Clinton defends Wall Street speaking fees: ‘That’s what they offered’


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Clinton defends Wall Street speaking fees: ‘That’s what they offered’

Hillary Clinton on Wednesday night defended accepting huge speaking fees from Goldman Sachs, arguing that it won’t influence the way she treats the banking industry.

Speaking at CNN’s Democratic presidential forum, anchor Anderson Cooper pressed Clinton on whether it had been a mistake for her to reel in more than $200,000 per speech for three speeches to the Wall Street giant.

"Look, I made speeches to lots of groups. I told them what I thought. I answered questions," Clinton said.

“But did you have to be paid $675,000?,” Cooper asked.

“Well I don’t know,” Clinton responded. “That’s what they offered.”

The crowd burst into laughter as Clinton explained that “every secretary of State I know has done that.”

Cooper shot back that usually the secretary of State is not preparing to run for president.

“To be honest I wasn’t committed to running,” Clinton said. “I didn’t know whether I would run or not.”

Clinton said she would not be influenced by the money.

“Anybody who knows me that thinks they can influence me – name anything they’ve influenced me on,” she said. “Just name one thing. I’m out here every day saying I’m going to shut them down, I’m going after them, I’m going to jail them if they should be jailed. I’m going to break them up.”

“They’re not giving me very much money now, I can tell you that much,” she said. “Fine with me.”

Earlier in the night, Sanders said a super-PAC supporting Clinton for president had taken in $15 million so far from Wall Street donors.

Clinton claimed Wednesday night that 90 percent of the donors to her actual campaign were “small dollar donors.”


Hillary is so bought and paid for that her own fellow Democrats are laughing at her greed and avarice.

Pulling the lever for Hillary means four more years of helping Wall Street investors get wealthy no matter how bad it gets for Main Street.
Hillary's promise to put people in jail is rather ironic considering that a cell is waiting for her were it not for her powerful protectors in the Democrat party.
Check out what she charges for speaking fees at Universities. The kids don't show up. They know she's a greedy corrupt fraud.
Clinton defends Wall Street speaking fees: ‘That’s what they offered’

Hillary Clinton on Wednesday night defended accepting huge speaking fees from Goldman Sachs, arguing that it won’t influence the way she treats the banking industry.

Speaking at CNN’s Democratic presidential forum, anchor Anderson Cooper pressed Clinton on whether it had been a mistake for her to reel in more than $200,000 per speech for three speeches to the Wall Street giant.

"Look, I made speeches to lots of groups. I told them what I thought. I answered questions," Clinton said.

“But did you have to be paid $675,000?,” Cooper asked.

“Well I don’t know,” Clinton responded. “That’s what they offered.”

The crowd burst into laughter as Clinton explained that “every secretary of State I know has done that.”

Cooper shot back that usually the secretary of State is not preparing to run for president.

“To be honest I wasn’t committed to running,” Clinton said. “I didn’t know whether I would run or not.”

Clinton said she would not be influenced by the money.

“Anybody who knows me that thinks they can influence me – name anything they’ve influenced me on,” she said. “Just name one thing. I’m out here every day saying I’m going to shut them down, I’m going after them, I’m going to jail them if they should be jailed. I’m going to break them up.”

“They’re not giving me very much money now, I can tell you that much,” she said. “Fine with me.”

Earlier in the night, Sanders said a super-PAC supporting Clinton for president had taken in $15 million so far from Wall Street donors.

Clinton claimed Wednesday night that 90 percent of the donors to her actual campaign were “small dollar donors.”


Hillary is so bought and paid for that her own fellow Democrats are laughing at her greed and avarice.

Pulling the lever for Hillary means four more years of helping Wall Street investors get wealthy no matter how bad it gets for Main Street.

My God. I have never come across such a liar! And the Democrats are laughing? That's rich! :)
Clinton defends Wall Street speaking fees: ‘That’s what they offered’

Hillary Clinton on Wednesday night defended accepting huge speaking fees from Goldman Sachs, arguing that it won’t influence the way she treats the banking industry.

