Clinton Eeks Out In Iowa(?)! A Virtual Woman-Date In Delegates(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Holy Coin-Toss electoral precincts aside: After South Carolina comes Super-Tuesday, and then the November election--and whatever else happens. Likely the March primaries will leave the Republicans in further disarray.
Rubio and Trump are tied, but actually with Cruz. Hillary is a surprise by comparison, if maybe not exactly emerging in a cake. . . .walk(?)!

What the Iowa caucus means for the only count that counts: delegates

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(43% of Iowa Democrats identify themselves as socialists, likely Social Democrats. Will Republicans identify themselves as Hispanic(?), going forward(?)!)
EarthLink - Top News

The Iowa Democratic Party said Tuesday that it would not do any recount of the close results, and a spokesman for the Sanders campaign said it does not intend to challenge the results of the caucuses.

on the democrat side the nomination is a charade - Sanders and the democratic party are helping Hillary and both are doing a good job.

No one seems to have wondered if Trump needed the wall to keep his hotel labor in the United States. The reverse immigration tide maybe explains he was hoping the Mexicans were fed up with that, so they would build it.

Now maybe he is getting what he wished for, after all! At least two Hispanics on the ballot for months to come. He noticeable does not spend a lot of money on primary campaigns, and likely isn't sending any to Cruz or Rubio.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Will Conservatives even vote to keep Cruz and Rubio in the United States(?), now that they have been discovered, holding offices.)

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