CNN's Van Jones helped craft Donald Trump's weak police reform executive order


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Jones then praised the executive order in CNN without disclosing the fact that he made money out of it (a no-no in journalism). Essentially, Jones was praising himself.
The unethical self-promoting Trump-loving fake liberal Van Jones needs to be fired from CNN
Jones then praised the executive order in CNN without disclosing the fact that he made money out of it (a no-no in journalism). Essentially, Jones was praising himself.
The unethical self-promoting Trump-loving fake liberal Van Jones needs to be fired from CNN

Hey, WTF you talking about? You can't cancel a black person.
Jones then praised the executive order in CNN without disclosing the fact that he made money out of it (a no-no in journalism). Essentially, Jones was praising himself.
The unethical self-promoting Trump-loving fake liberal Van Jones needs to be fired from CNN
Dang, you must be a racist.
Jones then praised the executive order in CNN without disclosing the fact that he made money out of it (a no-no in journalism). Essentially, Jones was praising himself.
The unethical self-promoting Trump-loving fake liberal Van Jones needs to be fired from CNN
If true, that is a dumb assed thing for him to do. Hate it when somebody from here screws up in public, making the news.
Jones then praised the executive order in CNN without disclosing the fact that he made money out of it (a no-no in journalism). Essentially, Jones was praising himself.
The unethical self-promoting Trump-loving fake liberal Van Jones needs to be fired from CNN

You Progs need to order more buses.. The list of folks you're tossing UNDER THE BUS is too damn backlogged...

van Jones is an intelligent guy.. His problem is -- HE WAS getting paid to be a party shill for past couple decades... Assume he's REALIZED that black Americans GOT diddly squat out of all that patronage and support.. And being an intelligent and a "problem solver" -- he just supported a well conceived start to the FEDERAL intervention in LOCAL police reform issues.. Tim Scott S.Car (R) probably had more INFLUENCE on Jone's decisions to work with the Repubs than Trump did...

And wherethefuck you get off accusing him of "profiting" from this? Think the Trump Admin HIRED him or something??? Got a quote that SAYS that? Or did you just fart that out because Don Da Lemon told you it was so...

MORE BUSSES -- with MORE big ass crushing WHEELS.. That's what the dying Dem party needs right now...
Van "white-lash" Jones?
Maybe he should switch to FXN and be a Republican if the commies don't appreciate him?
Democrats have gone so far communist that they made civil rights firebrand Leo Terrell into a Republican.

That guy is on fire about being betrayed after decades of representing civil right cases and watching the lip service all their suggestions got from the Dem party leaders ...
Van "white-lash" Jones?
Maybe he should switch to FXN and be a Republican if the commies don't appreciate him?
Democrats have gone so far communist that they made civil rights firebrand Leo Terrell into a Republican.

People who have WORKED on civil rights cases and dedicated their lives to ACTION on it know that Civil Rights is a SUB-set of Civil Liberties... Civil Liberties are the keystone to everything for everybody... Without Civil Liberties, there can't be any Civil Rights specified for specified for "groups"...

And when the Dems focus on civil rights and TEAR DOWN civil liberties in every way their position allows them to do that --- they are gonna LOSE all folks that know "how things work" in terms of rights and liberties...

Just seeing all these leftist mayors/governors putting aside Civil Liberty issues for property owners and residents in the riot areas OR during this Covid panic --- is enough to turn ANY SERIOUS Civil Liberty supporter away from them.... Any color....

Being a libertarian/independent -- most all the great Civil Liberties people USED to be Dems.. Hardly any now.. Can't be if you think the Constitution is a suggestion.. But I'm uncomfortable with the Repubs as well on this because its only been about decade since the party RE-discovered freedoms and liberties. And I'm not feeling a SOLID commitment when they look away from the abuses of Domestic Spying and do stupid shit like not Amend or fix the Patriot Act.. And THEY DO love them some monstrous big govt also...
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