Speaking at CNN’s Democratic presidential forum, anchor Anderson Cooper pressed Clinton on whether it had been a mistake for her to reel in more than $200,000 per speech for three speeches to the Wall Street giant.

"Look, I made speeches to lots of groups. I told them what I thought. I answered questions," Clinton said.

“But did you have to be paid $675,000?,” Cooper asked.

“Well I don’t know,” Clinton responded. “That’s what they offered.”

The crowd burst into laughter as Clinton explained that “every secretary of State I know has done that.”

Cooper shot back that usually the secretary of State is not preparing to run for president.

“To be honest I wasn’t committed to running,” Clinton said. “I didn’t know whether I would run or not.”

Clinton said she would not be influenced by the money.

“Anybody who knows me that thinks they can influence me – name anything they’ve influenced me on,” she said. “Just name one thing. I’m out here every day saying I’m going to shut them down, I’m going after them, I’m going to jail them if they should be jailed. I’m going to break them up.”

“They’re not giving me very much money now, I can tell you that much,” she said. “Fine with me.”

Earlier in the night, Sanders said a super-PAC supporting Clinton for president had taken in $15 million so far from Wall Street donors.

Clinton claimed Wednesday night that 90 percent of the donors to her actual campaign were “small dollar donors.”


Hillary is so bought and paid for that her own fellow Democrats are laughing at her greed and avarice.

Pulling the lever for Hillary means four more years of helping Wall Street investors get wealthy no matter how bad it gets for Main Street.

All politicians give speeches and get money for it. That's what they do. Now I am certain that no one wants to hear Bernie Sanders give a speech. You're not going to get a free college education, even Democrats in the Senate and Congress would never vote for that, so get over it. This country would never elect a socialist.

If you want a Republican in the Oval office--nominate the old fart--Bernie Sanders. Mickey Mouse could beat him.

If Democrats want to win this election, Hillary Clinton is the one. There is no Republican that can defeat her. The Tea Party has shattered the Republican Party into pieces, take advantage of it, and don't be stupid.

Check out what she charges for speaking fees at Universities. The kids don't show up. They know she's a greedy corrupt fraud.

As Clinton touts student debt bailout plan, critics point to $2M in college speaking fees | Fox News

Sheesh, 2 million in speaking fees to Hillary from colleges/universities in 9 months, no wonder tuition and other schooling costs are so high..

Someone should alert Bernie, maybe he could get her to shut up and reduce the costs of higher education..:eusa_doh:
Check out what she charges for speaking fees at Universities. The kids don't show up. They know she's a greedy corrupt fraud.

As Clinton touts student debt bailout plan, critics point to $2M in college speaking fees | Fox News

Sheesh, 2 million in speaking fees to Hillary from colleges/universities in 9 months, no wonder tuition and other schooling costs are so high..Someone should alert Bernie, maybe just he could get her to shut up and reduce the costs of higher education..:eusa_doh:

Very few show up. A couple of Goldman Sachs execs and bootlicking faculty members. That's about it.
Check out what she charges for speaking fees at Universities. The kids don't show up. They know she's a greedy corrupt fraud.

As Clinton touts student debt bailout plan, critics point to $2M in college speaking fees | Fox News

Sheesh, 2 million in speaking fees to Hillary from colleges/universities in 9 months, no wonder tuition and other schooling costs are so high..

Someone should alert Bernie, maybe he could get her to shut up and reduce the costs of higher education..:eusa_doh:

Tuition skyrockets each year--and I am certain it has nothing to do with speeches. Eventually they are going to put themselves out of business, no one will be able to afford it. And no one is going to get a free college education, and no democrat or republican is going to vote for that proposal. It's absolutely ridiculous-specifically designed for special idiots that believe it. Kind of like Mexico is going to pay for Trump's wall--LOL I think we're going to see education go into specialty trades, vocational schools, etc. There are way too many young kids that go to Universities, and come out and can't find a job, and they're up to their necks in student debt. It's time that changed.

