Close To 9 of 10 Ballots in VC Elections Were Mail In Ballots


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
In Ventura County, California where I live a total of 284,013 ballots were cast countywide. Out of 505,010 registered voters, only 284,013 cast a ballot. The overall countywide voter turnout was only 56.2 percent.

A whopping 89% of those ballots were mail-in ballots while just 11% were cast at one of the county's voting centers. Seems that if there wasn't the popular "mail in" option, hardly anyone would have voted.

In Ventura County, California where I live a total of 284,013 ballots were cast countywide. Out of 505,010 registered voters, only 284,013 cast a ballot. The overall countywide voter turnout was only 56.2 percent.

A whopping 89% of those ballots were mail-in ballots while just 11% were cast at one of the county's voting centers. Seems that if there wasn't the popular "mail in" option, hardly anyone would have voted.

All those illegals in Ventura County? 89% mail in votes? Nothing suspect about that.
In Ventura County, California where I live a total of 284,013 ballots were cast countywide. Out of 505,010 registered voters, only 284,013 cast a ballot. The overall countywide voter turnout was only 56.2 percent.

A whopping 89% of those ballots were mail-in ballots while just 11% were cast at one of the county's voting centers. Seems that if there wasn't the popular "mail in" option, hardly anyone would have voted.

Its just as secure as in person voting and is less expensive for the counties. Win/Win.
In Ventura County, California where I live a total of 284,013 ballots were cast countywide. Out of 505,010 registered voters, only 284,013 cast a ballot. The overall countywide voter turnout was only 56.2 percent.

A whopping 89% of those ballots were mail-in ballots while just 11% were cast at one of the county's voting centers. Seems that if there wasn't the popular "mail in" option, hardly anyone would have voted.

That is some terrible logic. I vote by mail because I can. If I could not I would vote in person. Case in point I moved in early Oct and was outside of the window to change my voter registration mailing address and still get a mail in ballot so this past November I voted in person. In 2024 I will vote by mail again
In Ventura County, California where I live a total of 284,013 ballots were cast countywide. Out of 505,010 registered voters, only 284,013 cast a ballot. The overall countywide voter turnout was only 56.2 percent.

A whopping 89% of those ballots were mail-in ballots while just 11% were cast at one of the county's voting centers. Seems that if there wasn't the popular "mail in" option, hardly anyone would have voted.

Would 11% fewer people have voted if mail in voting were the only option?
It's the 21st century. Mail in voting is a proven and reliable way to vote.
That may be but it's not "just a secure" as in person voting. My gun safe might be secure but it's not a secure as the vault at the bank is it?
Let's cut to the chase, you and others on the right oppose voting by mail because that's how Democratic voters prefer to vote, having nothing to do with security concerns.
Did I say people shouldnt be able to vote via mail? Did I say it was unsecure? Did I say any of the bullshit you just accused me of? No? Oh ok then fuck off.
Wrong. You made the allegation it was more fraught.
No I didnt. I said mail in voting isnt as secure as in person voting. Which is just logically true. If you HAD to run a voter fraud scheme would you do it via mail or in person?
Prove it. Tell us your stats.
Im not claiming there are stats, you are. But it's just logically true that in person voting is more secure than by mail. The logistics of voting in person alone make it harder to vote fraudulently in any significant amount than mail in voting. I'll ask you again. If you were forced at gun point to run a voter fraud scheme would you plan to do it via mail on in person?

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