Coke or Pepsi?

Canon Shooter

Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2020
I've been on a two-way cross country trip since April 1.

From Florida to Boston to Wooster, Ohio getting Coca Cola was no problem whatsoever. From Wooster west, though, it's as if Coke is simply non-existent. Persona no grata. Banished.

What's the deal? I've spent time in Oregon, Washington, South Dakota, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska and Iowa, and I'll be damned if I couldn't get a Coke every single time we stopped to eat.

It's just weird...
I've been on a two-way cross country trip since April 1.

From Florida to Boston to Wooster, Ohio getting Coca Cola was no problem whatsoever. From Wooster west, though, it's as if Coke is simply non-existent. Persona no grata. Banished.

What's the deal? I've spent time in Oregon, Washington, South Dakota, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska and Iowa, and I'll be damned if I couldn't get a Coke every single time we stopped to eat.

It's just weird...

Sounds like a distribution issue. Most businesses (except grocery stores/convenience stores) have to choose a brand to do business with.
I've been on a two-way cross country trip since April 1.

From Florida to Boston to Wooster, Ohio getting Coca Cola was no problem whatsoever. From Wooster west, though, it's as if Coke is simply non-existent. Persona no grata. Banished.

What's the deal? I've spent time in Oregon, Washington, South Dakota, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska and Iowa, and I'll be damned if I couldn't get a Coke every single time we stopped to eat.

It's just weird...

Those assholes at Coke can kiss my white ass. Pepsi tastes a lot better anyway.

Those nimrods just don't seem to want to stop inflicting terrible wounds on their company.

New Coke anyone?
All restaurants I have been to in north west Florida, Pepsi and Pepsi products are the only soda products I have seen, Rest of the state is Coke.
I'd say Marvin Martian has it on the money. Same with the upcoming "gas shortage" that will be due to transport being down and now short of drivers. Likely, same thing happening with Coke products.

In the midwest it used to be common (up until about 10 years ago or so) to say "Coke" as a generic way of asking someone if they'd like a soft drink (yeah, I know..pop or soda for many...but I refuse to say the word pop ever!) even when you didn't have a Coke in the house but had similiar options that's a selling technique that boosted Coke's success for a while, at least in my region. Nowadays, if you go through a drive-through and ask for a Coke and they only have Pepsi products, they'll tell you they only have Pepsi products and ask you if a Pepsi is okay instead. Or visa it's one or the other unless they have one of those Cola-Cola Freestyle machines that offers umpteen different types.

Using the word "Coke" as a catch-all is like how so many people still say they are going to "google" something on the internet. I wonder if Google anticipated how their name would be used generically like that. Either way I"m sure it paid off them them.
I'd say Marvin Martian has it on the money. Same with the upcoming "gas shortage" that will be due to transport being down and now short of drivers. Likely, same thing happening with Coke products.

In the midwest it used to be common (up until about 10 years ago or so) to say "Coke" as a generic way of asking someone if they'd like a soft drink (yeah, I know..a pop...but I refuse to say pop!) even when you didn't have a Coke in the house but had similiar options that's a selling technique that boosted Coke's success for a while, at least in my region. Nowadays, if you go through a drive-through and ask for a Coke and they only have Pepsi products, they'll tell you they only have Pepsi products and ask you if a Pepsi is okay instead. Or visa it's one or the other unless they have one of those Cola-Cola Freestyle machine that offers umpteen different types.

Using the word "Coke" as a catch-all is like how so many people still say they are going to "google" something on the internet. I wonder if Google anticipated how their name would be used generically like that. Either way I"m sure it paid off them them.

Calling a soda a "coke" is still common in the south. And if you put peanuts in it, you're really a southerner!
I've been on a two-way cross country trip since April 1.

From Florida to Boston to Wooster, Ohio getting Coca Cola was no problem whatsoever. From Wooster west, though, it's as if Coke is simply non-existent. Persona no grata. Banished.

What's the deal? I've spent time in Oregon, Washington, South Dakota, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska and Iowa, and I'll be damned if I couldn't get a Coke every single time we stopped to eat.

It's just weird...

Those assholes at Coke can kiss my white ass. Pepsi tastes a lot better anyway.

Those nimrods just don't seem to want to stop inflicting terrible wounds on their company.

New Coke anyone?
Pepsi likes to play the woke card too--Coke just happened to be more public about it this time. I won't drink either one
I've been on a two-way cross country trip since April 1.

From Florida to Boston to Wooster, Ohio getting Coca Cola was no problem whatsoever. From Wooster west, though, it's as if Coke is simply non-existent. Persona no grata. Banished.

What's the deal? I've spent time in Oregon, Washington, South Dakota, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska and Iowa, and I'll be damned if I couldn't get a Coke every single time we stopped to eat.

It's just weird...

Those assholes at Coke can kiss my white ass. Pepsi tastes a lot better anyway.

Those nimrods just don't seem to want to stop inflicting terrible wounds on their company.

New Coke anyone?
Pepsi likes to play the woke card too--Coke just happened to be more public about it this time. I won't drink either one
Pop is horrible for you.

You are better off getting the vaccine.
I've been on a two-way cross country trip since April 1.

From Florida to Boston to Wooster, Ohio getting Coca Cola was no problem whatsoever. From Wooster west, though, it's as if Coke is simply non-existent. Persona no grata. Banished.

What's the deal? I've spent time in Oregon, Washington, South Dakota, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska and Iowa, and I'll be damned if I couldn't get a Coke every single time we stopped to eat.

It's just weird...
I've been on a two-way cross country trip since April 1.

From Florida to Boston to Wooster, Ohio getting Coca Cola was no problem whatsoever. From Wooster west, though, it's as if Coke is simply non-existent. Persona no grata. Banished.

What's the deal? I've spent time in Oregon, Washington, South Dakota, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska and Iowa, and I'll be damned if I couldn't get a Coke every single time we stopped to eat.

It's just weird...
You were in Washington and Oregon and didn't come home with a UHaul full of unfiltered apple juice?

Your bad! :lmao:

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