Clinton defends Wall Street speaking fees: ‘That’s what they offered’

Hillary Clinton on Wednesday night defended accepting huge speaking fees from Goldman Sachs, arguing that it won’t influence the way she treats the banking industry.

Speaking at CNN’s Democratic presidential forum, anchor Anderson Cooper pressed Clinton on whether it had been a mistake for her to reel in more than $200,000 per speech for three speeches to the Wall Street giant.

"Look, I made speeches to lots of groups. I told them what I thought. I answered questions," Clinton said.

“But did you have to be paid $675,000?,” Cooper asked.

“Well I don’t know,” Clinton responded. “That’s what they offered.”

The crowd burst into laughter as Clinton explained that “every secretary of State I know has done that.”

Cooper shot back that usually the secretary of State is not preparing to run for president.

“To be honest I wasn’t committed to running,” Clinton said. “I didn’t know whether I would run or not.”

Clinton said she would not be influenced by the money.

“Anybody who knows me that thinks they can influence me – name anything they’ve influenced me on,” she said. “Just name one thing. I’m out here every day saying I’m going to shut them down, I’m going after them, I’m going to jail them if they should be jailed. I’m going to break them up.”

“They’re not giving me very much money now, I can tell you that much,” she said. “Fine with me.”

Earlier in the night, Sanders said a super-PAC supporting Clinton for president had taken in $15 million so far from Wall Street donors.

Clinton claimed Wednesday night that 90 percent of the donors to her actual campaign were “small dollar donors.”


Hillary is so bought and paid for that her own fellow Democrats are laughing at her greed and avarice.

Pulling the lever for Hillary means four more years of helping Wall Street investors get wealthy no matter how bad it gets for Main Street.

All politicians give speeches and get money for it. That's what they do. Now I am certain that no one wants to hear Bernie Sanders give a speech. You're not going to get a free college education, even Democrats in the Senate and Congress would never vote for that, so get over it. This country would never elect a socialist.

If you want a Republican in the Oval office--nominate the old fart--Bernie Sanders. Mickey Mouse could beat him.

If Democrats want to win this election, Hillary Clinton is the one. There is no Republican that can defeat her. The Tea Party has shattered the Republican Party into pieces, take advantage of it, and don't be stupid.

Clinton defends Wall Street speaking fees: ‘That’s what they offered’

Hillary Clinton on Wednesday night defended accepting huge speaking fees from Goldman Sachs, arguing that it won’t influence the way she treats the banking industry.

Speaking at CNN’s Democratic presidential forum, anchor Anderson Cooper pressed Clinton on whether it had been a mistake for her to reel in more than $200,000 per speech for three speeches to the Wall Street giant.

"Look, I made speeches to lots of groups. I told them what I thought. I answered questions," Clinton said.

“But did you have to be paid $675,000?,” Cooper asked.

“Well I don’t know,” Clinton responded. “That’s what they offered.”

The crowd burst into laughter as Clinton explained that “every secretary of State I know has done that.”

Cooper shot back that usually the secretary of State is not preparing to run for president.

“To be honest I wasn’t committed to running,” Clinton said. “I didn’t know whether I would run or not.”

Clinton said she would not be influenced by the money.

“Anybody who knows me that thinks they can influence me – name anything they’ve influenced me on,” she said. “Just name one thing. I’m out here every day saying I’m going to shut them down, I’m going after them, I’m going to jail them if they should be jailed. I’m going to break them up.”

“They’re not giving me very much money now, I can tell you that much,” she said. “Fine with me.”

Earlier in the night, Sanders said a super-PAC supporting Clinton for president had taken in $15 million so far from Wall Street donors.

Clinton claimed Wednesday night that 90 percent of the donors to her actual campaign were “small dollar donors.”


Hillary is so bought and paid for that her own fellow Democrats are laughing at her greed and avarice.

