Commie Gov Newsom Threatens Drastic New Lockdown Order (not applicable to him)

Bootney Lee Farnsworth

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2017

When is California going to execute this motherfucker.?

Seriously, somebody needs to drag this motherfucker out into the street and chop his goddamn fucking head off with a machete.

This is what tyranny looks like. This is the kind of guy that should be immediately executed for all to see.

His execution without trial is justified in this situation.
Day late and a dollar short, already created this thread yesterday...under (food and Whine)since that is all a prog slave ever does...

[IMG alt="andaronjim"][/IMG]
Platinum Member

JoinedMay 6, 2015Messages24,145Reaction score9,400Points910LocationFloor E Da
Yesterday at 8:29 PM
California governor warns stay-at-home order for most of state could be imminent (

So while you have to cower in the the bark days of winter...being miserable slaves to his highny, Gaven has given his commandment and you shall not go forth and spread the Kung Flu. The all mighty Newsome now continues with his "Let them eat cake" attitude..
I can remember when Ca was a neat place- to visit and have several times- the few people I know there don't deserve this stupid fuck pretending he's an omnipotent- I know one, in particular, who is a very successful business owner who was *courted* by Rick Perry to move his very successful business to Tx but had to decline the invitation because his Dad still came to work every day and he felt he couldn't ask his Dad to give up his way of life of 50+ years- it's a damn shame a man is put in these type of positions by ignorant fucks who have to be told when to come in out of the rain by their aides- good god all mighty-

When is California going to execute this motherfucker.?

Seriously, somebody needs to drag this motherfucker out into the street and chop his goddamn fucking head off with a machete.

This is what tyranny looks like. This is the kind of guy that should be immediately executed for all to see.

His execution without trial is justified in this situation.

It's the same old story, man—as long as Americans are happy in their slavery they will remain slaves. I remember having so much freedom growing up. For instance, when I was a newly minted graduate of Pennsylvania's hunter safety course at age 11 in 1984, I grabbed my grandfather's bolt action Mauser rifle (a weapon of "war" no less), slung it over my little shoulder and then walked through town to get to a neighbor's farm (the weapon was loaded the whole way), and proceeded to hunt on my own and kill a whitetail deer. I then drug the animal back home, around the edge of town. I was also a member of an after school hunting/gun club in seventh grade—a club ran by a science teacher who was a veteran of the Korean War. He allowed us to bring our hunting rifles and shotguns to school and keep them in our lockers until the end of the day.

I also remember being a new PFC stationed at Fort Hood, getting my first month of leave to use, and just hopping in my 1985 Mazda RX7 and driving out to California to see a buddy from boot camp. There were no checkpoints along the way, no mask mandates or social distancing; no curfews or dining limits in restaurants and I think the whole trip ran me about sixty bucks in gas and hotel rooms. On the way back I drove through Colorado to visit family. The heady immensity of that level of freedom was and remains in my memory so damn intoxicating.

A final memory of unlimited American freedom from the 80's. I remember ninth grade biology—our teacher opening a classroom debate on evolution vs. creation that ran on for what seemed like weeks. Every student's ideas, thoughts and opinions were encouraged, heard and respected. God I do miss those days and that kind freedom.
I recall, from my early (15 or so) teen years, we went to Mexico to drink and get laid- took maybe 20 bucks and crossing the border wasn't a hassle-

A little ditty from me- play the hand you were dealt, forget what their rules say, you win, when, you live life your own way- he kept playing the game, everything he knew changed, still he's winning cause he lived life his own way- ;)

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