CONFIRMED: The REAL Motive for Removing Confederate Memorials/Battle Flag

Bootney Lee Farnsworth

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2017
I was suspicious about what would motivate the seemingly coordinated and sudden nature of the removal of these confederate memorials and statues. I became more suspicious after watching the violent and provocative nature of the Durham nonsense.

Then, today, the lady in this video who put the rope on the Durham statue:

Was arrested after she gave a speech at a Worker's World Party rally.

Listen, I am on board with removing racist symbols, but Worker's World Party? FUCK THAT!!!

These assholes are doing this SOLELY for the purpose of starting a revolution to change not only this:


But this:


to THIS:


and THIS:



with THIS:





No sir. Kiss my American ass. That dog will NOT hunt!!! I will NOT sit by and let a bunch of useless, lazy, tyrannical, mini-Mao's and their unquenchable, lustful. envious need to pillage and plunder the productive by way of government, start their murderous revolution.

Tell the truth. Is racial harmony the real goal? If it is, you have an ally. If it's another attempt at a nonsensical communist revolution to change America into the impossible, fake, fairy-tale dreamland called "Utopia" , you can GET BENT COMMIES!!! We'll start building new Lee and Stonewall monuments!!!
Quite ridiculous to remove that "racist symbols". As if slavery and racism were limited to the states of the confederation only. If you ban the Blood-stained Banner you need to ban the Star-spangled Banner as well.
Except, perhaps, that the Confederacy self declared to be a new idea of government based on the new idea of the inferiority of the black man.

That the Union did not live up to its declared ideals while the Confederacy attempted to do so is neither here nor there.
The ANTIWITE will not be appeased until this is reality! Very troubling. Billions of years of evolution and they want to stop what nature has brought the world through natural selection and intelligence.

Except, perhaps, that the Confederacy self declared to be a new idea of government based on the new idea of the inferiority of the black man.

That the Union did not live up to its declared ideals while the Confederacy attempted to do so is neither here nor there.
The Union banned slavery (human ownership) which is why some states that didn´t agree founded the CSA. Racism was official in the US until the 1960´s. It was everywhere, beginning with separated washbasins in restaurants and ending with blacks having to sit in the back of a bus.
I do not believe that the CSA was based on racism but when you have 80 or 90 % slaves you have a hard time giving up on that questionable luxury. Slavery was not related to color, anyway. Born as a free man, even a black could not be enslaved. If those Africans that were imported were not black but green, it would be green. Badluck for the Africans that they had no leaderships but local chieftains.
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We'll start building new Lee and Stonewall monuments
So much for your dedication to racial harmony. To think you almost had me fooled...
So much for your dedication to racial harmony. To think you almost had me fooled...
Well, it looks to me like the murderous commies almost had me fooled. Do communists EVER tell the fucking truth about their intentions? To call them snakes in the grass is an insult to snakes and grass.

Don't doubt my dedication to racial harmony. That is not the issue.

This communist revolution shit has NOTHING to do with race and everything to do with instituting a sneaky, dishonest form of slavery. I would recommend that those truly wanting to remove racist memorials with racial harmony being the ends, should alienate themselves from groups like Worker's World Party and other lying commie thugs.
Let's be honest, Afro Americans are trying to blame their genetics on Southerners who had absolutely nothing to do with their brain capacity. But they evolved somewhat. And compare Afro Americans to Afro-Africans at the time. Afro-Americans found out how savage their counterparts were when American kindly relocated some back to LIBERIA. Local Afro-African savages killed them!
I was suspicious about what would motivate the seemingly coordinated and sudden nature of the removal of these confederate memorials and statues. I became more suspicious after watching the violent and provocative nature of the Durham nonsense.

Then, today, the lady in this video who put the rope on the Durham statue:

Was arrested after she gave a speech at a Worker's World Party rally.

Listen, I am on board with removing racist symbols, but Worker's World Party? FUCK THAT!!!

These assholes are doing this SOLELY for the purpose of starting a revolution to change not only this:


But this:


to THIS:


and THIS:



with THIS:





No sir. Kiss my American ass. That dog will NOT hunt!!! I will NOT sit by and let a bunch of useless, lazy, tyrannical, mini-Mao's and their unquenchable, lustful. envious need to pillage and plunder the productive by way of government, start their murderous revolution.

Tell the truth. Is racial harmony the real goal? If it is, you have an ally. If it's another attempt at a nonsensical communist revolution to change America into the impossible, fake, fairy-tale dreamland called "Utopia" , you can GET BENT COMMIES!!! We'll start building new Lee and Stonewall monuments!!!

Which dear leader do they want to build a shrine of?
That's been the great question I keep bringing before my liberal relatives. What even made these statues an issue to begin with? What is the motive behind those who incited the demolition of the statues? Certainly it did not arise out of a vaccuum.

Littlefinger's (game of thrones) wisdom always comes to mind:
"Chaos is a ladder."