Pulling the lever for Hillary means four more years of helping Wall Street investors get wealthy no matter how bad it gets for Main Street.

All politicians give speeches and get money for it. That's what they do. Now I am certain that no one wants to hear Bernie Sanders give a speech. You're not going to get a free college education, even Democrats in the Senate and Congress would never vote for that, so get over it. This country would never elect a socialist.

If you want a Republican in the Oval office--nominate the old fart--Bernie Sanders. Mickey Mouse could beat him.

If Democrats want to win this election, Hillary Clinton is the one. There is no Republican that can defeat her. The Tea Party has shattered the Republican Party into pieces, take advantage of it, and don't be stupid.

You are aware that her blonde hair and blue eyes are fake? © 2016


Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has settled on a fresh bright baby-blue hue for eyes in recent photoshoots and public appearances -- a dramatic transformation from her natural hazel tint!

The former first lady opted for baby-blue eyes last month when she was captured exclusively for TIME magazine

The cover shot marks a dramatic departure from Clinton's appearance during her Arkansas years

"She started experimenting with different blazing blue colors at the White House," an insider confided to the DRUDGE REPORT. "She even tried turquoise contact lenses once, but it was not a great look for her."​
Clinton defends Wall Street speaking fees: ‘That’s what they offered’

Hillary Clinton on Wednesday night defended accepting huge speaking fees from Goldman Sachs, arguing that it won’t influence the way she treats the banking industry.

Speaking at CNN’s Democratic presidential forum, anchor Anderson Cooper pressed Clinton on whether it had been a mistake for her to reel in more than $200,000 per speech for three speeches to the Wall Street giant.

"Look, I made speeches to lots of groups. I told them what I thought. I answered questions," Clinton said.

“But did you have to be paid $675,000?,” Cooper asked.

“Well I don’t know,” Clinton responded. “That’s what they offered.”

The crowd burst into laughter as Clinton explained that “every secretary of State I know has done that.”

Cooper shot back that usually the secretary of State is not preparing to run for president.

“To be honest I wasn’t committed to running,” Clinton said. “I didn’t know whether I would run or not.”

Clinton said she would not be influenced by the money.

“Anybody who knows me that thinks they can influence me – name anything they’ve influenced me on,” she said. “Just name one thing. I’m out here every day saying I’m going to shut them down, I’m going after them, I’m going to jail them if they should be jailed. I’m going to break them up.”

“They’re not giving me very much money now, I can tell you that much,” she said. “Fine with me.”

Earlier in the night, Sanders said a super-PAC supporting Clinton for president had taken in $15 million so far from Wall Street donors.

Clinton claimed Wednesday night that 90 percent of the donors to her actual campaign were “small dollar donors.”


Hillary is so bought and paid for that her own fellow Democrats are laughing at her greed and avarice.

Pulling the lever for Hillary means four more years of helping Wall Street investors get wealthy no matter how bad it gets for Main Street.

All politicians give speeches and get money for it. That's what they do. Now I am certain that no one wants to hear Bernie Sanders give a speech. You're not going to get a free college education, even Democrats in the Senate and Congress would never vote for that, so get over it. This country would never elect a socialist.

If you want a Republican in the Oval office--nominate the old fart--Bernie Sanders. Mickey Mouse could beat him.

If Democrats want to win this election, Hillary Clinton is the one. There is no Republican that can defeat her. The Tea Party has shattered the Republican Party into pieces, take advantage of it, and don't be stupid.

Clinton defends Wall Street speaking fees: ‘That’s what they offered’

Hillary Clinton on Wednesday night defended accepting huge speaking fees from Goldman Sachs, arguing that it won’t influence the way she treats the banking industry.

Speaking at CNN’s Democratic presidential forum, anchor Anderson Cooper pressed Clinton on whether it had been a mistake for her to reel in more than $200,000 per speech for three speeches to the Wall Street giant.

