CNN Proves President Trump Is Right - There is Hate / Hate Groups on BOTH Sides


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Fake News Media / snowflakes falsely claimed Trump refused to condemn the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and white supremacists after the Charlottesville, Va incident...except he did do so:

“Racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans,” Trump said in a brief statement from the White House.”
- Under fire for Charlottesville response, Trump calls groups like KKK "repugnant"

The Fake News Media / snowflakes claimed Trump took to long to condemn the groups for their actions / violence...but during a press conference in which the aggressive, disrespectful media continued to cut the President off and not finish his sentences, President Trump explained that, unlike the Fake News Media who have had to issue quite a few retractions lately for rushing to print / report inaccurate news and unlike the former President who had a tendency to rush to judgmental comments before he had all the facts, HE (Trump) wanted to wait until he had all the facts from his US AG.

The Fake News Media / snowflakes falsely claimed President Trump has 'created an atmosphere where white supremacists feel emboldened'. Instead President Trump's US AG has already announced that the DOJ and FBI have launched an investigation and intend to file Civil Rights and criminal charges against the hate groups for their crimes proven to have been committed.

IN REALITY, the entire basis for their attacks on the President in this case, aside from their general HATRED of the man, is the fact that even though there is not an EQUAL amount of blame to be shared the President accurately pointed out there was / is still blame to go around on 'both sides', that the white supremacists are not the ONLY ones to blame.

Unfortunately for the Left, CNN has proved the President to be right. The problem is not just WHITE Supremacists and Hate Groups - there are others in this country, NON-White Hate groups, as there were in Charlottesville, Va:

“Black separatists, anti-white groups who support separate institutions for blacks, make up one in five hate groups in the United States, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. One in six is linked to the Ku Klux Klan, while another one in 10 are white nationalist and one in 10 are neo-Nazi. One in 10 hate groups are anti-Muslim. Smaller categories include neo-Confederates, anti-LGBT groups and racist "skinheads," according to the organization.”
- By the numbers: 7 charts that explain hate groups in the United States - CNNPolitics

Snowflakes and the Left Media also seeks to ignore 1 simple, yet obviously offensive (to them) TRUTH:
- Whether you agree with their ideology and/or what they have to say or not, EVERYONE has the Constitutional Right to freedom of peaceful assembly and Freedom of Speech, even white supremacists. ANYONE who impedes that right, anyone who instigates violence or attempts to shut those Rights Down are in violation of US civil Rights. THAT means if any 'Leftist' or other opposing groups physically attempted to intervene / deny the white supremacists their right to assemble and protest they are in violation of the law.

That also goes for Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panthers, Pro-Abortionists, etc... They have the right to protest / peacefully assemble and to freely speak.

I don't care if you don't like it or not, that is the way it is - that is the law. That means when the DOJ and FBI begin investigating if they find any non-white supremacist groups or individuals started / instigated any violence in opposition to the white supremacists' Constitutionally-protected protest, they can legally be held accountable equally under the law as the white supremacists who perpetrated violence.

THAT is part of the ugly truth the liberal media and snowflakes SEEMINGLY don't want to acknowledge / talk about.
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Yeah? And who is cheering on black separatists? Certainly no one I know, including black people.
And no one I know is 'cheering on' white supremacists, as you seem to imply. Certainly no one I know or I have seen in / by the media...except other white supremacists.
The Fake News Media / snowflakes falsely claimed Trump refused to condemn the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and white supremacists after the Charlottesville, Va incident...except he did do so:

“Racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans,” Trump said in a brief statement from the White House.”
- Under fire for Charlottesville response, Trump calls groups like KKK "repugnant"

The Fake News Media / snowflakes claimed Trump took to long to condemn the groups for their actions / violence...but during a press conference in which the aggressive, disrespectful media continued to cut the President off and not finish his sentences, President Trump explained that, unlike the Fake News Media who have had to issue quite a few retractions lately for rushing to print / report inaccurate news and unlike the former President who had a tendency to rush to judgmental comments before he had all the facts, HE (Trump) wanted to wait until he had all the facts from his US AG.

The Fake News Media / snowflakes falsely claimed President Trump has 'created an atmosphere where white supremacists feel emboldened'. Instead President Trump's US AG has already announced that the DOJ and FBI have launched an investigation and intend to file Civil Rights and criminal charges against the hate groups for their crimes proven to have been committed.

