Conservative Californians Leaving In Droves For “America First, Law And Order” Red States


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

I don’t know where I read it so don’t have a link but rental companies in California are having a difficult time keeping vehicles on hand as they’re all moving out of state.

Just over half of California’s registered voters have considered leaving the state, according to a UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll conducted for the Los Angeles Times. Republicans and conservative voters were nearly three times as likely as their Democratic or liberal counterparts to seriously have considered moving — 40% compared with 14%, the poll found. Conservatives mentioned taxes and California’s political culture as a reason for leaving more frequently than they cited the state’s soaring housing costs. –LA Times

According to new Census Bureau migration data for 2018, 691,145 Californians left for other states last year, according to the San Jose Mercury News.

The Leftists never learn. People will only tolerate so much. And it’s not just California. The same is happening in NYC and other leftist urban centers.

More of this @ Conservative Californians Leaving In Droves For "America First, Law And Order" Red States – True Pundit

I don’t know where I read it so don’t have a link but rental companies in California are having a difficult time keeping vehicles on hand as they’re all moving out of state.

Just over half of California’s registered voters have considered leaving the state, according to a UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll conducted for the Los Angeles Times. Republicans and conservative voters were nearly three times as likely as their Democratic or liberal counterparts to seriously have considered moving — 40% compared with 14%, the poll found. Conservatives mentioned taxes and California’s political culture as a reason for leaving more frequently than they cited the state’s soaring housing costs. –LA Times

According to new Census Bureau migration data for 2018, 691,145 Californians left for other states last year, according to the San Jose Mercury News.

The Leftists never learn. People will only tolerate so much. And it’s not just California. The same is happening in NYC and other leftist urban centers.

More of this @ Conservative Californians Leaving In Droves For "America First, Law And Order" Red States – True Pundit
If conservative, then they are definitely needed and welcome in states that are somehow leaning blue now. A great Exodus/movement, gathering and/or consolidation of conservatives might be coming in America. It's time, so keep hope alive everyone. Red States ought to be begging them to come, even incentivizing the process. Signs should be going up saying "Welcome Conservatives, we hope that you will stay, and enjoy your stay".

I don’t know where I read it so don’t have a link but rental companies in California are having a difficult time keeping vehicles on hand as they’re all moving out of state.

Just over half of California’s registered voters have considered leaving the state, according to a UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll conducted for the Los Angeles Times. Republicans and conservative voters were nearly three times as likely as their Democratic or liberal counterparts to seriously have considered moving — 40% compared with 14%, the poll found. Conservatives mentioned taxes and California’s political culture as a reason for leaving more frequently than they cited the state’s soaring housing costs. –LA Times

According to new Census Bureau migration data for 2018, 691,145 Californians left for other states last year, according to the San Jose Mercury News.

The Leftists never learn. People will only tolerate so much. And it’s not just California. The same is happening in NYC and other leftist urban centers.

More of this @ Conservative Californians Leaving In Droves For "America First, Law And Order" Red States – True Pundit
If conservative, then they are definitely needed and welcome in states that are somehow leaning blue now. A great Exodus/movement, gathering and/or consolidation of conservatives might be coming in America. It's time, so keep hope alive everyone. Red States ought to be begging them to come, even incentivizing the process. Signs should be going up saying "Welcome Conservatives, we hope that you will stay, and enjoy your stay".
They should leave temporary, until after the big earthquake. Then move back to turn the state Red.
The libtards are destroying Texas too. I hope the real Texans can keep it under control. California and NY are sending all there mutants out to ruin all the other states.

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691,145 Californians left for other states last year

Jayyyzus... that's like losing Vermont. Can't say I'm surprised.

Unfortunately a good chunk of those transplants will be Dims that settle in red states and proceed to vote for the same braindead policies that caused them to leave in the first place. Lefty loonies rarely see the light.
Man, you guys spend a lot of time worrying about California.

Your envy and jealousy are hilarious

If it's so great why are so many leaving, smartass? Why is San Francisco, a supposed jewel of the west coast and model of all that is left, covered in literal human shit?

I don’t know where I read it so don’t have a link but rental companies in California are having a difficult time keeping vehicles on hand as they’re all moving out of state.