"Look, I made speeches to lots of groups. I told them what I thought. I answered questions," Clinton said.

“But did you have to be paid $675,000?,” Cooper asked.

“Well I don’t know,” Clinton responded. “That’s what they offered.”

The crowd burst into laughter as Clinton explained that “every secretary of State I know has done that.”

Cooper shot back that usually the secretary of State is not preparing to run for president.

“To be honest I wasn’t committed to running,” Clinton said. “I didn’t know whether I would run or not.”

Clinton said she would not be influenced by the money.

“Anybody who knows me that thinks they can influence me – name anything they’ve influenced me on,” she said. “Just name one thing. I’m out here every day saying I’m going to shut them down, I’m going after them, I’m going to jail them if they should be jailed. I’m going to break them up.”

“They’re not giving me very much money now, I can tell you that much,” she said. “Fine with me.”

Earlier in the night, Sanders said a super-PAC supporting Clinton for president had taken in $15 million so far from Wall Street donors.

Clinton claimed Wednesday night that 90 percent of the donors to her actual campaign were “small dollar donors.”


Hillary is so bought and paid for that her own fellow Democrats are laughing at her greed and avarice.

Pulling the lever for Hillary means four more years of helping Wall Street investors get wealthy no matter how bad it gets for Main Street.

All politicians give speeches and get money for it. That's what they do. Now I am certain that no one wants to hear Bernie Sanders give a speech. You're not going to get a free college education, even Democrats in the Senate and Congress would never vote for that, so get over it. This country would never elect a socialist.

If you want a Republican in the Oval office--nominate the old fart--Bernie Sanders. Mickey Mouse could beat him.

If Democrats want to win this election, Hillary Clinton is the one. There is no Republican that can defeat her. The Tea Party has shattered the Republican Party into pieces, take advantage of it, and don't be stupid.

You are aware that her blonde hair and blue eyes are fake? © 2016


Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has settled on a fresh bright baby-blue hue for eyes in recent photoshoots and public appearances -- a dramatic transformation from her natural hazel tint!

The former first lady opted for baby-blue eyes last month when she was captured exclusively for TIME magazine


The cover shot marks a dramatic departure from Clinton's appearance during her Arkansas years

"She started experimenting with different blazing blue colors at the White House," an insider confided to the DRUDGE REPORT. "She even tried turquoise contact lenses once, but it was not a great look for her."

Who cares, there isn't a woman that I know that doesn't dye their hair, and or wear contacts. What's that got to do with anything?
Clinton defends Wall Street speaking fees: ‘That’s what they offered’

Hillary Clinton on Wednesday night defended accepting huge speaking fees from Goldman Sachs, arguing that it won’t influence the way she treats the banking industry.

Speaking at CNN’s Democratic presidential forum, anchor Anderson Cooper pressed Clinton on whether it had been a mistake for her to reel in more than $200,000 per speech for three speeches to the Wall Street giant.

"Look, I made speeches to lots of groups. I told them what I thought. I answered questions," Clinton said.

“But did you have to be paid $675,000?,” Cooper asked.

“Well I don’t know,” Clinton responded. “That’s what they offered.”

The crowd burst into laughter as Clinton explained that “every secretary of State I know has done that.”

Cooper shot back that usually the secretary of State is not preparing to run for president.

“To be honest I wasn’t committed to running,” Clinton said. “I didn’t know whether I would run or not.”

Clinton said she would not be influenced by the money.

“Anybody who knows me that thinks they can influence me – name anything they’ve influenced me on,” she said. “Just name one thing. I’m out here every day saying I’m going to shut them down, I’m going after them, I’m going to jail them if they should be jailed. I’m going to break them up.”

“They’re not giving me very much money now, I can tell you that much,” she said. “Fine with me.”

Earlier in the night, Sanders said a super-PAC supporting Clinton for president had taken in $15 million so far from Wall Street donors.

Clinton claimed Wednesday night that 90 percent of the donors to her actual campaign were “small dollar donors.”