IN REALITY, the entire basis for their attacks on the President in this case, aside from their general HATRED of the man, is the fact that there is not an EQUAL amount of blame to be shared there was still blame to go around on 'both sides', that the white supremacists are not the ONLY ones to blame.

Unfortunately for the Left, CNN has proved the President to be right. The problem is not just WHITE Supremacists and Hate Groups - there are others in this country, NON-White Hate groups, as there were in Charlottesville, Va:

“Black separatists, anti-white groups who support separate institutions for blacks, make up one in five hate groups in the United States, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. One in six is linked to the Ku Klux Klan, while another one in 10 are white nationalist and one in 10 are neo-Nazi. One in 10 hate groups are anti-Muslim. Smaller categories include neo-Confederates, anti-LGBT groups and racist "skinheads," according to the organization.”
- By the numbers: 7 charts that explain hate groups in the United States - CNNPolitics

Snowflakes and the Left Media also seeks to ignore 1 simple, yet obviously offensive (to them) TRUTH:
- Whether you agree with their ideology and/or what they have to say or not, EVERYONE has the Constitutional Right to freedom of peaceful assembly and Freedom of Speech, even white supremacists. ANYONE who impedes that right, anyone who instigates violence or attempts to shut those Rights Down are in violation of US civil Rights. THAT means if any 'Leftist' or other opposing groups physically attempted to intervene / deny the white supremacists their right to assemble and protest they are in violation of the law.

That also goes for Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panthers, Pro-Abortionists, etc... They have the right to protest / peacefully assemble and to freely speak.

I don't care if you don't like it or not, that is the way it is - that is the law. That means when the DOJ and FBI begin investigating if they find any non-white supremacist groups or individuals started / instigated any violence in opposition to the white supremacists' Constitutionally-protected protest, they can legally be held accountable equally under the law as the white supremacists who perpetrated violence.

THAT is part of the ugly truth the liberal media and snowflakes SEEMINGLY don't want to acknowledge / talk about.

This all sounds great except for a few tidbits you left out:

1. David Duke, former Imperial Wizard of the KKK appeared on national TV, looked into the camera lens and said: "Mr President, remember who put you in the White House!" 24 hrs. later Mr. President walked back his earlier statements condeming the KKK and Neo Nazi's behavior. The sad fact is, white supremacists are the one's who operate Mr. President.

2. There is no way to justify driving a car into a crowd, killing and injuring people, in the name of race hatred.

3. America will not tolerate this behavior from hate groups anymore. Mr. President is an old man, living in the past.

I know it make you feel good to insult and name call, but you're on the losing side of this debate. (Oh....and before you brand me as a LIBERAL Snowflake, just remember I'm a registered Independent that didn't vote for Hillary or Trump)
Let's just get one thing straight; CNN blew it way outta proportion.

But Trump's mistake wasn't really a moral one. It was political.

He SHOULD have treated the fighting at the protest march as a separate instance, and made a blanket condemnation of VIOLENCE itself.

THEN he should have condemned white supremacist ideology, considering that's what apparently inspired Fields to plow into a crowd of counter-protesters.

It was his failure to separate the two that led to his spit-roasting in the media. They probably would've tried to get him anyway, but their attempts would have been way less effective, if not completely ineffectual. And some of the reporters would've defended him, believe it or not. They will give Trump props from time to time, when they like something he did. It just doesn't happen often.
This all sounds great except for a few tidbits you left out:

1. David Duke, former Imperial Wizard of the KKK appeared on national TV, looked into the camera lens and said: "Mr President, remember who put you in the White House!" 24 hrs. later Mr. President walked back his earlier statements condeming the KKK and Neo Nazi's behavior. The sad fact is, white supremacists are the one's who operate Mr. President.

So because a Klan member claimed that the Klan put the President in the White House, which is immediately debunked by an analysis of who voted for Trump and put him in the WH, you immediately take his word as gospel?! Bwuhahahaha.... This is as bad as MSNBC attempting to legitimize a neo-Nazi web site as 'legitimate news' to use it to falsely attack the President.

And Trump walked back nothing - he condemned them and then did the un-thinkable....accurately pointed out the LEFT'S (minor) share of the blame.


2. There is no way to justify driving a car into a crowd, killing and injuring people, in the name of race hatred.

Please post a link to anyone, especially the President, justifying the car attack. No one has done so.

3. America will not tolerate this behavior from hate groups anymore. Mr. President is an old man, living in the past.

Another BS Trump-Hating rant with no evidence to support it. Trump did not call to tolerate anything. He condemned it and those groups by name, and his DOJ / US AG and his FBI are investigating the groups / incident with the intent to prosecute.

