CNN calls anyone who disagrees with them a fascist


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
CNN Calls Anyone Who Disagrees With Them a Fascist | Armstrong Economics

Jennifer Lawrence, who came out in 2015 and said that if Trump became President it would be the “end of the world” has finally come out and said our politically polarized country needs to come together because “we can’t continue this divide and anger.”

Should that be all that shocking esp. with that gay leftist radical former CIA AGENT named Anderson Cooper no wonder the deep state crooked CIA goes through CNN to push their bs lies. Because weak minds are so easy to manipulate with pure bs.
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CNN has cooties.

What was surprising was Juan Williams, certainly no friend of Trump, saying that his ear is listening and all this argument about getting rid of monuments (including those to Thomas Jefferson and George Washington) is feeding into every white identity group including nazis and given them a very effective recruiting tool. These groups have exploded in size just since Charlottesville.

I say good thing.

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