Hillary is so bought and paid for that her own fellow Democrats are laughing at her greed and avarice.

Pulling the lever for Hillary means four more years of helping Wall Street investors get wealthy no matter how bad it gets for Main Street.

The mistake Clinton made is she didn't accept the money for charity.
And donate it all to me!! :)
Check out what she charges for speaking fees at Universities. The kids don't show up. They know she's a greedy corrupt fraud.

As Clinton touts student debt bailout plan, critics point to $2M in college speaking fees | Fox News

Sheesh, 2 million in speaking fees to Hillary from colleges/universities in 9 months, no wonder tuition and other schooling costs are so high..

Someone should alert Bernie, maybe he could get her to shut up and reduce the costs of higher education..:eusa_doh:

Tuition skyrockets each year--and I am certain it has nothing to do with speeches. Eventually they are going to put themselves out of business, no one will be able to afford it. And no one is going to get a free college education, and no democrat or republican is going to vote for that proposal. It's absolutely ridiculous-specifically designed for special idiots that believe it. Kind of like Mexico is going to pay for Trump's wall--LOL I think we're going to see education go into specialty trades, vocational schools, etc. There are way too many young kids that go to Universities, and come out and can't find a job, and they're up to their necks in student debt. It's time that changed.


The Trump wall is a stretch but I did appreciate your post, for what its worth.
Clinton defends Wall Street speaking fees: ‘That’s what they offered’

Hillary Clinton on Wednesday night defended accepting huge speaking fees from Goldman Sachs, arguing that it won’t influence the way she treats the banking industry.

Speaking at CNN’s Democratic presidential forum, anchor Anderson Cooper pressed Clinton on whether it had been a mistake for her to reel in more than $200,000 per speech for three speeches to the Wall Street giant.

"Look, I made speeches to lots of groups. I told them what I thought. I answered questions," Clinton said.

“But did you have to be paid $675,000?,” Cooper asked.

“Well I don’t know,” Clinton responded. “That’s what they offered.”

The crowd burst into laughter as Clinton explained that “every secretary of State I know has done that.”

Cooper shot back that usually the secretary of State is not preparing to run for president.

“To be honest I wasn’t committed to running,” Clinton said. “I didn’t know whether I would run or not.”

Clinton said she would not be influenced by the money.

“Anybody who knows me that thinks they can influence me – name anything they’ve influenced me on,” she said. “Just name one thing. I’m out here every day saying I’m going to shut them down, I’m going after them, I’m going to jail them if they should be jailed. I’m going to break them up.”

“They’re not giving me very much money now, I can tell you that much,” she said. “Fine with me.”

Earlier in the night, Sanders said a super-PAC supporting Clinton for president had taken in $15 million so far from Wall Street donors.

Clinton claimed Wednesday night that 90 percent of the donors to her actual campaign were “small dollar donors.”


Hillary is so bought and paid for that her own fellow Democrats are laughing at her greed and avarice.

Pulling the lever for Hillary means four more years of helping Wall Street investors get wealthy no matter how bad it gets for Main Street.

The mistake Clinton made is she didn't accept the money for charity.
And donate it all to me!! :)
She could have done that...Give it to charity...The Clinton Foundation Charity.
Clinton defends Wall Street speaking fees: ‘That’s what they offered’

Hillary Clinton on Wednesday night defended accepting huge speaking fees from Goldman Sachs, arguing that it won’t influence the way she treats the banking industry.

Speaking at CNN’s Democratic presidential forum, anchor Anderson Cooper pressed Clinton on whether it had been a mistake for her to reel in more than $200,000 per speech for three speeches to the Wall Street giant.

"Look, I made speeches to lots of groups. I told them what I thought. I answered questions," Clinton said.

“But did you have to be paid $675,000?,” Cooper asked.

“Well I don’t know,” Clinton responded. “That’s what they offered.”

The crowd burst into laughter as Clinton explained that “every secretary of State I know has done that.”

