The complex and unequal taxes, direct and indirect, were swept away. They were replaced by a tax on land and a tax on the profits of trade and industry. Both were uniform and no one was exempt. Tax farming was at long last abolished. Expenditures were henceforth to be authorized only by the national legislature.
To meet the pressing financial needs of the government, the National Assembly issued paper money called assignats to the value of 400 million livres. To back up this paper money, the property of the Roman Catholic church, valued at approximately that amount, was confiscated.
Summer, 1789 at the close of the first stage of the French Revolution.
Who knew the French had such balls! Between them and those damned, rebellious Colonial terrorists in America, Western 'Civilization' would never be the same...
Viva La Revolution!
To meet the pressing financial needs of the government, the National Assembly issued paper money called assignats to the value of 400 million livres. To back up this paper money, the property of the Roman Catholic church, valued at approximately that amount, was confiscated.
Summer, 1789 at the close of the first stage of the French Revolution.
Who knew the French had such balls! Between them and those damned, rebellious Colonial terrorists in America, Western 'Civilization' would never be the same...
Viva La Revolution!