Congratulations, Trumpsters


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
In all seriousness, I have to hand it to you: You have completely kicked ass and taken over your party.

It's not my job to understand this, but I sure as hell can see the results. The GOP "civil war" is over, if it ever really existed to begin with.

The final straw for me came from Mitch McConnell -- who has been trying to straddle the fence and failing pretty badly -- yesterday. Just a couple of weeks after condemning Trump on the Senate floor for his responsibility in the Capitol terrorist attacks of January 6, Mitch has now completely capitulated and said he would "absolutely" back Trump in 2024.

One guy owns a political party now. Incredible. And congratulations, I guess.

In all seriousness, I have to hand it to you: You have completely kicked ass and taken over your party.

It's not my job to understand this, but I sure as hell can see the results. The GOP "civil war" is over, if it ever really existed to begin with.

The final straw for me came from Mitch McConnell -- who has been trying to straddle the fence and failing pretty badly -- yesterday. Just a couple of weeks after condemning Trump on the Senate floor for his responsibility in the Capitol terrorist attacks of January 6, Mitch has now completely capitulated and said he would "absolutely" back Trump in 2024.

One guy owns a political party now. Incredible. And congratulations, I guess.


What's sad is, there is no 2020 Republican platform. I guess the platform was,"What He Said". This is when you scrap all your ideals for blindly supporting one person. The United States isn't made up of Americans, it's made up of one person.
In all seriousness, I have to hand it to you: You have completely kicked ass and taken over your party.

It's not my job to understand this, but I sure as hell can see the results. The GOP "civil war" is over, if it ever really existed to begin with.

The final straw for me came from Mitch McConnell -- who has been trying to straddle the fence and failing pretty badly -- yesterday. Just a couple of weeks after condemning Trump on the Senate floor for his responsibility in the Capitol terrorist attacks of January 6, Mitch has now completely capitulated and said he would "absolutely" back Trump in 2024.

One guy owns a political party now. Incredible. And congratulations, I guess.


What's sad is, there is no 2020 Republican platform. I guess the platform was,"What He Said". This is when you scrap all your ideals for blindly supporting one person. The United States isn't made up of Americans, it's made up of one person.
Yeah, I never thought I'd see this. Uncharted territory.
The Republican Party has abandoned all pretenses of being anything other than a cult of personality. The party stands for what Trump believes that day. No different really than how Kim Jong Un and Putin operate.

Fall in line or perish.
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The party was split prior to Trump running for president the actions after Trump left office has killed off the old party for the new cultist party, the only question remains, what do they do when Trump dies?
My guess is that, if you were to ask them, they'd look right to his kids.

We've seen THIS before in world history, TOO.
Since we know that Trump has no desire to hide his corruption of the political values of the past and openly want judges, police, legislators from state and feds, governrs and all state officials to all throw their support to him without questions means he wants a tyrants hold.

Siege heil to the new order of the Republican's Reich.
The party was split prior to Trump running for president the actions after Trump left office has killed off the old party for the new cultist party, the only question remains, what do they do when Trump dies?
My guess is that, if you were to ask them, they'd look right to his kids.

We've seen THIS before in world history, TOO.
And the Republicans were the loudest when they claimed they wanted no more political dynasties after the Bushes and Clintons...They certainly backflipped YUGELY on the issue and quickly.
The Republican Party has abandoned all pretenses of being any other than a cult of personality syndicate. The party stands for what Trump believes that day. No different really than how Kim Jong Un and Putin operate.

Fall in line or perish.
I'm reminded of the Tyson-Spinks championship fight in 1988.

I was at a party to watch the fight, and I had just sat down with my beer to enjoy the show. I look up, and BAM, Spinks was on the canvas with his eyes rolling to the back of his head.

Holy crap. That's IT?
The Republican Party has abandoned all pretenses of being any other than a cult of personality syndicate. The party stands for what Trump believes that day. No different really than how Kim Jong Un and Putin operate.

Fall in line or perish.
I'm reminded of the Tyson-Spinks championship fight in 1988.

I was at a party to watch the fight, and I had just sat down with my beer to enjoy the show. I look up, and BAM, Spinks was on the canvas with his eyes rolling to the back of his head.

Holy crap. That's IT?
Good analogy.
The leftists are just jealous because we have the balls to form and support a true grassroots change in government.
Unlike the sheep who pull the dem lever always and vote in lockstep with their party leaders.
Cowards everyone!
You do know that you'll be doing that for Trumpism now, right?

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