Cooper shot back that usually the secretary of State is not preparing to run for president.

“To be honest I wasn’t committed to running,” Clinton said. “I didn’t know whether I would run or not.”

Clinton said she would not be influenced by the money.

“Anybody who knows me that thinks they can influence me – name anything they’ve influenced me on,” she said. “Just name one thing. I’m out here every day saying I’m going to shut them down, I’m going after them, I’m going to jail them if they should be jailed. I’m going to break them up.”

“They’re not giving me very much money now, I can tell you that much,” she said. “Fine with me.”

Earlier in the night, Sanders said a super-PAC supporting Clinton for president had taken in $15 million so far from Wall Street donors.

Clinton claimed Wednesday night that 90 percent of the donors to her actual campaign were “small dollar donors.”


Hillary is so bought and paid for that her own fellow Democrats are laughing at her greed and avarice.

Pulling the lever for Hillary means four more years of helping Wall Street investors get wealthy no matter how bad it gets for Main Street.

The mistake Clinton made is she didn't accept the money for charity.
And donate it all to me!! :)
She could have done that...Give it to charity...The Clinton Foundation Charity.

The Clinton Foundation a charity? Ya kiddin right? For who? Her and her serial pervert husband?
All this hullaby over someone getting paid a speaking fee. Sheesh, I would do it for a couple of hundred plus expenses, and so would you.

What's next, go after the type of tooth paste she uses?

I can see it now, ToothPastegate.
Clinton defends Wall Street speaking fees: ‘That’s what they offered’

Hillary Clinton on Wednesday night defended accepting huge speaking fees from Goldman Sachs, arguing that it won’t influence the way she treats the banking industry.

Speaking at CNN’s Democratic presidential forum, anchor Anderson Cooper pressed Clinton on whether it had been a mistake for her to reel in more than $200,000 per speech for three speeches to the Wall Street giant.

"Look, I made speeches to lots of groups. I told them what I thought. I answered questions," Clinton said.

“But did you have to be paid $675,000?,” Cooper asked.

“Well I don’t know,” Clinton responded. “That’s what they offered.”

The crowd burst into laughter as Clinton explained that “every secretary of State I know has done that.”

Cooper shot back that usually the secretary of State is not preparing to run for president.

“To be honest I wasn’t committed to running,” Clinton said. “I didn’t know whether I would run or not.”

Clinton said she would not be influenced by the money.

“Anybody who knows me that thinks they can influence me – name anything they’ve influenced me on,” she said. “Just name one thing. I’m out here every day saying I’m going to shut them down, I’m going after them, I’m going to jail them if they should be jailed. I’m going to break them up.”

“They’re not giving me very much money now, I can tell you that much,” she said. “Fine with me.”

Earlier in the night, Sanders said a super-PAC supporting Clinton for president had taken in $15 million so far from Wall Street donors.

Clinton claimed Wednesday night that 90 percent of the donors to her actual campaign were “small dollar donors.”


Hillary is so bought and paid for that her own fellow Democrats are laughing at her greed and avarice.

Pulling the lever for Hillary means four more years of helping Wall Street investors get wealthy no matter how bad it gets for Main Street.

The mistake Clinton made is she didn't accept the money for charity.
And donate it all to me!! :)
She could have done that...Give it to charity...The Clinton Foundation Charity.

The Clinton Foundation a charity? Ya kiddin right? For who? Her and her serial pervert husband?
Not kidding. :( Mucho foreign donations while Hill was Secretary of State, but she forgot to disclose some of them.
Democrats are funny. They keep ranting and raving about how they hate Wall Street bankers, how they hate the rich, how they hate corporations, and then vote for people who are taking money from Wall Street bankers, rich people, and corporations.
Clinton defends Wall Street speaking fees: ‘That’s what they offered’

Hillary Clinton on Wednesday night defended accepting huge speaking fees from Goldman Sachs, arguing that it won’t influence the way she treats the banking industry.

