Communist are Going to Win: Via Robots and AI

Human LIKE to works.
They need to be creative, constructive, productive, busy, etc.
It is in their nature.

Communism has nothing to do with not working.
Communism is just where the workers own the companies and have some say in working conditions, pay, etc.
Communism is where the technology to work efficiently is not withheld, and workers are free to be as productive as they want to be,

Nor is AI easy.
It would take millions of human programmers to generate all the AI needed to even make a dent in the human work force.
And lots of things, like agriculture, is always going to have to be done by human hand

There's little doubt that China has moved ahead of the rest of the world with AI. China is working on 6G while America is still struggling with 5G.

Could that have something to do with the efficiency of their communist system?

Not entirely attributable to communism as China does subscribe to capitalism with some interesting twists which are now designed to benefit all the people and prevent 'capitalism' from running away from the mass's needs. This is leader Xi's placing of limits on how much wealth the capitalist is permitted to amass.

Instead of capitalist business leaders being able to become billionaires, there are limits placed on them that guarantee wealth being distributed to all of the people. We don't yet know for sure where the limits will be set, but we should expect that large wealth accumulating for an individual will be permitted at a level at which it won't be destructive of incentive that capitalism offers.

And so, if communism allows China to continue to surge ahead of capitalist/democratic countries, we have the explanation for the reason why.

Still, America has the ability to adjust it's greedy form of capitalism in order to remain at least abreast of the world's leading democracies which practice capitalism with a 'social' conscience. Commonly known as 'socialist' policies within a capitalist system!
There communist system is different. It is not based off of socialism and public property. It is based off of capitalism and private ownership. It is a one party system without Democracy or answering to the people.

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