Congress being sidetracked from Googles real issues & worries


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
SURE, the privacy issue and intrusive nature of Google is very problematic when we see the abuses through lesser means by our own Gov't agencies and leaders.
BUT this look right and be blind to what's in the left hand is a fake job that is working for Google as Congress throws all it's attention to a manageable issue of Privacy at worse would be regulated thus evading the other major issue with Google=the antitrust issue threatening Googles expansive grab and invasive reach.
SURELY, Google has gone way further then Microsoft when they were reined in, stifling competition and forcing their programs- browser -searches- analytics into everything while creating an imposible inclusion and competitive choices & privacy choices.
IT'S GONE SO FAR AS CAUSING FALSE ADVERTISING ON THEIR PRODUCTS WHILE RIPPING OFF CUSTOMERS who are told their products integrate and does stuff that it does not, because of these anti-trust violations in their programing and product. It also goes as far as forcing intrusion into violation of privacy.
ONE GREAT EXAMPLE OF THIS can be found in it's new VR head set where you are forced to be online & upload to the cloud your pics to Google Photos otherwise VR picture view does not work and there is no VR Photo program at all that
works in it's GOOGLE Daydream Platform, other then Google's intrusive program.
Also Google claims tether transfer into the headsets, yet only can be transfered by external card. Then Google
snatches and uploads everything on your Micro SD card, so if you use your phone or tablet extended card to do your transfer they have it all, which if you have classified info or proprietary technology it's no longer secure.
G-d forbid you work for the Gov't this Google product violates your security and privacy and could get you in trouble. G-d forbid you use the headset for lab or high tech work for 3d view that in the wrong hands is dangerous, Google exposes that proprietary and classified technology to open theft by bad players.
AREAS that is being introduced through Googles insistance to restrict competition and force those intrusive programs without choices to more private means.
TRUE STORY, just a few days ago I gave a heads up to Google through a suggestion message platform (to give them a chance to fix and make good [Teshuva]), it was a message about how it's new vr headset product will only help congress with their antitrust case, but I failed to think our congress would totally be sidetracked or ignorant of the Google products that are perfect examples of their antitrust behavior.
SO long story short, this is my second /scratch that third draft of this post, the first one got wiped out by an unprovoked peculiar crash reboot-a coincidence? Then a Forum refresh login (but that's a common thing here),
Or should we be worried about how much ability they have to interfere and censor anything problematic to their corporation like they do for their political choice? If they behave like Scientology and harrass opponents of their behaviors then we are in trouble because they surely have a lot more tools and reach to harass any commentary that lifts the veil..
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I see that Congress is looking into why when you google search “Idiot “ Donald Trump shows up....I find this very interesting and problematic for Google for a number of reasons but I have come to the conclusion most especially that these searches are spreading a type of propaganda that can probably be bought and sold by the ones paying their bills... This can lead to a very slippery slope where simple truthes can be replaced by companies, corporations , governments or individuals that have the means and wherewithal to push their own views for either profit , power or control... I used the example of Donald Trump to show that even sitting presidents are not immune to this type of propaganda...It reminds me of the saying that goes something like this if you tell a lie enough it becomes the truth or those who are either naive or not very observant or lazy will eventually believe in its truth even though it obviously is not in the least bit truth at all....
I see that Congress is looking into why when you google search “Idiot “ Donald Trump shows up....I find this very interesting and problematic for Google for a number of reasons but I have come to the conclusion most especially that these searches are spreading a type of propaganda that can probably be bought and sold by the ones paying their bills... This can lead to a very slippery slope where simple truthes can be replaced by companies, corporations , governments or individuals that have the means and wherewithal to push their own views for either profit , power or control... I used the example of Donald Trump to show that even sitting presidents are not immune to this type of propaganda...It reminds me of the saying that goes something like this if you tell a lie enough it becomes the truth or those who are either naive or not very observant or lazy will eventually believe in its truth even though it obviously is not in the least bit truth at all....
I guess the kids running the engines thought they were being funny, like when Miroslav Satan was made the 666th profile on NHL dot com hockey player profiles (now that was witty).
SHOWS they have no creative humor, I would put ads links to "mirrors" when people type "Idiot", now that would be funny.

Talk about search engines, their photo searches violate copyrights when they snag even private pages to web sites with no permissions to use on their Google images web site lists of photos.

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