CNN Hypocrisy


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
How come CNN can bust on Brian Williams and others on NBC for creating false events & embellishments of his own personal stories yet find it ok to do just that themselves to promote the new "finding Jesus" show.
How can it be ok to make up false claims and stories on a fictitious idol made icon in order to humor the naive masses for sake of viewership and appeasement? That is true hypocracy, but worse because Brian Williams wasn't using his story to fool the masses into dying for his made up claims or image, neither was anyone forced by death and torture to believe the lies, therefore CNN equates Brian Williams story telling as wrong and Isis as wrong for forced conversion to Islam by way of sword yet in hypocritical fashion supports these very same acts in the name of their faith based on PROVEN plagiarised and false accts used as an image to convert others like Jews to Baal worship or die by the hands of Rome (the adversarys-sawtawns to the Hebrews.)
If CNN would do their research they'd notice that Lysanias died 35bc and Herod 4BC, the only Galilean christ figure Yehuda died in 6bc, therefore if Jesus lived in Lysanias and Herod's era as the NT claims then CNN claiming Jesus anounced his christhood in 35ad and being an AD era christ makes CNN a liar whos teaching another christ Theudas by the Jordan who died in 45AD, or admitting inadvertantly that Jesus isn't real, he's just based on many figures spanning any eras with borrowed and plagiarized stories.
How come CNN can bust on Brian Williams and others on NBC for creating false events & embellishments of his own personal stories yet find it ok to do just that themselves to promote the new "finding Jesus" show.
How can it be ok to make up false claims and stories on a fictitious idol made icon in order to humor the naive masses for sake of viewership and appeasement? That is true hypocracy, but worse because Brian Williams wasn't using his story to fool the masses into dying for his made up claims or image, neither was anyone forced by death and torture to believe the lies, therefore CNN equates Brian Williams story telling as wrong and Isis as wrong for forced conversion to Islam by way of sword yet in hypocritical fashion supports these very same acts in the name of their faith based on PROVEN plagiarised and false accts used as an image to convert others like Jews to Baal worship or die by the hands of Rome (the adversarys-sawtawns to the Hebrews.)
If CNN would do their research they'd notice that Lysanias died 35bc and Herod 4BC, the only Galilean christ figure Yehuda died in 6bc, therefore if Jesus lived in Lysanias and Herod's era as the NT claims then CNN claiming Jesus anounced his christhood in 35ad and being an AD era christ makes CNN a liar whos teaching another christ Theudas by the Jordan who died in 45AD, or admitting inadvertantly that Jesus isn't real, he's just based on many figures spanning any eras with borrowed and plagiarized stories.

Because they have to sell car insurance, you dolt! Don't you know anything?
Fiorina Rips Into Chris Cuomo For Saying Her Rhetoric Influenced Planned Parenthood Shooting
by Alex Griswold | 9:03 am, December 11th


CNN’s Chris Cuomo and Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina got in a heated argument Friday morning after Cuomo said the Colorado Planned Parenthood shooter was influenced by her rhetoric.

“Do you feel any sense of regret about how you characterized what was going on at Planned Parenthood after the attack in Colorado?” Cuomo asked. “Because of what the man said which seems as though he was influenced by some of the rhetoric coming out of you and others that painted a very ugly picture and unfair one about Planned Parenthood.”

Fiorina was less than enthused about the question. “Oh, please. Really, Chris?” she asked.



That led to a back-and-forth, where Fiorina eventually questioned Cuomo’s impartiality. “It’s clear what your opinion is, Chris… I think you’ve bought the Planned Parenthood line, hook, line and sinker. Good to know that.”

“I’m asking you if you feel that coming out of Colorado, it gave you any new sense of the power of rhetoric and what it can do, especially when it’s playing on a sensitive issue like abortion… this deranged man went out and killed in the name of saving the baby parts,” Cuomo insisted.

Fiorina shot back by listing off all the times Democrats had used heated rhetoric, such as when Barack Obama compared Republicans to Iranian hardliners shouting “Death to America” and said that they were helping ISIS recruit. “It is unconscionable to deride people who are conservative, their rhetoric, but not to acknowledge that the left uses incendiary rhetoric all the time.”

