payers to foot the bill for that.

Washington is irresponsible with our money and that is a fact. All we hear is that what they spend on their own expenses, with private jets and hefty food and alcohol bills, is a mere pittance in the scheme of things and that it wouldn't make any difference. When they take that same attitude towards all their spending, it's easy to see how those bills added up to drown us in debt.

Liberals especially tend to put us on unsustainable paths. Either we tackle this now or wait till we are forced to cut necessary things because the money runs out.

From the link:

"A constitutional balanced budget amendment, or BBA, is not a new idea, and neither is the states’ push for such legislation," he continued.

"However, what could be new to many Americans is just how close its enactment is to becoming reality. Unknown to many, 25 states have already called for the convention to add the BBA, and only nine more states (34 in total, or two-thirds) are required to force the convention."

Norris said that many state legislators are fearful of a BBA because they fear "that it would put the U.S. economy in further jeopardy during recessions or years with lower federal revenue by forcing policymakers to cut spending, raise taxes or both; hence, ultimately leading to higher deficits and a weaker economy, or so they say."

However, Norris quotes University of Colorado economist Barry Poulson, who posits that "The Congressional Budget Office projects that under current law over the next 25 years federal spending will increase to 36 percent of national income."

"The increased deficits and debt that accompany this spending will result in retardation and stagnation in economic growth that will make it virtually impossible to balance the budget."

"If we wait another decade to constrain spending the task of balancing the federal budget becomes insurmountable. By then the economy will be stagnating; and eliminating deficits will require that federal spending be cut in half, something that will never happen."

Norris closes with a dire warning, admixed with a bit of hope.

"The window to stop and correct the economic chaos perpetuated by Washington is narrow and passing," he writes.

"Without intervention, Washington will spiral our economy to its point of no return. All other solutions for economic federal restraint or solvency have proven fruitless, despite the best of intentions of some.

"The only way to save our posterity from inevitable economic peril is to enact this BBA as soon as possible. There is no reasonable alternative."
This one is a piece of cake. Of course there would have to be provisions for emergencies.
Such as war, insurgence, natural or man made disasters.
To rein in these spend thrifts in Washington, tell them "no you may not spend that money" would be cause for celebration.
You better be willing to cut the military budget in half to get this idiotic idea. Of course I know what you'll do...You'll cut infrastructure, science, and r&d until they're gone and then you will point fingers at the rats when our science programs don't stop that next virus or warn you of that Katrina. You will point your nasty fucking fingers at the rats the next time that bridge falls into the river or when China is funding the best tech on the planet!!! And wondering what the fuck happen to America as you post a slam on Obama or President Clinton.

You people shouldn't be allowed near power, but sadly the only opposition in this country besides the moderate republicans is a bunch of social identity politic morons.
Uh....Without a strong and ready military, we won't be worrying about roadways, air travel or rails. Our main concern would be survival...
You keep harping on the same tired points.
Here's some facts for you....
The federal government takes in hundreds of millions per day in motor fuel taxes. Before you start spouting off about infrastructure, it is your job to find out just what in Sam Hill those knuckle heads are doing with OUR money.
Science? Are you kidding, Our taxes go for science. One the order of hundreds of million of dollars every year showering Universities with grants for professors to write research, students to perform experiments and trials, for pharmaceuticals....You name it, the federal government funds it. I have no clue why you are complaining.
Military is less than 1/3rd of the entire federal budget.
Tell me..What's the difference between "science".....And "research and development"?
And, you may now define both terms...
A balanced budget amendment is a one way trip to rapid decline and eventual ruin.
Yeah..Because you libs never saw a tax or spending bill you didn't like...
We get it....You despise the notion of fiscal responsibility.
As long as there is some one who has the money and a ride to the store, the keg party never ends....
A balanced budget amendment is a one way trip to rapid decline and eventual ruin.

So is unrestrained deficit spending.
Bullshit, nothing would damage us more than being forced to neglect big problems because they cost too much and no way to raise additional funds because our hands are tied.
Why is it that "funding" for "problems always must come from government? Why don't you handwringers solicit the help of your lib friends in the entertainment business and raise the money?
I am SICK of you people and your constant whining about "problems".....
WAAAAAAAAH, we have social problems and we have crises that need to be fixed...

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