Complete, Unedited Video Of Joint FBI and OSP Operation, Jan 26


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
An aerial surveillance video of the capture of some of the Bundy Gang, along with the suicide-by-cop of LaVoy Finicum.

At about the 50 second mark, the Bundy Gang is pulled over by two police vehicles. For the next seven and a half minutes, the gang refuses to exit the vehicle. Then at 8:15, the vehicle pulls away at high speed, attempting to escape.

LaVoy Finicum is at the wheel.

One minute later, the vehicle comes up on one of the Oregon State Police checkpoints surrounding the area. You can see Finicum hit the brakes, but he is traveling at too high a speed and he runs off the road into a snow bank to avoid a head-on collision.

Finicum then leaps out of the vehicle, with both hands raised, and starts walking rapidly away from the vehicle.

When Finicum sees a state trooper approach him to his left, he lowers his arms and reaches into his jacket as though he is trying to get to his gun. He also turns away from the trooper, probably trying to conceal his reach for his weapon.

Another trooper comes from the opposite direction and shoots him. Down goes Finicum.

The rest of the video is the surrender of the remaining occupants of the vehicle.

Seen this & have watched it more than a few times already. It's really hard to tell for sure what may have been transpiring without audio to know for certain since he keeps going from hands in jacket, to putting them up in surrender. It does seem as though he is pulling something out (gun? ID? other?) while turning away from one officer. But was it in response from the one behind him?
Just making an observation here without final judgment on my part. This could go either way, but public will scream over this. I can't imagine anyone being stupid enough to pull a gun facing numerous law enforcement, while all my 'backup' is still inside the vehicle. Unfortunately there are many stupid people in the world. One thing for sure, there will be a firestorm over it.
Damn and right now I'm watching on CNN as thousands of white protesters are burning and looting Portland!!!!!!!
Oregon House votes 50-9 to support police body camera bill

Police in Oregon: on-body cameras may be too costly

I don't know if those OSP had body cams or not. But if they did, it's just a matter of time before we see those videos, too.

That will only work if they too don't sabotage the cams like Chicago and hopefully with audio to back it up.

Damn and right now I'm watching on CNN as thousands of white protesters are burning and looting Portland!!!!!!!

Provide a link. I've tried to search for it & can't find anything on CNN or Oregon news about it
Damn and right now I'm watching on CNN as thousands of white protesters are burning and looting Portland!!!!!!!
Portland, Oregon is hipsters, hippies, homeless, and heroin addicts. They won't be shedding any tears over a dead nazi.
Oregon House votes 50-9 to support police body camera bill

Police in Oregon: on-body cameras may be too costly

I don't know if those OSP had body cams or not. But if they did, it's just a matter of time before we see those videos, too.

That will only work if they too don't sabotage the cams like Chicago and hopefully with audio to back it up.

Damn and right now I'm watching on CNN as thousands of white protesters are burning and looting Portland!!!!!!!

Provide a link. I've tried to search for it & can't find anything on CNN or Oregon news about it

Sorry. There's no link.

Turns out whites are not burning and looting Portland.
Oregon House votes 50-9 to support police body camera bill

Police in Oregon: on-body cameras may be too costly

I don't know if those OSP had body cams or not. But if they did, it's just a matter of time before we see those videos, too.
Shut the fuck up, pussy.
Sorry to make your butt hurt. Not.
Fuck you, stupid jack ass moron.

You have nothing but lies and propaganda.

You cant wait to kiss some federalis ass, you god damned fagot.
Oregon House votes 50-9 to support police body camera bill

Police in Oregon: on-body cameras may be too costly

I don't know if those OSP had body cams or not. But if they did, it's just a matter of time before we see those videos, too.
Shut the fuck up, pussy.
Sorry to make your butt hurt. Not.
Fuck you, stupid jack ass moron.

You have nothing but lies and propaganda.

You cant wait to kiss some federalis ass, you god damned fagot.
My, my, my. Poor baby is having a meltdown. Tissue?
David Fry is one of the last holdouts at the refuge.

He is a white supremacist who worships Hitler and admires ISIS:

Even the right wing piss rag Washington Times knows who these guys are: David Fry, Oregon occupier and ISIS sympathizer, uses government computer to run militia website

From the link:

Mr. Fry’s social media history shows that he regularly posts anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi and homophobic comments.

When asked to explain his feelings about Israel and the Islamic State, Mr. Fry spoke at length of government conspiracies, plots against multiple countries, Sept. 11, court records, computer viruses on Japanese computers, Fukushima and a Jewish conspiracy against the free world that involves causing nuclear meltdowns
Let's hope Nazi loser David Fry tries to pull a weapon on the cops, too.
David Fry. Nazi. ISIS sympathizer. Yep.

"B-b-b-b-but I have been brainwashed to bleev Nazis are left wing!!"
Oregon House votes 50-9 to support police body camera bill

Police in Oregon: on-body cameras may be too costly

I don't know if those OSP had body cams or not. But if they did, it's just a matter of time before we see those videos, too.
Shut the fuck up, pussy.
Sorry to make your butt hurt. Not.
Fuck you, stupid jack ass moron.

You have nothing but lies and propaganda.

You cant wait to kiss some federalis ass, you god damned fagot.
My, my, my. Poor baby is having a meltdown. Tissue?

No meltdown here; just telling it like it is fagot.

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