“It is not ‘objective’ to say that the left-wing does not try and shut down conversation that they don’t want to have by accusing people of inciting others,” she continued. “Remember Sarah Palin? Sarah Palin was somehow responsible for the attack on Gabby Giffords. It turned out that wasn’t true, either.”

“Well, I don’t know anything about what you’re saying about Sarah Palin,” Cuomo responded.

“Oh, of course you do! Of course you do!” Fiorina shot back. “Everyone knows that allusion.”

Fiorina Rips Into Chris Cuomo For Saying Her Rhetoric Influenced Planned Parenthood Shooting
Abuses by a Free Press

"I deplore... the putrid state into which our newspapers have passed and the malignity, the vulgarity, and mendacious spirit of those who write for them... These ordures are rapidly depraving the public taste and lessening its relish for sound food. As vehicles of information and a curb on our functionaries, they have rendered themselves useless by forfeiting all title to belief... This has, in a great degree, been produced by the violence and malignity of party spirit." --Thomas Jefferson to Walter Jones, 1814. ME 14:46
Cowardice is despicable. It's a plague in the West today.

And it's proudly displayed by almost every conservative now. Conservatives consider their gutlessness to be a point of pride. If someone isn't a bedwetter shrieking that the scary muslims are coming, they'll get kicked out of the Republican Party.

All those assholes on CNN and NBC want nothing more than to spread their prayer mats, kiss the floor, and stick their bums up in the air around the scary Muslim mens.

Those are some of the sex fantasies so common to conservative men. Many conservative men will close the drapes, dress up in their favorite burqa, and fantasize about how cruel their new islamomaster is going to be. There will be no need to castrate them, of course, because ... well, they're conservatives. If they had 'nads, they'd be liberals.
Abuses by a Free Press

"I deplore... the putrid state into which our newspapers have passed and the malignity, the vulgarity, and mendacious spirit of those who write for them... These ordures are rapidly depraving the public taste and lessening its relish for sound food. As vehicles of information and a curb on our functionaries, they have rendered themselves useless by forfeiting all title to belief... This has, in a great degree, been produced by the violence and malignity of party spirit." --Thomas Jefferson to Walter Jones, 1814. ME 14:46
Abuses by a Free Press

"I deplore... the putrid state into which our newspapers have passed and the malignity, the vulgarity, and mendacious spirit of those who write for them... These ordures are rapidly depraving the public taste and lessening its relish for sound food. As vehicles of information and a curb on our functionaries, they have rendered themselves useless by forfeiting all title to belief... This has, in a great degree, been produced by the violence and malignity of party spirit." --Thomas Jefferson to Walter Jones, 1814. ME 14:46

The media has become opinionated ass holes, they need to STFU and report the news and that's all...:bye1:
Cowardice is despicable. It's a plague in the West today.

And it's proudly displayed by almost every conservative now. Conservatives consider their gutlessness to be a point of pride. If someone isn't a bedwetter shrieking that the scary muslims are coming, they'll get kicked out of the Republican Party.

All those assholes on CNN and NBC want nothing more than to spread their prayer mats, kiss the floor, and stick their bums up in the air around the scary Muslim mens.

Those are some of the sex fantasies so common to conservative men. Many conservative men will close the drapes, dress up in their favorite burqa, and fantasize about how cruel their new islamomaster is going to be. There will be no need to castrate them, of course, because ... well, they're conservatives. If they had 'nads, they'd be liberals.
It's quite clear there isn't enough padding in your cell. I'll get my best man on it ASAP!
Cowardice is despicable. It's a plague in the West today.

And it's proudly displayed by almost every conservative now. Conservatives consider their gutlessness to be a point of pride. If someone isn't a bedwetter shrieking that the scary muslims are coming, they'll get kicked out of the Republican Party.

All those assholes on CNN and NBC want nothing more than to spread their prayer mats, kiss the floor, and stick their bums up in the air around the scary Muslim mens.

Those are some of the sex fantasies so common to conservative men. Many conservative men will close the drapes, dress up in their favorite burqa, and fantasize about how cruel their new islamomaster is going to be. There will be no need to castrate them, of course, because ... well, they're conservatives. If they had 'nads, they'd be liberals.
We know whats wrong with you people:
The Liberal Mind
Progressive Cognitive Disorder

Just to name a few...:bye1:

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