Communist nostalgia in Eastern Europe


Gold Member
Jun 14, 2021
Over there

"...The social and economic downturns following the transformation have produced major public disapproval - these surveys indicate that substantial segments of the populations in Eastern Europe find life worse under post-Soviet conditions. Most people in these countries have gained an appreciation for the many positive features of the Soviet system: the role of the state over employment, the provision of social welfare, equality and public order. According to the same surveys, post-communist rule is considered to be remote, parasitic and incompetent and is also associated with crime and corruption..."

"...The social and economic downturns following the transformation have produced major public disapproval - these surveys indicate that substantial segments of the populations in Eastern Europe find life worse under post-Soviet conditions. Most people in these countries have gained an appreciation for the many positive features of the Soviet system: the role of the state over employment, the provision of social welfare, equality and public order. According to the same surveys, post-communist rule is considered to be remote, parasitic and incompetent and is also associated with crime and corruption..."

It's a double edged sword.

1) Nostalgia is all good and well, but people's memories are selective.
2) Yes, they had jobs, but they were badly paid job. Now they might lose their job, which sucks, but if they have a job, they're better off.

Sometimes I think there needs to be something intelligent, something that makes sure everyone has jobs, which involves an end to boom and bust.

What causes boom and bust? Governments pushing the economy. We don't need the economy pushed, but it looks good to voters, so they push anyway. It's a problem of democracy.

The problem is that in Capitalism, fear of losing your job, fear of losing your home etc, is often what propels people to work harder, to be more productive. How productive do we need to be? Probably more than the Soviet era, but maybe less than Capitalism.
YIKES! Images of Jumpin' Joe Stalin on their buses???! Ole Jumpin' Joe placed 2nd on the greatest mass murderers of all time list with an estimated 30 million victims(low average is only 15 million victims/high average is 60 million victims). I mean Oddball Heatliar is only credited with something like a paltry 18 million innocent civilians @ the highest. Mao Zedong is credited with a high score of 70 million which if reasonably accurate places him as the champ but is disputed by Genghis Khan's legacy(11% of the worlds total population slaughtered) during the Mongol invasions of the13th century A.D. through the Khan dynasty. I certainly think that having an image of a mass murderer being portrayed in honor, even a small potato like Oddball Heatliar, on the side of ones mass transportation vehicles is in poor taste if not outright rude.

Ole Jumpin' Joe placed 2nd on the greatest mass murderers of all time list with an estimated 30 million victims(low average is only 15 million victims/high average is 60 million victims). I mean Oddball Heatliar is only credited with something like a paltry 18 million innocent civilians @ the highest. Mao Zedong is credited with a high score of 70 million
Another crazy Litwin here...

"...The social and economic downturns following the transformation have produced major public disapproval - these surveys indicate that substantial segments of the populations in Eastern Europe find life worse under post-Soviet conditions. Most people in these countries have gained an appreciation for the many positive features of the Soviet system: the role of the state over employment, the provision of social welfare, equality and public order. According to the same surveys, post-communist rule is considered to be remote, parasitic and incompetent and is also associated with crime and corruption..."

Only idiots want communism coming back

Not communism, but Free Republics or Monarchies are the best choice.

Russia for example badly needs a Tsar (not Putin) and Russian National Theocratic Republic!

YIKES! Images of Jumpin' Joe Stalin on their buses???! Ole Jumpin' Joe placed 2nd on the greatest mass murderers of all time list with an estimated 30 million victims(low average is only 15 million victims/high average is 60 million victims). I mean Oddball Heatliar is only credited with something like a paltry 18 million innocent civilians @ the highest. Mao Zedong is credited with a high score of 70 million which if reasonably accurate places him as the champ but is disputed by Genghis Khan's legacy(11% of the worlds total population slaughtered) during the Mongol invasions of the13th century A.D. through the Khan dynasty. I certainly think that having an image of a mass murderer being portrayed in honor, even a small potato like Oddball Heatliar, on the side of ones mass transportation vehicles is in poor taste if not outright rude.

You're babbling about mongols here.
It looks like Litwin has the second account here
Thank you, but hell, no.

The Holy Bible knows only Theocracy and Monarchy as governing forms.
All problems of Christian countries are rejecting of God's leadership and worshiping to Satan

Here is Constitution, the Main Law, the Moral Codex for Russian People.
No parliaments, no f..... corrupted presidents and politicians, The Holy Bible, Tsar and Patriarch ( the True one) shall run Russia



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