Just stop your over-dramatic Fake News BS... It has been debunked. We get it. You hate Trump. Nothing will change that, and you will use every opportunity to falsely accuse him of anything you can.
The Fake News Media / snowflakes falsely claimed Trump refused to condemn the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and white supremacists after the Charlottesville, Va incident...except he did do so:

“Racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans,” Trump said in a brief statement from the White House.”
- Under fire for Charlottesville response, Trump calls groups like KKK "repugnant"

The Fake News Media / snowflakes claimed Trump took to long to condemn the groups for their actions / violence...but during a press conference in which the aggressive, disrespectful media continued to cut the President off and not finish his sentences, President Trump explained that, unlike the Fake News Media who have had to issue quite a few retractions lately for rushing to print / report inaccurate news and unlike the former President who had a tendency to rush to judgmental comments before he had all the facts, HE (Trump) wanted to wait until he had all the facts from his US AG.

The Fake News Media / snowflakes falsely claimed President Trump has 'created an atmosphere where white supremacists feel emboldened'. Instead President Trump's US AG has already announced that the DOJ and FBI have launched an investigation and intend to file Civil Rights and criminal charges against the hate groups for their crimes proven to have been committed.

IN REALITY, the entire basis for their attacks on the President in this case, aside from their general HATRED of the man, is the fact that even though there is not an EQUAL amount of blame to be shared the President accurately pointed out there was / is still blame to go around on 'both sides', that the white supremacists are not the ONLY ones to blame.

Unfortunately for the Left, CNN has proved the President to be right. The problem is not just WHITE Supremacists and Hate Groups - there are others in this country, NON-White Hate groups, as there were in Charlottesville, Va:

“Black separatists, anti-white groups who support separate institutions for blacks, make up one in five hate groups in the United States, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. One in six is linked to the Ku Klux Klan, while another one in 10 are white nationalist and one in 10 are neo-Nazi. One in 10 hate groups are anti-Muslim. Smaller categories include neo-Confederates, anti-LGBT groups and racist "skinheads," according to the organization.”
- By the numbers: 7 charts that explain hate groups in the United States - CNNPolitics

Snowflakes and the Left Media also seeks to ignore 1 simple, yet obviously offensive (to them) TRUTH:
- Whether you agree with their ideology and/or what they have to say or not, EVERYONE has the Constitutional Right to freedom of peaceful assembly and Freedom of Speech, even white supremacists. ANYONE who impedes that right, anyone who instigates violence or attempts to shut those Rights Down are in violation of US civil Rights. THAT means if any 'Leftist' or other opposing groups physically attempted to intervene / deny the white supremacists their right to assemble and protest they are in violation of the law.

That also goes for Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panthers, Pro-Abortionists, etc... They have the right to protest / peacefully assemble and to freely speak.

I don't care if you don't like it or not, that is the way it is - that is the law. That means when the DOJ and FBI begin investigating if they find any non-white supremacist groups or individuals started / instigated any violence in opposition to the white supremacists' Constitutionally-protected protest, they can legally be held accountable equally under the law as the white supremacists who perpetrated violence.

THAT is part of the ugly truth the liberal media and snowflakes SEEMINGLY don't want to acknowledge / talk about.
No conservative would EVER play the moral equivalency game. That's the sort of fucking bullshit the 60s and 70s hippies used to pull.

The fucking Nazis and KKK are representing mass genocide. They DESERVE a fucking punch to the face.

I am so sick of you fucking Nazi collaborators standing up for them. Fuck you, traitors!
The fucking pinko faggots of the 60s and 70s used to point to slavery in America to say that we were no better than the fucking Soviet commies.

And look at you Nazi collaborators now. Trying to draw the same moral equivalency between the Nazis and the negro race you hate so fucking much!

Fuck you, and fuck your naked Nazi collaborating apprentice emperor.
Let's just get one thing straight; CNN blew it way outta proportion.

But Trump's mistake wasn't really a moral one. It was political.

He SHOULD have treated the fighting at the protest march as a separate instance, and made a blanket condemnation of VIOLENCE itself.

THEN he should have condemned white supremacist ideology, considering that's what apparently inspired Fields to plow into a crowd of counter-protesters.

It was his failure to separate the two that led to his spit-roasting in the media. They probably would've tried to get him anyway, but their attempts would have been way less effective, if not completely ineffectual. And some of the reporters would've defended him, believe it or not. They will give Trump props from time to time, when they like something he did. It just doesn't happen often.

