Conservative Patriot Stephen Miller Brilliantly Trolls The Libs


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Stephen Miller, the Trump administration official who masterminded the policy of separating migrant children from their families at the US-Mexico border, described President Joe Biden's immigration policies as "cruel" and "inhumane" during an appearance on Fox News' "Ingraham Angle" on Wednesday night. "What we're seeing here is the cruelty and inhumanity of Joe Biden's immigration policies," Miller said. Miller continued: "Children are being taken away from their families in the Northern Triangle — in El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala. Those countries are being deprived of their future. These illegal immigrants are being put in harm's way all because of a policy choice Joe Biden made -- "He took a secure border, a humane border, a safe border, and turned it into this."

I guess Stephen took time away from jerking off to Camp Of the Saints to go on Laura Ingraham and troll.....And this is the obvious trolling one should expect from this facially unfortunate looking creature....None of this gaslighting is of any surprise by the way -- if Republicans couldn't gaslight; they would have no light at all.....

I just find it funny that Stephen Miller; or as I call him; the super villain with no power...and no hair...I find it funny that he had the audacity to claim that just after one month; the border went from safe and humane to inhumane and cruel....that is some serious does that mean all of that fearmongering about the border for the past 4 years was bullshit?? All of that fearmongering about the border being overrun by communist caravans of filthy brown people financed by Jews; what was all that about??

Biden will do about much of the same that Obama did with the border; deport millions; put unaccompanied minors in detention centers and hint at comprehensive immigration reform only for the GOP to oppose it and continue the status quo of demonizing immigration --- with neither party willing to address the fact that 70 plus years of US policies decimated Central America.....and the proverbial chickens have been coming home to roost ever other news, 100 kids were reunited with their parents during Biden's first 30 days -- which I am sure is cruel and inhumane somehow according to "alien-head" Stephen Miller..

How do you "rip children out of their mother's arms" when the chilluns were sent to Murica unescorted?
Don't know....

Ask Jeff Sessions....

He is the one who had a big press conference to announce the separation of children from their parents -- and you xenophobic cucks were so giddy about it too...own it

How do you "rip children out of their mother's arms" when the chilluns were sent to Murica unescorted?
Don't know....

Ask Jeff Sessions....

He is the one who had a big press conference to announce the separation of children from their parents -- and you xenophobic cucks were so giddy about it too...own it

So you want to put children in adult detention areas, huh?

No trouble brewing there.
Miller's policy of permanent family separation was Collective Punishment and was meant to deter those seeking refuge. He should be put on trial for Crimes against Humanity.
Miller's policy of permanent family separation was Collective Punishment and was meant to deter those seeking refuge. He should be put on trial for Crimes against Humanity.

We have 30 million illegals in this country. It would be appropriate to put landmines along the border.

They need to stay home or go home, now.
Miller's policy of permanent family separation was Collective Punishment and was meant to deter those seeking refuge. He should be put on trial for Crimes against Humanity.

We have 30 million illegals in this country. It would be appropriate to put landmines along the border.

They need to stay home or go home, now.

Yeah they probably discussed that option. Spread out a few cluster bombs for the kids to find and play with. Why should the Iraqi kids have all the fun?
How do you "rip children out of their mother's arms" when the chilluns were sent to Murica unescorted?
Don't know....

Ask Jeff Sessions....

He is the one who had a big press conference to announce the separation of children from their parents -- and you xenophobic cucks were so giddy about it too...own it

Once again, your pervasive racism defines you. The cages were built and used by Obama at least as early as 2014. The lying premise of this thread makes everyone aware of your total lack of credibility. Biff, you are an ignorant bigot.
Miller's policy of permanent family separation was Collective Punishment and was meant to deter those seeking refuge. He should be put on trial for Crimes against Humanity.

We have 30 million illegals in this country. It would be appropriate to put landmines along the border.

They need to stay home or go home, now.
I have no problem with mining the borders. Switzerland does it and there are no calls of xenophobia there.
Miller's policy of permanent family separation was Collective Punishment and was meant to deter those seeking refuge. He should be put on trial for Crimes against Humanity.

We have 30 million illegals in this country. It would be appropriate to put landmines along the border.

They need to stay home or go home, now.

Yeah they probably discussed that option. Spread out a few cluster bombs for the kids to find and play with. Why should the Iraqi kids have all the fun?

Not that I am aware of.

Time for them to just go home.
How do you "rip children out of their mother's arms" when the chilluns were sent to Murica unescorted?
Children were separated from their parents in numerous instances. That's a fact. Now, what is your comment?
Not that I am aware of.

Time for them to just go home.
Their home is not viable. That is why they're here. They're refugees. How much do you know about what goes on in those 3 countries? Please tell us all you know. I've got 15 seconds to spare.
I have no problem with mining the borders. Switzerland does it and there are no calls of xenophobia there.
That would constitute crimes against humanity, and so you have with this statement revealed what sort of character with which you are afflicted, I think.

The real enemies of this country are people like al Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS, and Donald Trump. Why are you worried about desperate workers arriving from Central America? I know many of them. They're good people. They are good for the USA.
Once again, your pervasive racism defines you. The cages were built and used by Obama at least as early as 2014. The lying premise of this thread makes everyone aware of your total lack of credibility. Biff, you are an ignorant bigot.
Treatment was not as bad as under Trump, previously. The USA's behavior at the border has for decades been problematic, but you cannot reasonably deflect from the crimes of Trump, Miller and those of you who support these 2 criminals, by complaining about conditions back when you couldn't care LESS about the border.

Trump & Miller were gleeful over making brown children suffer, and it was quite obvious. Trump suggested measures on the border which would have killed immigrants. He couldn't understand why not do those things? He is amoral, a seriously dangerous psychotic narcissist megalomaniac and those of you who support him... well I don't turn my back on y'all.
We have 30 million illegals in this country. It would be appropriate to put landmines along the border.

They need to stay home or go home, now.
I would suggest that you commit a crime with this post, urging mass murder. That's why HS is informed.

It would be appropriate for those who think like you to seek the services of mental health practitioners.
Americans are sent to jail everyday and separated from their children.
Not for offenses as trivial as crossing a border. Perhaps you immigrant-haters are unaware of the minor seriousness of that crime.

According to you it's a capital offense for a brown person to set foot on your white-right territory, right? But here's the problem... it's not YOURS... the country is not an exclusive asset of whites! You weren't here first, you didn't proportionately contribute more, you haven't the moral high ground.... Geez, just hush.

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