Considering all the lies by the democrats and MSM in 2020, is Joe Biden's presidency legitimate? (Poll)

Based on all of the MSM lies and bias during 2020, does that make the Biden presidency illegitimate?

  • Yes, winning narrowly because of MSM bias and outright lies makes Biden's presidency illegitimate.

    Votes: 14 87.5%
  • No, all's fair in love and politics

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Maybe, see my post

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Now that Trump's gone, the MSM is trying to unwind some of their lies so Biden won't have to deal with them.

Leaving the voting irregularities aside. Here are a few new factoids to consider:

1. Biden won by at most 43,000 votes in AZ, GA, WI that could have easily gone to Trump. Did the lying MSM give Biden the illegitimate win?
There are many sites with this latest 2020 margin story, google it:

2. Biden's "open border" policy is a disgrace. Trump's "remain in Mexico" policy was the correct policy. The "kids in cages" bullshit also cost Trump votes. But little kids by themselves, as invited by Biden is just fine?!

3. The "Russian Bounty" on US soldiers is another MSM lie, that cost Trump votes. Now its "low to moderate" confidence, bullshit. There is ZERO hard evidence, just bullshit.

4. Remember how the MSM ignored the Hunter Biden laptop, and the actual whistleblower? Another case of MSM cheating/bias for Biden.
Tony Bobulinski: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

5. Add-in the House democrats' two "no-crime" bullshit impeachments, as cheating as well as the MSM's cheating.

There are many more examples of the MSM's Biden propaganda, but considering that only 43,000 votes could have swung the 2020 election to Trump, does that make Biden illegitimate?
We already knew all along what the MSM were capable of doing. They are only showing their true colors now, only because they don't want to admit they are now "kissing Biden's ass" on a daily basis.

But then again, maybe we should ask Press Secretary Jen Psaski.

Press Secretary, what would you have to say about the Illegal Immigrates at the southern border? Do we really have a "Crisis"? Or is it still a "Challenge"? :rolleyes:

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There is enough evidence to prove Biden's Presidency / Victim is not legitimate.

There is enough controversy / are enough unanswered questions to deem Biden's Presidency / Victim is not legitimate.

There is enough evidence proving Biden and his family are guilty of financial scams - that includes Russian Money Laundering & taking over $1 BILLION from the CCP, evidence the FBI, DHS, & Treasury Dept publicly declared they have - to have Biden's Presidency declared not only illegitimate bu a threat to our national security.
There were enough lawsuits. But they, along with conspiracy theories, crashed and burned.
One fact snowflakes like you, who give this same response over and over, can never get past is the fact that the Chief Justice of the USSC publicly acknowledged that Democrats in Pa, in the middle of an election, violated both state and federal Constitutions and Election laws by by-passing state legislature to change election laws, enabling the stealing of the Pa election.

This is not a conspiracy theory - it is officially recorded, factual history.
One fact snowflakes like you, who give this same response over and over, can never get past is the fact that the Chief Justice of the USSC publicly acknowledged that Democrats in Pa, in the middle of an election, violated both state and federal Constitutions and Election laws by by-passing state legislature to change election laws, enabling the stealing of the Pa election.
So why wasn't Roberts willing to put that in writing. You know, where it counts. Otherwise Roberts public statements mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Roberts threw red meat to the Trump supporters, and you ate it up without even cooking it.
Now that Trump's gone, the MSM is trying to unwind some of their lies so Biden won't have to deal with them.

Leaving the voting irregularities aside. Here are a few new factoids to consider:

1. Biden won by at most 43,000 votes in AZ, GA, WI that could have easily gone to Trump. Did the lying MSM give Biden the illegitimate win?
There are many sites with this latest 2020 margin story, google it:

2. Biden's "open border" policy is a disgrace. Trump's "remain in Mexico" policy was the correct policy. The "kids in cages" bullshit also cost Trump votes. But little kids by themselves, as invited by Biden is just fine?!
View attachment 480561

3. The "Russian Bounty" on US soldiers is another MSM lie, that cost Trump votes. Now its "low to moderate" confidence, bullshit. There is ZERO hard evidence, just bullshit.

4. Remember how the MSM ignored the Hunter Biden laptop, and the actual whistleblower? Another case of MSM cheating/bias for Biden.
Tony Bobulinski: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

5. Add-in the House democrats' two "no-crime" bullshit impeachments, as cheating as well as the MSM's cheating.

There are many more examples of the MSM's Biden propaganda, but considering that only 43,000 votes could have swung the 2020 election to Trump, does that make Biden illegitimate?

Given the lies of the MSM???? What the fuck are you smoking????

Given the lies of the Republican Party and Donald Trump, you're lucky you still have a country, and there is just no end to your lunacy.
Now that Trump's gone, the MSM is trying to unwind some of their lies so Biden won't have to deal with them.

Leaving the voting irregularities aside. Here are a few new factoids to consider:

1. Biden won by at most 43,000 votes in AZ, GA, WI that could have easily gone to Trump. Did the lying MSM give Biden the illegitimate win?
There are many sites with this latest 2020 margin story, google it:

2. Biden's "open border" policy is a disgrace. Trump's "remain in Mexico" policy was the correct policy. The "kids in cages" bullshit also cost Trump votes. But little kids by themselves, as invited by Biden is just fine?!
View attachment 480561

3. The "Russian Bounty" on US soldiers is another MSM lie, that cost Trump votes. Now its "low to moderate" confidence, bullshit. There is ZERO hard evidence, just bullshit.

4. Remember how the MSM ignored the Hunter Biden laptop, and the actual whistleblower? Another case of MSM cheating/bias for Biden.
Tony Bobulinski: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

5. Add-in the House democrats' two "no-crime" bullshit impeachments, as cheating as well as the MSM's cheating.

There are many more examples of the MSM's Biden propaganda, but considering that only 43,000 votes could have swung the 2020 election to Trump, does that make Biden illegitimate?

No, the election was stolen from we the people. This is all the proof you need.

Biden won by at most 43,000 votes in AZ, GA, WI that could have easily gone to Trump. Did the lying MSM give Biden the illegitimate win?
The only reason it was this close was the lying conservative media.
They keep leaving out how Biden took the popular vote by 7 million people. And the electoral college 306 to 232.

Not to mention that Treasury just imposed sanctions on the man who linked the Trump campaign (collusion) to Russia helping Trump in 2016 win those battleground states.
If cheating is now allowed lets get to it.....we have more red locations than they have blue...if we did what they do we would never lose an election.....the nation is mostly red...look at the map....
When did the constitution give the right to vote to land area?
Shhhhhh, Rambunctious is a little slow you know!!!
No, the election was stolen from we the people. This is all the proof you need.

Actually the election result was because Trump couldn't handle the coronavirus crisis, and this is all the proof you need.

View attachment 480597

Trump handled it fine. Your chinese allies loosed the disease on the world, then your allies in big tech lied about the actual mortality rate, and then the political elite banded together to steal the vote from the people.

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