Cnn & cbs post-debate surveys


Apr 9, 2009
(MODERATOR: I'm trying to comply so if I err please correct me and PLEASE don't bar me.)



Vice Presidential Debate Polls Show Mixed Results

Posted: 10/12/2012 12:32 am EDT Updated: 10/12/2012 1:09 am EDT

Edited, please provide link for article.


Both presidential candidates have good family records.

Each presidential candidate can be called a "good" man and a "good" family man.

Romney was the clear winner of the first presidential debate.

CNN and CBS expressed different views as to the winner of the VP debate, CNN's talking heads favoring Ryan while CBS favored Biden.

The two vice-presidential candidates may have done more---perhaps much more---to clarify the positions of the two presidential candidates than did the first debate of the presidential candidates.

All MIGHTagree that Biden espoused a progressive view while Ryan expressed an opposite view. Biden favored a better health program, social security, medicare, a return to previous tax rates on the rich, less emphasis upon military spending, an absolute commitment to withdrawl of American troops in 2014, etc,
while Ryan espoused contrary views.

Both candidates showed not merely bias regarding Israel but strong and near absolute commitment to Israel and Israeli foreign policy.

Those who recognize the extent to which Israeli and American-Israeli dualies control American policy, recognize a distinction betwen J Street and AIPAC, the two great Jewish parties of the United Street. J Street is the moderate Israeli party while AIPAC is the extreme Israeli Party. Biden's views regarding withdrawal from Afghanistan and guarded policy regarding Syria were those of J Street while Ryan favored the AIPAC policy of applying more and more military power against Mid East countries that were not aligned with the GCC, etc.

A hasty review of articles concerning the debate impress me as showing a general belief that Biden was the decided winner of the debate.

I ask your opinion as to whether you believe Biden and Ryan would have made better candidates for President than Obama and Romney.

And I suggest that given the deep divide between the two parties in respect to both foreign and domestic policy that
since the vice president is but a heart beat away from being president, I ask whether this particular vice-presidential debate might have a strong influence upon your vote and upon the outcome of the presidential election.

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Both presidential candidates have good family records.

Each presidential candidate can be called a "good" individual.

Romney was the clear winner of the first presidential debate.

CNN and CBS expressed different views as to the winner of the VP debate, CNN's talking heads favoring Ryan while CBS favored Biden.

The two vice-presidential candidates may have done more---perhaps much more---to clarify the positions of the two presidential candidates than did the first debate of the presidential candidates.

All agree that Biden espoused a progressive view while Ryan expressed an opposite view. Biden favored a better health program, social security, medicare, a return to previous tax rates on the rich, less emphasis upon military spending, an absolute commitment to withdrawl of American troops in 2014, etc,
while Ryan espoused contrary views.

Both candidates showed not merely bias regarding Israel but strong and near absolute commitment to Israel and Israeli foreign policy.

Those who recognize the extent to which Israeli and American-Israeli dualies and their news media control American policy, recognize a distinction betwen J Street and AIPAC, the two great Jewish parties of the United Street. J Street is the moderate Israeli party while AIPAC is the extreme Israeli Party. Biden's views regarding withdrawal from Afghanistan and guarded policy regarding Syria were those of J Street while Ryan favored the AIPAC policy of applying more and more military power against Mid East countries that were not aligned with the GCC, etc.

A hasty review of articles concerning the debate impress me as showing a general belief that Biden was the decided winner of the debate.

I ask your opinion as to whether you believe Biden and Ryan would have made better candidates for President than Obama and Romney.

And I suggest that given the deep divide between the two parties in respect to both foreign and domestic policy that
since the vice president is but a heart beat away from being president, I ask whether this particular vice-presidential debate might have a strong influence upon your vote and upon the outcome of the presidential election.



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