CNN: Bill and Hillary took $153 MIllion in Speeches from 2001 until 2013


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
Why would anyone pay that much money for speeches from them, except to expect a favor.
But, but...but.. they were dead broke!!!

What do they talk about, the inside workings of the government? Or is a speaking engagement just like a meal, and a 10 min talk and just a payment for favor.

Can anyone here enlighten us on this? What they talk about??
What do they talk about, the inside workings of the government? Or is a speaking engagement just like a meal, and a 10 min talk and just a payment for favor.

Can anyone here enlighten us on this? What they talk about??
I saw a video on Hillary and her lies. She talks about what that audience wants to hear...then says something directly opposite to a different audience.
Hillary interview...talks about her speeches

Thank you, either she has a poor memory or flies with the wind. Politicians do have the right to change their mind on issues , but it sounds more on it just depends on how the wind is flying with her.
I guess Bill and Hillary really were "dead broke." :lol: Bill and Hillary took $153 million in speaking fees over 12 years, from 2001 until 2013...including $7.7 million from big Wall Street banks. But Hillary insists "I have not been anyone." :lol:

How any voter could support these crooks is beyond me. :( The link from CNN.

$153 million in Bill and Hillary Clinton speaking fees, documented -

I'm no fan of Hillary, but I don't understand why collecting speaker fees is an issue with anyone. Who here on this forum would not take 1 million dollars to speak if someone offered it to you??? I have a fear of public speaking and likewise, I am very bad at it. But for $500,000 or whatever Hillary makes I'd do it in a heartbeat. Now if you want to make the point that Hillary couldn't understand or identify with the middle class in any way, shape or form I'd buy that.
The speaking fees were voluntarily given to the Clintons. I see no problem. No tax money involved. So, I don't see the problem.
It doesn't matter if she's rich or poor. Hillary Clinton is a major candidate and better than Sanders or the Republican candidates. I like her because she brings her husband, Bill, with her. A Clinton third term is fine with me. If you're only opposed to Hillary because of her speaking fees, you need to re-think your logic on choosing presidential candidates.
I'm no fan of Hillary, but I don't understand why collecting speaker fees is an issue with anyone. Who here on this forum would not take 1 million dollars to speak if someone offered it to you???

The troubling question is not why would Hillary not take one million to make a speech?
The troubling question is why would someone offer her one million to make a speech?
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I'm no fan of Hillary, but I don't understand why collecting speaker fees is an issue with anyone. Who here on this forum would not take 1 million dollars to speak if someone offered it to you???

The troubling question is not why would Hillary not take one million to make a speech?
The troubling question is why would someone offer her one million to make a speech?

Right, if someone offered me a million to speak about something, man I'd take it (not that anyone would or I can even speak in front of people) I want to know what their motives were, so the quest. is WHY?

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Does this mean they can return the White House furniture and silverware they stole to pay the bills for their broke asses?????
I don't care about Hillary Clinton's speaking fees. I care about what she offers to the job of president. I dont' give a F about speakikng fees.

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