Trump did condemn white racist ideology as well as he groups involved by name. Trump said nothing wrong. It was the extreme Left who were SEARCHING with a laser-focus on anything and everything the President says and does for anything to criticize him over.

Even after he clarified to appease the libs seeking to destroy him it wasn't enough. Nothing he does will ever be good enough for the assholes who rioted, looted, beat and bloodied his supporters, called for military coups, called for assassinations, tried to carry out those assassinations, illegally shared info, illegally leaked info, illegally unmasked Americans, etc...
The Fake News Media / snowflakes falsely claimed Trump refused to condemn the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and white supremacists after the Charlottesville, Va incident...except he did do so:

“Racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans,” Trump said in a brief statement from the White House.”
- Under fire for Charlottesville response, Trump calls groups like KKK "repugnant"

The Fake News Media / snowflakes claimed Trump took to long to condemn the groups for their actions / violence...but during a press conference in which the aggressive, disrespectful media continued to cut the President off and not finish his sentences, President Trump explained that, unlike the Fake News Media who have had to issue quite a few retractions lately for rushing to print / report inaccurate news and unlike the former President who had a tendency to rush to judgmental comments before he had all the facts, HE (Trump) wanted to wait until he had all the facts from his US AG.

The Fake News Media / snowflakes falsely claimed President Trump has 'created an atmosphere where white supremacists feel emboldened'. Instead President Trump's US AG has already announced that the DOJ and FBI have launched an investigation and intend to file Civil Rights and criminal charges against the hate groups for their crimes proven to have been committed.

IN REALITY, the entire basis for their attacks on the President in this case, aside from their general HATRED of the man, is the fact that there is not an EQUAL amount of blame to be shared there was still blame to go around on 'both sides', that the white supremacists are not the ONLY ones to blame.

Unfortunately for the Left, CNN has proved the President to be right. The problem is not just WHITE Supremacists and Hate Groups - there are others in this country, NON-White Hate groups, as there were in Charlottesville, Va:

“Black separatists, anti-white groups who support separate institutions for blacks, make up one in five hate groups in the United States, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. One in six is linked to the Ku Klux Klan, while another one in 10 are white nationalist and one in 10 are neo-Nazi. One in 10 hate groups are anti-Muslim. Smaller categories include neo-Confederates, anti-LGBT groups and racist "skinheads," according to the organization.”
- By the numbers: 7 charts that explain hate groups in the United States - CNNPolitics

Snowflakes and the Left Media also seeks to ignore 1 simple, yet obviously offensive (to them) TRUTH:
- Whether you agree with their ideology and/or what they have to say or not, EVERYONE has the Constitutional Right to freedom of peaceful assembly and Freedom of Speech, even white supremacists. ANYONE who impedes that right, anyone who instigates violence or attempts to shut those Rights Down are in violation of US civil Rights. THAT means if any 'Leftist' or other opposing groups physically attempted to intervene / deny the white supremacists their right to assemble and protest they are in violation of the law.

That also goes for Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panthers, Pro-Abortionists, etc... They have the right to protest / peacefully assemble and to freely speak.

I don't care if you don't like it or not, that is the way it is - that is the law. That means when the DOJ and FBI begin investigating if they find any non-white supremacist groups or individuals started / instigated any violence in opposition to the white supremacists' Constitutionally-protected protest, they can legally be held accountable equally under the law as the white supremacists who perpetrated violence.

THAT is part of the ugly truth the liberal media and snowflakes SEEMINGLY don't want to acknowledge / talk about.

This all sounds great except for a few tidbits you left out:

1. David Duke, former Imperial Wizard of the KKK appeared on national TV, looked into the camera lens and said: "Mr President, remember who put you in the White House!" 24 hrs. later Mr. President walked back his earlier statements condeming the KKK and Neo Nazi's behavior. The sad fact is, white supremacists are the one's who operate Mr. President.

2. There is no way to justify driving a car into a crowd, killing and injuring people, in the name of race hatred.

3. America will not tolerate this behavior from hate groups anymore. Mr. President is an old man, living in the past.

I know it make you feel good to insult and name call, but you're on the losing side of this debate. (Oh....and before you brand me as a LIBERAL Snowflake, just remember I'm a registered Independent that didn't vote for Hillary or Trump)

Well if David Duke said so, obviously you better believe it! Now bow before him.
We sure have a lot of Nazis on this board. And a lot of Nazi collaborators working double overtime to draw a moral equivalency between the fucking Nazis and the negroes the collaborators so obviously hate so much.
Let's just get one thing straight; CNN blew it way outta proportion.