It's a Machiavellian inspired piece of logic that rings true in these instances. Who would stir up this chaos over an issue that never bothered anyone for the past 110-130 years? Not only who, but importantly, why? What is their true motive?
I was suspicious about what would motivate the seemingly coordinated and sudden nature of the removal of these confederate memorials and statues. I became more suspicious after watching the violent and provocative nature of the Durham nonsense.

Then, today, the lady in this video who put the rope on the Durham statue:

Was arrested after she gave a speech at a Worker's World Party rally.

Listen, I am on board with removing racist symbols, but Worker's World Party? FUCK THAT!!!

These assholes are doing this SOLELY for the purpose of starting a revolution to change not only this:


But this:


to THIS:


and THIS:



with THIS:





No sir. Kiss my American ass. That dog will NOT hunt!!! I will NOT sit by and let a bunch of useless, lazy, tyrannical, mini-Mao's and their unquenchable, lustful. envious need to pillage and plunder the productive by way of government, start their murderous revolution.

Tell the truth. Is racial harmony the real goal? If it is, you have an ally. If it's another attempt at a nonsensical communist revolution to change America into the impossible, fake, fairy-tale dreamland called "Utopia" , you can GET BENT COMMIES!!! We'll start building new Lee and Stonewall monuments!!!

Which dear leader do they want to build a shrine of?

Who knows. Ho Chi Mihn?
That's been the great question I keep bringing before my liberal relatives. What even made these statues an issue to begin with? What is the motive behind those who incited the demolition of the statues? Certainly it did not arise out of a vaccuum.

Littlefinger's (game of thrones) wisdom always comes to mind:
"Chaos is a ladder."

It's a Machiavellian inspired piece of logic that rings true in these instances. Who would stir up this chaos over an issue that never bothered anyone for the past 110-130 years? Not only who, but importantly, why? What is their true motive?
One of the reasons I respected Bernie Sanders during the primaries was his honesty about his socialist tendencies. I can respect that. He didn't try to be a sneaky little Stalin and lie about his whoa-fully misguided naivety on human nature. He would probably never get my vote, but at least I will listen to him and consider his ideas.
I was suspicious about what would motivate the seemingly coordinated and sudden nature of the removal of these confederate memorials and statues. I became more suspicious after watching the violent and provocative nature of the Durham nonsense.

Then, today, the lady in this video who put the rope on the Durham statue:

Was arrested after she gave a speech at a Worker's World Party rally.

Listen, I am on board with removing racist symbols, but Worker's World Party? FUCK THAT!!!

These assholes are doing this SOLELY for the purpose of starting a revolution to change not only this:


But this:


to THIS:


and THIS:



with THIS:





No sir. Kiss my American ass. That dog will NOT hunt!!! I will NOT sit by and let a bunch of useless, lazy, tyrannical, mini-Mao's and their unquenchable, lustful. envious need to pillage and plunder the productive by way of government, start their murderous revolution.

Tell the truth. Is racial harmony the real goal? If it is, you have an ally. If it's another attempt at a nonsensical communist revolution to change America into the impossible, fake, fairy-tale dreamland called "Utopia" , you can GET BENT COMMIES!!! We'll start building new Lee and Stonewall monuments!!!

They did not removed any confederate memorials before. But all of a sudden, now they wants to remove them all when Pres. Trump step into the office. As if they are trying to do all the things all at once. Knowingly that it will be a lots of protesting going on. And then they paid violent protesters to make it even worst. And plus they tells the White supremacist that they can hit them, but you cannot hit back. But to solve all the problem, is that the President should make the Florida's law , The Stand your ground law, a Federal law. So that it will be peace in the valley.
That's been the great question I keep bringing before my liberal relatives. What even made these statues an issue to begin with? What is the motive behind those who incited the demolition of the statues? Certainly it did not arise out of a vaccuum.

Littlefinger's (game of thrones) wisdom always comes to mind:
"Chaos is a ladder."

It's a Machiavellian inspired piece of logic that rings true in these instances. Who would stir up this chaos over an issue that never bothered anyone for the past 110-130 years? Not only who, but importantly, why? What is their true motive?
To look at the flip side, it is interesting to ask what was the purpose and motives behind the construction and placement of these statues... in relation to the cities they were built in and the atmosphere of society at the time they were constructed. Thoughts?
One of the reasons I respected Bernie Sanders during the primaries was his honesty....

Bro, Crazy Bernie is by far one of the filthiest, most dishonest politicians in world history. I feel sorry for you that you did not see that. Sure Crooked Hillary attacked our democracy and rigged the election against him, but he went along with it and got a lakeside vacation house in exchange, after fucking every voter who voted for him.
I was suspicious about what would motivate the seemingly coordinated and sudden nature of the removal of these confederate memorials and statues. I became more suspicious after watching the violent and provocative nature of the Durham nonsense.

Then, today, the lady in this video who put the rope on the Durham statue:

Was arrested after she gave a speech at a Worker's World Party rally.

