Conservatives set up public enquiry into handling of covid. Then withhold documents

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

You really couldnt make this shit up.The enquiry is threatening legal action against the govt for witholding johnsons docs. The smart money thinks that |Sunak and others also are implicated in the cover up.
They have till 4 tomorrow to cough up the goods or Baroness Hallett is taking them to cout. Get popcorn now.
Conservatives are just scum.
You are such a naturally low IQ person , Tummy .
If you find yourself a new squat above ground level you might begin to see the world as it is and not as your cognitively rigid remaining brain cells want it to be .
I think that you are only allowed 1 account on here.
So Boris has handed his shit over to the govt and now the spotlight is on sunak to pass it on.
He has till 4 tomorrow to do so..

The govt is blocking its own enquiry.

Its a low point for thiis conservative goovt. It wont be forgottem.
It sounds like a big nothingburger. What do they expect to find in the redactions?

From what the Guardian says, this is about Johnson's personal notebooks and digital messages. The messages and notebooks were already handed over to government lawyers, who said they were "unambiguously irrelevant".

The enquiry received redacted versions, and they are making accusations of a cover-up. Johnson offered to provide the unredacted versions but they didn't ask for them, and said the argument was just about the redactions.

So I ask again, what do they expect to find?

Prime Ministers need to have confidential conversations with their advisors without fearing public disclosure of every word. There will be controversial things that are said, it's inevitable.

Is there an accusation of wrongdoing, or is this just the opposition party looking for political dirt?
It sounds like a big nothingburger. What do they expect to find in the redactions?

From what the Guardian says, this is about Johnson's personal notebooks and digital messages. The messages and notebooks were already handed over to government lawyers, who said they were "unambiguously irrelevant".

The enquiry received redacted versions, and they are making accusations of a cover-up. Johnson offered to provide the unredacted versions but they didn't ask for them, and said the argument was just about the redactions.

So I ask again, what do they expect to find?

Prime Ministers need to have confidential conversations with their advisors without fearing public disclosure of every word. There will be controversial things that are said, it's inevitable.

Is there an accusation of wrongdoing, or is this just the opposition party looking for political dirt?
Thecovid crisis was a perfect storm of corruption and catastrophic decision making. Johnson set up the enquiry when he waas in charge and was confident he could head off any threat to himself.
He has only handed ovdr limited documentation. He claims that he changed his phone.

If they have nothing to hide they can hand it all over. But of course they are covering up their crimes. And now they are going to court to prevent us knowing this info..

Sunak must be fucking crazy if he thinks he can win this battle.

I deleted the parts of your reply that were unresponsive to the only question I asked.

What do they expect to find? Is there a specific allegation of bribery or corruption or something? Did Boris take payoffs from Pfizer?

Saying "if they have nothing to hide they can turn it all over" is a presumption of guilt. That's not how a fair legal system should work.

There are valid reasons for Heads of State to have confidential communications, and if you take away that right you hamper the ability for a leader to get frank advice.

So there should be a reason for the demand- I am wondering what that reason is. It wasn't in the Guardian articles, and you haven't said what they are expecting to find- you just accuse them of a "cover-up" but I still don't know what is being hidden...
I deleted the parts of your reply that were unresponsive to the only question I asked.

What do they expect to find? Is there a specific allegation of bribery or corruption or something? Did Boris take payoffs from Pfizer?

Saying "if they have nothing to hide they can turn it all over" is a presumption of guilt. That's not how a fair legal system should work.

There are valid reasons for Heads of State to have confidential communications, and if you take away that right you hamper the ability for a leader to get frank advice.

So there should be a reason for the demand- I am wondering what that reason is. It wasn't in the Guardian articles, and you haven't said what they are expecting to find- you just accuse them of a "cover-up" but I still don't know what is being hidden...
They are a corrupt conservative govt working for the most corrupt PM ever.
Lady Hallett wants to see evidence on how they managed the pandemic. She feels that she should judge what isrelevant or not.
There is alreaady evidence of corruption in the granting of contracts to tory donors. Lets see the rest of it.
There is evidence of muddled thinking in the passing of lockdown rules.
She isnt asking for nuclear codes.
The relatives of the dead deserve no less.

This scandal just gets worse every day. It is becming clearer that the govt is protecting sunak and other tories and not johnson.

So today the govt is threatening a former PM for cooperating with an "independent" enquiry that he set up.
It is awful and it looks awful. They have no justification for this other than covering their corrupt flabby arses.

Conseervatism in action.

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