But Trump's mistake wasn't really a moral one. It was political.

He SHOULD have treated the fighting at the protest march as a separate instance, and made a blanket condemnation of VIOLENCE itself.

THEN he should have condemned white supremacist ideology, considering that's what apparently inspired Fields to plow into a crowd of counter-protesters.

It was his failure to separate the two that led to his spit-roasting in the media. They probably would've tried to get him anyway, but their attempts would have been way less effective, if not completely ineffectual. And some of the reporters would've defended him, believe it or not. They will give Trump props from time to time, when they like something he did. It just doesn't happen often.

Trump did condemn white racist ideology as well as he groups involved by name. Trump said nothing wrong. It was the extreme Left who were SEARCHING with a laser-focus on anything and everything the President says and does for anything to criticize him over.

Even after he clarified to appease the libs seeking to destroy him it wasn't enough. Nothing he does will ever be good enough for the assholes who rioted, looted, beat and bloodied his supporters, called for military coups, called for assassinations, tried to carry out those assassinations, illegally shared info, illegally leaked info, illegally unmasked Americans, etc...

He didn't say the right things at the right times. That's all there is to it. It might not seem like much, but bad performances like this can really hurt national morale. And it's already pretty bad as-is. I don't think we need it to keep getting worse.
Sit there and ask yourselves. "Why am I spending so much time trying to make the anti-Nazis look as evil as the Nazis?"

And then ask yourself what you look like to any casual observer.

You look like a fucking Nazi collaborator.
The Fake News Media / snowflakes falsely claimed Trump refused to condemn the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and white supremacists after the Charlottesville, Va incident...except he did do so:

“Racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans,” Trump said in a brief statement from the White House.”
- Under fire for Charlottesville response, Trump calls groups like KKK "repugnant"

The Fake News Media / snowflakes claimed Trump took to long to condemn the groups for their actions / violence...but during a press conference in which the aggressive, disrespectful media continued to cut the President off and not finish his sentences, President Trump explained that, unlike the Fake News Media who have had to issue quite a few retractions lately for rushing to print / report inaccurate news and unlike the former President who had a tendency to rush to judgmental comments before he had all the facts, HE (Trump) wanted to wait until he had all the facts from his US AG.

The Fake News Media / snowflakes falsely claimed President Trump has 'created an atmosphere where white supremacists feel emboldened'. Instead President Trump's US AG has already announced that the DOJ and FBI have launched an investigation and intend to file Civil Rights and criminal charges against the hate groups for their crimes proven to have been committed.

IN REALITY, the entire basis for their attacks on the President in this case, aside from their general HATRED of the man, is the fact that even though there is not an EQUAL amount of blame to be shared the President accurately pointed out there was / is still blame to go around on 'both sides', that the white supremacists are not the ONLY ones to blame.

Unfortunately for the Left, CNN has proved the President to be right. The problem is not just WHITE Supremacists and Hate Groups - there are others in this country, NON-White Hate groups, as there were in Charlottesville, Va:

“Black separatists, anti-white groups who support separate institutions for blacks, make up one in five hate groups in the United States, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. One in six is linked to the Ku Klux Klan, while another one in 10 are white nationalist and one in 10 are neo-Nazi. One in 10 hate groups are anti-Muslim. Smaller categories include neo-Confederates, anti-LGBT groups and racist "skinheads," according to the organization.”
- By the numbers: 7 charts that explain hate groups in the United States - CNNPolitics

Snowflakes and the Left Media also seeks to ignore 1 simple, yet obviously offensive (to them) TRUTH:
- Whether you agree with their ideology and/or what they have to say or not, EVERYONE has the Constitutional Right to freedom of peaceful assembly and Freedom of Speech, even white supremacists. ANYONE who impedes that right, anyone who instigates violence or attempts to shut those Rights Down are in violation of US civil Rights. THAT means if any 'Leftist' or other opposing groups physically attempted to intervene / deny the white supremacists their right to assemble and protest they are in violation of the law.

That also goes for Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panthers, Pro-Abortionists, etc... They have the right to protest / peacefully assemble and to freely speak.

I don't care if you don't like it or not, that is the way it is - that is the law. That means when the DOJ and FBI begin investigating if they find any non-white supremacist groups or individuals started / instigated any violence in opposition to the white supremacists' Constitutionally-protected protest, they can legally be held accountable equally under the law as the white supremacists who perpetrated violence.