Just over half of California’s registered voters have considered leaving the state, according to a UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll conducted for the Los Angeles Times. Republicans and conservative voters were nearly three times as likely as their Democratic or liberal counterparts to seriously have considered moving — 40% compared with 14%, the poll found. Conservatives mentioned taxes and California’s political culture as a reason for leaving more frequently than they cited the state’s soaring housing costs. –LA Times

According to new Census Bureau migration data for 2018, 691,145 Californians left for other states last year, according to the San Jose Mercury News.

The Leftists never learn. People will only tolerate so much. And it’s not just California. The same is happening in NYC and other leftist urban centers.

More of this @ Conservative Californians Leaving In Droves For "America First, Law And Order" Red States – True Pundit
If conservative, then they are definitely needed and welcome in states that are somehow leaning blue now. A great Exodus/movement, gathering and/or consolidation of conservatives might be coming in America. It's time, so keep hope alive everyone. Red States ought to be begging them to come, even incentivizing the process. Signs should be going up saying "Welcome Conservatives, we hope that you will stay, and enjoy your stay".

That is the one down side to this..... is that even when they themselves leave their hell hole, they never actually learn anything.

There's a book "Myth of the rational voter", brilliant work. It has numerous examples where people vote themselves into destruction, forcing themselves to leave where they are, only to turn right around and support the bad policies where they end up moving to.

My favorite was a guy who voted for Manly in Jamacia, who was a left-wing president, and instituted a lot of the same policies that left-wingers support in the US.

The result was it crumbled the Jamaican economy, and Manly famously said in a speech, that if the people didn't like it, there were several flights to Miami every day.... and unsurprisingly that's exactly what happened. Thousands of people, and businesses fled the country, relocating to the US including this guy who voted for Manly. But once in the US, became a Democrat, and supported the exact same policies that forced him to flee Jamaica. Meanwhile Jamaica fell into violence, drugs, and crime.... exactly what we see in California right now.

Now that isn't to say that none of them learn from their failed ideology. Ronald Reagan was famously a Democrat, until he himself suffered through their bad policies, and switched to being a Republican.

The video is garbage, but the response is timeless.....

I don’t know where I read it so don’t have a link but rental companies in California are having a difficult time keeping vehicles on hand as they’re all moving out of state.

Just over half of California’s registered voters have considered leaving the state, according to a UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll conducted for the Los Angeles Times. Republicans and conservative voters were nearly three times as likely as their Democratic or liberal counterparts to seriously have considered moving — 40% compared with 14%, the poll found. Conservatives mentioned taxes and California’s political culture as a reason for leaving more frequently than they cited the state’s soaring housing costs. –LA Times

According to new Census Bureau migration data for 2018, 691,145 Californians left for other states last year, according to the San Jose Mercury News.

The Leftists never learn. People will only tolerate so much. And it’s not just California. The same is happening in NYC and other leftist urban centers.

More of this @ Conservative Californians Leaving In Droves For "America First, Law And Order" Red States – True Pundit
Please....we don't want racist regressives. They are been replaced by smarter open minded from all over the US and the world. Best state in the world.
Man, you guys spend a lot of time worrying about California.

Your envy and jealousy are hilarious
Envious and jealous of a sh*thole state because it's been run by Dim Dems MUCH too long? I think NOT, Sparky.
As an immigrant and US citizen now....I knew and we knew that the best states for education, careers, and quality of lives are blue states and California always topped the a known fact overseas to avoid red areas because of racism and regressive tendencies of those areas. Fast forward 20 years ago I can safely say I live better than most Americans.....I don't think I would've done well if I first moved in to a red area.
Man, you guys spend a lot of time worrying about California.

Your envy and jealousy are hilarious
Envious and jealous of a sh*thole state because it's been run by Dim Dems MUCH too long? I think NOT, Sparky.
As an immigrant and US citizen now....I knew and we knew that the best states for education, careers, and quality of lives are blue states and California always topped the a known fact overseas to avoid red areas because of racism and regressive tendencies of those areas. Fast forward 20 years ago I can safely say I live better than most Americans.....I don't think I would've done well if I first moved in to a red area.
He-he, what a brainwashed loony lib you appear to be. California is NO LONGER a great state to live in because Dems have transformed it into a sh*thole. And good luck with your obvious TDS. You're welcome.
Cost of living is pretty high in California

you can sell your home and buy a new one in any state
Man, you guys spend a lot of time worrying about California.

