Colusa, California Student Says Teacher Threatened To Kick Him Out Of Virtual Class Over Trump 2020 Flag That's In His OWN Bedroom

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
This young boy deserves congratulations for standing up to the Leftist aka Communist teacher who decided it's her JOB to DEMAND flag's SHE doesn't LIKE that are in a students PERSONAL BEDROOM in their OWN HOME are removed or else she would "kick him out of the virtual class" The young boy's reaction to this bitch is GREAT.

First here is a Screen Shot of the flag that got the Leftist aka Communist bitch Triggered:


Second WHY is the Reporter wearing this full-on mask when she is literally in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night?


Also check out the Comments that are below the News Report video, here's the first three of them:


Now here's the News Report video the duration of it is 2 minutes and 30 seconds:

That is going on in the US more than most are aware of. MSM is hiding facts severely. Many are starting to pick up on it finally.
This young boy deserves congratulations for standing up to the Leftist aka Communist teacher who decided it's her JOB to DEMAND flag's SHE doesn't LIKE that are in a students PERSONAL BEDROOM in their OWN HOME are removed or else she would "kick him out of the virtual class" The young boy's reaction to this bitch is GREAT.

First here is a Screen Shot of the flag that got the Leftist aka Communist bitch Triggered:

View attachment 394798

Second WHY is the Reporter wearing this full-on mask when she is literally in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night?

View attachment 394800

Also check out the Comments that are below the News Report video, here's the first three of them:

View attachment 394802

Now here's the News Report video the duration of it is 2 minutes and 30 seconds:

You should search the term " the great reset" by the said mentioned in bold.
There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative.

Thanks for sharing.
First here is a Screen Shot of the flag that got the Leftist aka Communist bitch Triggered:

WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT. Has this teacher been fired yet for encroaching on this kids freedom of speech?

Second WHY is the Reporter wearing this full-on mask when she is literally in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night?

This crap kills me. Out in the middle of nowhere at night, no one around, but you still have to promote the mask agenda. GET FIRED I BET IF YOU DON'T! We are no longer wearing masks for any of the ORIGINAL REASONS we were told we had to. Now it is simply compulsory as a WAY OF LIFE to get social acceptance, buy food, to LIVE.

Now here's the News Report video the duration of it is 2 minutes and 30 seconds

Only the jacked off nimrods of the public school could make a 38 page document on how to conform to the computer classroom. WILL THEY DENY YOU AN EDUCATION YOU PAID FOR if you don't comply? The kicker is that all that, and they still harassed that kid and threatened him for something THAT WASN'T EVEN IN THE PROGRAM.

If I was the boy's dad, I think I'd want to catch that teacher outside school and give him a good punch in the face.
I'm just glad when assholes like this (teacher?) get exposed. But the media will cover for this totalitarian corruption just like they will cover for Biden's ass whuppin' tonight. Their bullshit articles are already written. Fuck the MSM. Be an American and make up your own mind. MAGA
Wait a minute here, they "don't blame the teacher (for threatening to kick the child out of the virtual class if he didn't remove the flag or reposition his camera) "because she is new and hasn't been given any guidance". The teachers handbook and code of conduct for virtual learning makes no mention of political flags or posters at all. Isn't it the teachers responsibility to know the handbook and code of conduct for virtual learning? The teacher may want to read the code of conduct for virtual learning BEFORE she threatens or removes a child from class for things she personally finds offensive.
For those who do not know California, Colusa country is a low population rural county in the Sacrimento country.

The biggest event each year is the Willows Lamb Derby.

It is far from a hotspot of leftist politics.
An anecdotal account from an alleged student without verifying evidence is just entertainment. Don't fall into that trap.
For those who do not know California, Colusa country is a low population rural county in the Sacrimento country.

The biggest event each year is the Willows Lamb Derby.

It is far from a hotspot of leftist politics.

It doesn’t matter...our entire education system EVERYWHERE is infected with the mind virus
trump forcefully demanded that biden name one police organization thst supports him

And Joe could not do it
For those who do not know California, Colusa country is a low population rural county in the Sacrimento country.

The biggest event each year is the Willows Lamb Derby.

It is far from a hotspot of leftist politics.

It doesn’t matter...our entire education system EVERYWHERE is infected with the mind virus
I said that more to dispell the notion that california is all like San Francisco ot L.A. than anything else.
For those who do not know California, Colusa country is a low population rural county in the Sacrimento country.

The biggest event each year is the Willows Lamb Derby.

It is far from a hotspot of leftist politics.

It doesn’t matter...our entire education system EVERYWHERE is infected with the mind virus
I said that more to dispell the notion that california is all like San Francisco ot L.A. than anything else.

I know you did...I posted my reply for others. You made a good point.

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