Conservatives on John Huntsman


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2009
Washington State
This is a question to all the conservatives and republicans here on this board:

Would you vote for John Huntsman and why/why not?
In another thread, I came across this topic with Independent Logic and he put forth that he was unelectable on the right. I have heard him speak on only one occasion but he sounded extremely good as a candidate. I wanted others thoughts on him and to see if he really is a terrible pick to represent the right.

This is a question to all the conservatives and republicans here on this board:

Would you vote for John Huntsman and why/why not?
In another thread, I came across this topic with Independent Logic and he put forth that he was unelectable on the right. I have heard him speak on only one occasion but he sounded extremely good as a candidate. I wanted others thoughts on him and to see if he really is a terrible pick to represent the right.


He sems like a RINO.. but on STEROIDS. The fact that the left fawns over him makes me pretty much write him off.
This is a question to all the conservatives and republicans here on this board:

Would you vote for John Huntsman and why/why not?
In another thread, I came across this topic with Independent Logic and he put forth that he was unelectable on the right. I have heard him speak on only one occasion but he sounded extremely good as a candidate. I wanted others thoughts on him and to see if he really is a terrible pick to represent the right.


We need a real change in direction, not just lip service and more of the same. Do you think he will facilitate that?
This is a question to all the conservatives and republicans here on this board:

Would you vote for John Huntsman and why/why not?
In another thread, I came across this topic with Independent Logic and he put forth that he was unelectable on the right. I have heard him speak on only one occasion but he sounded extremely good as a candidate. I wanted others thoughts on him and to see if he really is a terrible pick to represent the right.


We need a real change in direction, not just lip service and more of the same. Do you think he will facilitate that?

He sounded like he would but again, I only heard him in one speech and am skeptical of what he really is for. That is why I asked. I'll admit, I did not do much research on this subject. I just wanted some of the opinions of the posters here. If he seems like he will be all right then I would do a lot more digging.

I don't much care if he is a RINO - I disagree with the republican party at large and find them all liars. I don't want a liberal but I do want a real conservative. Bush was republican through and through. He was not a conservative by a long shot. If calling him a RINO you mean a liberal in republican clothing, and I think you do, then I would care.
Huntsman is old guard Jack Kemp style republican.

You know.

The type that doesn't keep everyone up at night..
Hunstman is a trust-funder, country club, insider goob.

The only reasons he got anywhere the Utah Governor's mansion were his name and his pandering to SLC libs.
untsman thought he would be cute by launching his bid by using the same spot as Ronald Reagan.

Huntsman said we should tone it down...get along. Reagan went right for the metaphorical throat of the problem at the time which happened to be Carter.

Huntsman is a Blue-Blood RINO. He has ZERO chance and should give up.

[ame=""]Jon Huntsman Presidential Announcement - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=""]President Ronald Reagan - Liberty State Park [Pt. 1] - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Ronald Reagan - Liberty State Park [Pt. 2] - YouTube[/ame]
I'm not a conservative, but I thought I'd chime in on the issue of electability.

Huntsman is clearly electable in the general election. He was quite popular during his two terms as Governor of Utah (a very conservative state, of course), with approval ratings as high as 80%. He's much closer to the median voter than most other Republican candidates. It also doesn't seem to matter much *who* the Republican candidate is-- a recent Gallup poll found Bachmann, Romney, Perry, and Paul all statistically tied with Obama.
I'm not a conservative, but I thought I'd chime in on the issue of electability.

Huntsman is clearly electable in the general election. He was quite popular during his two terms as Governor of Utah (a very conservative state, of course), with approval ratings as high as 80%. He's much closer to the median voter than most other Republican candidates. It also doesn't seem to matter much *who* the Republican candidate is-- a recent Gallup poll found Bachmann, Romney, Perry, and Paul all statistically tied with Obama.

Look at his background. His experience is light years ahead of the no nothing former junkie community activist who ran this Country into the ground in two years.
He's surely better than Obama (who isn't?- the guys an incompetent bum) , but is he the best we can do? I don't think so.
Huntsman was a popular governor in Utah. All of we ex-pats loved him when he was out there with us in Beijing. He's a classy guy, and a center-right candidate, moderate on social issues and center-right on economic issues. He could beat Obama.

But the right won't touch him. He refuses to pander to them, instead affirming evolution, climate change, and compromise. The right hates Romney because he's insincere. They hate Huntsman because he's unwilling to pander. They only want to elect an image of their favorite Founding Father: Ronald Reagan.
He isn't groveling to the Repub base/t-party :eusa_pray: so he prolly can't get enough votes in their primary. Forget the fact that he's a former Governor, Ambassador, AND has a brain to boot. That'll sink him in the current extremist tsunami :cuckoo: running through the conservative faithful ranks
Huntsman was a popular governor in Utah. All of we ex-pats loved him when he was out there with us in Beijing. He's a classy guy, and a center-right candidate, moderate on social issues and center-right on economic issues. He could beat Obama.

But the right won't touch him. He refuses to pander to them, instead affirming evolution, climate change, and compromise. The right hates Romney because he's insincere. They hate Huntsman because he's unwilling to pander. They only want to elect an image of their favorite Founding Father: Ronald Reagan.
Luckily, that'll sink him in the Repub primaries given the extremist fervor running through the repub/conservative ranks :clap2:

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