CNN : Blacks are leaving the United States!!!!!

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
It's about time , lol.

(CNN)Demetria Brown knew the exact moment she decided she'd had it.

She'd just watched a video of George Floyd pinned under an officer's knee, saying he couldn't breathe as he begged for his life. She sobbed as she played it over and over.

On June 1, a week after Floyd's death, she quit her job as a detention officer for the Los Angeles County Probation Department. In the midst of the global coronavirus pandemic, she sold her house, stuffed her belongings into 13 duffel bags and relocated to Puerto Vallarta on Mexico's Pacific coast.

It's about time , lol.

(CNN)Demetria Brown knew the exact moment she decided she'd had it.

She'd just watched a video of George Floyd pinned under an officer's knee, saying he couldn't breathe as he begged for his life. She sobbed as she played it over and over.

On June 1, a week after Floyd's death, she quit her job as a detention officer for the Los Angeles County Probation Department. In the midst of the global coronavirus pandemic, she sold her house, stuffed her belongings into 13 duffel bags and relocated to Puerto Vallarta on Mexico's Pacific coast.

They might be able to find 50-100 such examples, but it would take a nationwide search to find that many...and if 100 left, there would be a million in Africa applying to take their place.

I suppose something in the above comment is could be deemed Rraacciisstt!

But, it's really not. I'm saying that for every 100 real Dumb-Asses who want to leave, there are a million other Blacks who have sense enough to want to come live in the best country thus far established in the history of the human experience.
She better move fast before Mexico finishes our wall and she can’t get out.... wait, Mexico is paying for it still, right?
Hard to believe Mexico is better off than the US right now.

Trump has done a GREAT job turning the US into a "shithole country!"

Probably has better Mexican Food ... I mean, as long as you don't drink the water.

They might be able to find 50-100 such examples, but it would take a nationwide search to find that many...and if 100 left, there would be a million in Africa applying to take their place.

I suppose something in the above comment is could be deemed Rraacciisstt!

But, it's really not. I'm saying that for every 100 real Dumb-Asses who want to leave, there are a million other Blacks who have sense enough to want to come live in the best country thus far established in the history of the human experience.
The sad part would be those 100 million would be taught that the white man is RRRRacist and would hate as well. That is why I openly state that the monkey MFers can't do it on their own. So they will leach off of WHITE western culture until it is as dead as the places they originated from.
Hard to believe Mexico is better off than the US right now.

Trump has done a GREAT job turning the US into a "shithole country!"

Probably has better Mexican Food ... I mean, as long as you don't drink the water.

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Ahhhhhhhhh Diversity...sample the food...but 'don't drink the water'. Kinda says it all doesn't it? White man baaaaaaad.
She better move fast before Mexico finishes our wall and she can’t get out.... wait, Mexico is paying for it still, right?

Why do you wish bad things on this poor girl?
It's a well known fact mehicans hate black people. She thought there was racism here?
Just wait,and there's no mamby pamby coalition or the NAACP to call in mehico.
It's about time , lol.

(CNN)Demetria Brown knew the exact moment she decided she'd had it.

She'd just watched a video of George Floyd pinned under an officer's knee, saying he couldn't breathe as he begged for his life. She sobbed as she played it over and over.

On June 1, a week after Floyd's death, she quit her job as a detention officer for the Los Angeles County Probation Department. In the midst of the global coronavirus pandemic, she sold her house, stuffed her belongings into 13 duffel bags and relocated to Puerto Vallarta on Mexico's Pacific coast.

Who the Hell still believes ANYTHING CNN publishes these days?

Only the MOST Gullible in our Society.
It's about time , lol.

(CNN)Demetria Brown knew the exact moment she decided she'd had it.

She'd just watched a video of George Floyd pinned under an officer's knee, saying he couldn't breathe as he begged for his life. She sobbed as she played it over and over.

On June 1, a week after Floyd's death, she quit her job as a detention officer for the Los Angeles County Probation Department. In the midst of the global coronavirus pandemic, she sold her house, stuffed her belongings into 13 duffel bags and relocated to Puerto Vallarta on Mexico's Pacific coast.

I don't know why she didn't opt for Ghana, they were asking American blacks to come to their nation.
She better move fast before Mexico finishes our wall and she can’t get out.... wait, Mexico is paying for it still, right?
I hope there is a place in hell where you are anally gang raped (for eternity) by all of the 'people of color' you so fervently support.
No devil like a white liberal devil.
I will wear your racist wishes like a badge of honor. Just know that up here in the 1% your wishes have no power.

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