CNN's Stelter Snaps: How Dare You Question Biden's Brain

White Power Matters

Gold Member
Jun 12, 2020
The leftist media darlings are in full meltdown.

Ha-ha! Stelter is SUCH a bald headed, lisping little dumbf*ck. Just dreadful.
The leftist media darlings are in full meltdown.

Biden, "I'm happy to let the American people determine my mental fuhmness, fuh fuh famness fuh fuh fit fimness fit fit fit fitness. :auiqs.jpg: Such a classic Biden.
The leftist media darlings are in full meltdown.

Biden, "I'm happy to let the American people determine my mental fuhmness, fuh fuh famness fuh fuh fit fimness fit fit fit fitness. :auiqs.jpg: Such a classic Biden.
Brian Stelter is a fucking idiot. He's very typical of the Communist Democrat tools working for the Communist News Network.

SAY ANYTHING: Biden Endorses Transgender Activism for 8-Year-Old Children.

Joe Biden explicitly endorsed transgender identity and activism for children as young as 8 years old. He would force schools, homeless shelters, and other institutions to let biological boys into girls’ restrooms, changing rooms, other facilities, and sports in the name of fighting “discrimination.”

Biden, who had earlier insisted that there are things “you can’t do by executive order unless you’re a dictator,” declared, “I will flat-out just change the law”

Policies that open women’s and girls’ restrooms, locker rooms, homeless shelters, prisons, and sports to biological boys foster various forms of abuse against women and girls.

In Decatur, Ga., a 5-year-old girl was sexually assaulted in a girls’ restroom by a 5-year-old boy who identifies as “gender non-conforming” and who uses the girls’ restrooms.

“She went to the bathroom and she was pulling up her pants when one of her classmates came in the bathroom, a little boy. She tried to leave out of the bathroom, the little boy pushed her against the bathroom stall, pinned her up against there,” the mother said, summarizing her daughter’s story. “She asked him to stop, he wouldn’t.”

Biden’s policies would require opening girls’ sports to biological boys who enjoy tremendous biological advantages. Such a policy “deprives women of the opportunity to participate fully and fairly in sports and is fundamentally unfair to female athletes,” Attorney General Bill Barr argued. The Department of Justice has filed a statement of interest in support of female athletes in Connecticut who lost multiple state championship titles to biological boys who identified themselves as girls.

The worst implication of Biden’s support for transgender identity at age 8 involves the experimental “treatments” doctors push on children in order to “confirm” their “gender identity.” Major medical associations have embraced transgender ideology, recommending experimental “puberty-blocking” drugs with long-term side-effects for kids and cross-sex hormones for older children and young adults. Endocrinologists have warned that the “treatments” actually cause a disease.

Men and women who once identified as transgender have grown to reject that identity, lamenting the serious damage they did to their bodies. “I am a real, live 22-year-old woman, with a scarred chest and a broken voice, and five o’clock shadow because I couldn’t face the idea of growing up to be a woman, that’s my reality,” admitted one women who once identified as a man and took cross-sex hormones. One man described his artificial female anatomy as a “Frankenstein hack job.”

Studies have shown that between 80 and 95 percent of children who express gender dysphoria (the persistent and painful identification with a gender opposite their biological sex) will come to identify with their biological sex if they are allowed to develop naturally.

Biden has promised to “ensure that LGBTQ+ individuals have full access to all appropriate health care treatments and resources,” including “covering care related to transitioning—including gender confirmation surgery.”
The leftist media darlings are in full meltdown.

Stelter isn't demented.

He's just fucking stupid.
SAY ANYTHING: Biden Endorses Transgender Activism for 8-Year-Old Children.

Joe Biden explicitly endorsed transgender identity and activism for children as young as 8 years old. He would force schools, homeless shelters, and other institutions to let biological boys into girls’ restrooms, changing rooms, other facilities, and sports in the name of fighting “discrimination.”

Biden, who had earlier insisted that there are things “you can’t do by executive order unless you’re a dictator,” declared, “I will flat-out just change the law”

Policies that open women’s and girls’ restrooms, locker rooms, homeless shelters, prisons, and sports to biological boys foster various forms of abuse against women and girls.

In Decatur, Ga., a 5-year-old girl was sexually assaulted in a girls’ restroom by a 5-year-old boy who identifies as “gender non-conforming” and who uses the girls’ restrooms.

“She went to the bathroom and she was pulling up her pants when one of her classmates came in the bathroom, a little boy. She tried to leave out of the bathroom, the little boy pushed her against the bathroom stall, pinned her up against there,” the mother said, summarizing her daughter’s story. “She asked him to stop, he wouldn’t.”

Biden’s policies would require opening girls’ sports to biological boys who enjoy tremendous biological advantages. Such a policy “deprives women of the opportunity to participate fully and fairly in sports and is fundamentally unfair to female athletes,” Attorney General Bill Barr argued. The Department of Justice has filed a statement of interest in support of female athletes in Connecticut who lost multiple state championship titles to biological boys who identified themselves as girls.

The worst implication of Biden’s support for transgender identity at age 8 involves the experimental “treatments” doctors push on children in order to “confirm” their “gender identity.” Major medical associations have embraced transgender ideology, recommending experimental “puberty-blocking” drugs with long-term side-effects for kids and cross-sex hormones for older children and young adults. Endocrinologists have warned that the “treatments” actually cause a disease.

Men and women who once identified as transgender have grown to reject that identity, lamenting the serious damage they did to their bodies. “I am a real, live 22-year-old woman, with a scarred chest and a broken voice, and five o’clock shadow because I couldn’t face the idea of growing up to be a woman, that’s my reality,” admitted one women who once identified as a man and took cross-sex hormones. One man described his artificial female anatomy as a “Frankenstein hack job.”

Studies have shown that between 80 and 95 percent of children who express gender dysphoria (the persistent and painful identification with a gender opposite their biological sex) will come to identify with their biological sex if they are allowed to develop naturally.

Biden has promised to “ensure that LGBTQ+ individuals have full access to all appropriate health care treatments and resources,” including “covering care related to transitioning—including gender confirmation surgery.”
There are people that for one reason or another hate a foot, limb or other part of their body. Most surgeons consider it an illness and most refuse to remove the so called offending part. Called Body Integraty Disorder. Notice the word disorder. It implies a problem mentally.

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