colonial wars inside of Muscovite prisons . Chechens and mobsters in "Russian" prison blood feud


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
colonial wars inside of Muscovite prisons . Chechens and mobsters in "Russian" prison blood feud . sound like 1917
"A conflict in a Siberian penal colony between a Russian ‘thief-in-law’ and Chechen and Daghestani inmates is threatening to spiral out of control. The feud has already began to spread to other prisons in Russia, and attempts to mediate a truce between the warring factions have so far proven fruitless....
I observed the start and development of this conflict back when I was in detention, when everyone was talking about conflicts in the Caucasian camps, where the “greens” (Islamists) openly refused to submit to the thieves and the thieves’ ideas, building their own structure and introducing their own rules of conduct. They responded to all attempts at pressure with well-organised force, surpassing in intensity the violence of the blatniks [professional criminals who follow the ponyatiya, but have not earned the status of thief-in-law].

For example, in one of the green camps, they attacked an entire barracks of blatniks with metal bars, beating up all who were there. Then the conflict also began spreading to other camps with large Muslim contingents. Conflicts on these grounds took place in Matrosskaya Tishina, too.’

According to Malsagova, there are close to 30,000 Chechens in Russian prisons for ‘participation in an illegal armed formation’ (the charge usually levelled at militants) alone. This is not counting those convicted of regular criminal charges. Some well-known thieves-in-law have admitted in their few public interviews that while they might like the Chechens, they are not particularly favoured in prison society.


Chechens and mobsters in Russian prison blood feud

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