THAT is part of the ugly truth the liberal media and snowflakes SEEMINGLY don't want to acknowledge / talk about.

Of course there is indefensible violence on both sides. Political Correctness, however, demands that we only condemn that done by the group currently out of favor.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The Fake News Media / snowflakes falsely claimed Trump refused to condemn the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and white supremacists after the Charlottesville, Va incident...except he did do so:

“Racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans,” Trump said in a brief statement from the White House.”
- Under fire for Charlottesville response, Trump calls groups like KKK "repugnant"

The Fake News Media / snowflakes claimed Trump took to long to condemn the groups for their actions / violence...but during a press conference in which the aggressive, disrespectful media continued to cut the President off and not finish his sentences, President Trump explained that, unlike the Fake News Media who have had to issue quite a few retractions lately for rushing to print / report inaccurate news and unlike the former President who had a tendency to rush to judgmental comments before he had all the facts, HE (Trump) wanted to wait until he had all the facts from his US AG.

The Fake News Media / snowflakes falsely claimed President Trump has 'created an atmosphere where white supremacists feel emboldened'. Instead President Trump's US AG has already announced that the DOJ and FBI have launched an investigation and intend to file Civil Rights and criminal charges against the hate groups for their crimes proven to have been committed.

IN REALITY, the entire basis for their attacks on the President in this case, aside from their general HATRED of the man, is the fact that even though there is not an EQUAL amount of blame to be shared the President accurately pointed out there was / is still blame to go around on 'both sides', that the white supremacists are not the ONLY ones to blame.

Unfortunately for the Left, CNN has proved the President to be right. The problem is not just WHITE Supremacists and Hate Groups - there are others in this country, NON-White Hate groups, as there were in Charlottesville, Va:

“Black separatists, anti-white groups who support separate institutions for blacks, make up one in five hate groups in the United States, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. One in six is linked to the Ku Klux Klan, while another one in 10 are white nationalist and one in 10 are neo-Nazi. One in 10 hate groups are anti-Muslim. Smaller categories include neo-Confederates, anti-LGBT groups and racist "skinheads," according to the organization.”
- By the numbers: 7 charts that explain hate groups in the United States - CNNPolitics

Snowflakes and the Left Media also seeks to ignore 1 simple, yet obviously offensive (to them) TRUTH:
- Whether you agree with their ideology and/or what they have to say or not, EVERYONE has the Constitutional Right to freedom of peaceful assembly and Freedom of Speech, even white supremacists. ANYONE who impedes that right, anyone who instigates violence or attempts to shut those Rights Down are in violation of US civil Rights. THAT means if any 'Leftist' or other opposing groups physically attempted to intervene / deny the white supremacists their right to assemble and protest they are in violation of the law.

That also goes for Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panthers, Pro-Abortionists, etc... They have the right to protest / peacefully assemble and to freely speak.

I don't care if you don't like it or not, that is the way it is - that is the law. That means when the DOJ and FBI begin investigating if they find any non-white supremacist groups or individuals started / instigated any violence in opposition to the white supremacists' Constitutionally-protected protest, they can legally be held accountable equally under the law as the white supremacists who perpetrated violence.

THAT is part of the ugly truth the liberal media and snowflakes SEEMINGLY don't want to acknowledge / talk about.
No conservative would EVER play the moral equivalency game. That's the sort of fucking bullshit the 60s and 70s hippies used to pull.

The fucking Nazis and KKK are representing mass genocide. They DESERVE a fucking punch to the face.

I am so sick of you fucking Nazi collaborators standing up for them. Fuck you, traitors!
Blm are the same as the kkk and your messiah invited them to the white house with your blessings. Black Panthers are also the same which Obama supported with your blessings. So shut up.
The left claims theirs; resist, resist, resist. The right doesn't claim or sponsor any hate groups.
He didn't say the right things at the right times.

According to the Leftists who rioted, looted, committed arson, destroyed property, beat and bloodied Trump supporters, threatened Electoral College voters, who called for military coups, called for assassinations, tried to carry out those assassinations, used violence to shut down Freedom of Speech, who illegally shared / leaked classified, who illegally unmasked Americans, etc....
We sure have a lot of Nazis on this board. And a lot of Nazi collaborators working double overtime to draw a moral equivalency between the fucking Nazis and the negroes the collaborators so obviously hate so much.

Well ain't that the case... everyone's a Nazi!

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