Listen, I am on board with removing racist symbols, but Worker's World Party? FUCK THAT!!!

These assholes are doing this SOLELY for the purpose of starting a revolution to change not only this:


But this:


to THIS:


and THIS:



with THIS:





No sir. Kiss my American ass. That dog will NOT hunt!!! I will NOT sit by and let a bunch of useless, lazy, tyrannical, mini-Mao's and their unquenchable, lustful. envious need to pillage and plunder the productive by way of government, start their murderous revolution.

Tell the truth. Is racial harmony the real goal? If it is, you have an ally. If it's another attempt at a nonsensical communist revolution to change America into the impossible, fake, fairy-tale dreamland called "Utopia" , you can GET BENT COMMIES!!! We'll start building new Lee and Stonewall monuments!!!

Which dear leader do they want to build a shrine of?

Who knows. Ho Chi Mihn?

Maybe they just don't like racism.
That's been the great question I keep bringing before my liberal relatives. What even made these statues an issue to begin with? What is the motive behind those who incited the demolition of the statues? Certainly it did not arise out of a vaccuum.

Littlefinger's (game of thrones) wisdom always comes to mind:
"Chaos is a ladder."

It's a Machiavellian inspired piece of logic that rings true in these instances. Who would stir up this chaos over an issue that never bothered anyone for the past 110-130 years? Not only who, but importantly, why? What is their true motive?
To look at the flip side, it is interesting to ask what was the purpose and motives behind the construction and placement of these statues... in relation to the cities they were built in and the atmosphere of society at the time they were constructed. Thoughts?

Thoughts. I asked first you answer first.

I'll give you an answer however so you can't pester me for it or distrust me. However, now that I give you this answer, you are obliged to answer my question in a corresponding manner. If you do not, I shall not continue discussion and will assume you are deflecting.

Thoughts: Immediate family members of deceased Union and Confederate soldiers built commemorating statues to honor their dead.
I was suspicious about what would motivate the seemingly coordinated and sudden nature of the removal of these confederate memorials and statues. I became more suspicious after watching the violent and provocative nature of the Durham nonsense.

Then, today, the lady in this video who put the rope on the Durham statue:

Was arrested after she gave a speech at a Worker's World Party rally.

Listen, I am on board with removing racist symbols, but Worker's World Party? FUCK THAT!!!

These assholes are doing this SOLELY for the purpose of starting a revolution to change not only this:


But this:


to THIS:


and THIS:



with THIS:





No sir. Kiss my American ass. That dog will NOT hunt!!! I will NOT sit by and let a bunch of useless, lazy, tyrannical, mini-Mao's and their unquenchable, lustful. envious need to pillage and plunder the productive by way of government, start their murderous revolution.

Tell the truth. Is racial harmony the real goal? If it is, you have an ally. If it's another attempt at a nonsensical communist revolution to change America into the impossible, fake, fairy-tale dreamland called "Utopia" , you can GET BENT COMMIES!!! We'll start building new Lee and Stonewall monuments!!!

Which dear leader do they want to build a shrine of?

Who knows. Ho Chi Mihn?

Maybe they just don't like racism.

With the violent way they tore down and beat the shit out of that statue, it's obvious they are not interested in racial harmony either. They want a violent reaction. They want to stir up discord. They are lying about their intent. And, they are idiot communists, so there's that.
The ANTIWITE will not be appeased until this is reality! Very troubling. Billions of years of evolution and they want to stop what nature has brought the world through natural selection and intelligence.

And the forum's biggest racist checksin... with more bullshit.
I was suspicious about what would motivate the seemingly coordinated and sudden nature of the removal of these confederate memorials and statues. I became more suspicious after watching the violent and provocative nature of the Durham nonsense.

Then, today, the lady in this video who put the rope on the Durham statue:

Was arrested after she gave a speech at a Worker's World Party rally.

Listen, I am on board with removing racist symbols, but Worker's World Party? FUCK THAT!!!

These assholes are doing this SOLELY for the purpose of starting a revolution to change not only this:


But this:


to THIS:


and THIS:



with THIS:





No sir. Kiss my American ass. That dog will NOT hunt!!! I will NOT sit by and let a bunch of useless, lazy, tyrannical, mini-Mao's and their unquenchable, lustful. envious need to pillage and plunder the productive by way of government, start their murderous revolution.

Tell the truth. Is racial harmony the real goal? If it is, you have an ally. If it's another attempt at a nonsensical communist revolution to change America into the impossible, fake, fairy-tale dreamland called "Utopia" , you can GET BENT COMMIES!!! We'll start building new Lee and Stonewall monuments!!!

Which dear leader do they want to build a shrine of?

Who knows. Ho Chi Mihn?

Maybe they just don't like racism.

With the violent way they tore down and beat the shit out of that statue, it's obvious they are not interested in racial harmony either. They want a violent reaction. They want to stir up discord. They are lying about their intent. And, they are idiot communists, so there's that.

All because of one video. You idiots make me laugh.

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