Your envy and jealousy are hilarious
Envious and jealous of a sh*thole state because it's been run by Dim Dems MUCH too long? I think NOT, Sparky.
As an immigrant and US citizen now....I knew and we knew that the best states for education, careers, and quality of lives are blue states and California always topped the a known fact overseas to avoid red areas because of racism and regressive tendencies of those areas. Fast forward 20 years ago I can safely say I live better than most Americans.....I don't think I would've done well if I first moved in to a red area.
He-he, what a brainwashed loony lib you appear to be. California is NO LONGER a great state to live in because Dems have transformed it into a sh*thole. And good luck with your obvious TDS. You're welcome.
California outpaced the national average of GDP growth and job creation, 6th biggest economy in the world, 13% of the US GDP, most innovative state. You were saying ?
Man, you guys spend a lot of time worrying about California.

Your envy and jealousy are hilarious
Envious and jealous of a sh*thole state because it's been run by Dim Dems MUCH too long? I think NOT, Sparky.
As an immigrant and US citizen now....I knew and we knew that the best states for education, careers, and quality of lives are blue states and California always topped the a known fact overseas to avoid red areas because of racism and regressive tendencies of those areas. Fast forward 20 years ago I can safely say I live better than most Americans.....I don't think I would've done well if I first moved in to a red area.
He-he, what a brainwashed loony lib you appear to be. California is NO LONGER a great state to live in because Dems have transformed it into a sh*thole. And good luck with your obvious TDS. You're welcome.
California outpaced the national average of GDP growth and job creation, 6th biggest economy in the world, 13% of the US GDP, most innovative state. You were saying ?
We were saying why are people leaving in droves, not to mention business?

I don’t know where I read it so don’t have a link but rental companies in California are having a difficult time keeping vehicles on hand as they’re all moving out of state.

Just over half of California’s registered voters have considered leaving the state, according to a UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll conducted for the Los Angeles Times. Republicans and conservative voters were nearly three times as likely as their Democratic or liberal counterparts to seriously have considered moving — 40% compared with 14%, the poll found. Conservatives mentioned taxes and California’s political culture as a reason for leaving more frequently than they cited the state’s soaring housing costs. –LA Times

According to new Census Bureau migration data for 2018, 691,145 Californians left for other states last year, according to the San Jose Mercury News.

The Leftists never learn. People will only tolerate so much. And it’s not just California. The same is happening in NYC and other leftist urban centers.

More of this @ Conservative Californians Leaving In Droves For "America First, Law And Order" Red States – True Pundit
Northeastern California needs to form its own state and have two Senators to cancel the vote of the two idiots they now have as Senators. Illinois downstate and outside Chicago needs to do said same.
Man, you guys spend a lot of time worrying about California.

Your envy and jealousy are hilarious

If it's so great why are so many leaving, smartass? Why is San Francisco, a supposed jewel of the west coast and model of all that is left, covered in literal human shit?
Don’t forget the crime, homeless drug addicts, and HIV.
Man, you guys spend a lot of time worrying about California.

Your envy and jealousy are hilarious
Envious and jealous of a sh*thole state because it's been run by Dim Dems MUCH too long? I think NOT, Sparky.

Meanwhile back in reality…usually something that isn’t news-worthy doesn’t demand so much attention. For example, does the rolling black-outs over there affect you, sparky? No. Does the blight in the ghettos of their towns affect you? No. Does the wildfires affect you? No. Yet, sparky, there are something like 30 threads a month about California; almost all from your fellow INCELs who just can’t stop thinking about the place.

So its’ either you’re a no-life loser who has to comment on everything that comes across your news trough where you and the other losers eat from or you’re infatuated with the place.

You guys’ Jealousy and envy of a place that is better than where you live despite it’s faults is hilarious.

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