Speaking at CNN’s Democratic presidential forum, anchor Anderson Cooper pressed Clinton on whether it had been a mistake for her to reel in more than $200,000 per speech for three speeches to the Wall Street giant.

"Look, I made speeches to lots of groups. I told them what I thought. I answered questions," Clinton said.

“But did you have to be paid $675,000?,” Cooper asked.

“Well I don’t know,” Clinton responded. “That’s what they offered.”

The crowd burst into laughter as Clinton explained that “every secretary of State I know has done that.”

Cooper shot back that usually the secretary of State is not preparing to run for president.

“To be honest I wasn’t committed to running,” Clinton said. “I didn’t know whether I would run or not.”

Clinton said she would not be influenced by the money.

“Anybody who knows me that thinks they can influence me – name anything they’ve influenced me on,” she said. “Just name one thing. I’m out here every day saying I’m going to shut them down, I’m going after them, I’m going to jail them if they should be jailed. I’m going to break them up.”

“They’re not giving me very much money now, I can tell you that much,” she said. “Fine with me.”

Earlier in the night, Sanders said a super-PAC supporting Clinton for president had taken in $15 million so far from Wall Street donors.

Clinton claimed Wednesday night that 90 percent of the donors to her actual campaign were “small dollar donors.”


Hillary is so bought and paid for that her own fellow Democrats are laughing at her greed and avarice.

Pulling the lever for Hillary means four more years of helping Wall Street investors get wealthy no matter how bad it gets for Main Street.

The mistake Clinton made is she didn't accept the money for charity.
And donate it all to me!! :)
She could have done that...Give it to charity...The Clinton Foundation Charity.

The Clinton Foundation a charity? Ya kiddin right? For who? Her and her serial pervert husband?
Not kidding. :( Mucho foreign donations while Hill was Secretary of State, but she forgot to disclose some of them.

Yeah, the Clintons do forget a lot. They sho do. ;)
Clinton defends Wall Street speaking fees: ‘That’s what they offered’

Hillary Clinton on Wednesday night defended accepting huge speaking fees from Goldman Sachs, arguing that it won’t influence the way she treats the banking industry.

Speaking at CNN’s Democratic presidential forum, anchor Anderson Cooper pressed Clinton on whether it had been a mistake for her to reel in more than $200,000 per speech for three speeches to the Wall Street giant.

"Look, I made speeches to lots of groups. I told them what I thought. I answered questions," Clinton said.

“But did you have to be paid $675,000?,” Cooper asked.

“Well I don’t know,” Clinton responded. “That’s what they offered.”

The crowd burst into laughter as Clinton explained that “every secretary of State I know has done that.”

Cooper shot back that usually the secretary of State is not preparing to run for president.

“To be honest I wasn’t committed to running,” Clinton said. “I didn’t know whether I would run or not.”

Clinton said she would not be influenced by the money.

“Anybody who knows me that thinks they can influence me – name anything they’ve influenced me on,” she said. “Just name one thing. I’m out here every day saying I’m going to shut them down, I’m going after them, I’m going to jail them if they should be jailed. I’m going to break them up.”

“They’re not giving me very much money now, I can tell you that much,” she said. “Fine with me.”

Earlier in the night, Sanders said a super-PAC supporting Clinton for president had taken in $15 million so far from Wall Street donors.

Clinton claimed Wednesday night that 90 percent of the donors to her actual campaign were “small dollar donors.”


Hillary is so bought and paid for that her own fellow Democrats are laughing at her greed and avarice.

Pulling the lever for Hillary means four more years of helping Wall Street investors get wealthy no matter how bad it gets for Main Street.

All politicians give speeches and get money for it. That's what they do. Now I am certain that no one wants to hear Bernie Sanders give a speech. You're not going to get a free college education, even Democrats in the Senate and Congress would never vote for that, so get over it. This country would never elect a socialist.

If you want a Republican in the Oval office--nominate the old fart--Bernie Sanders. Mickey Mouse could beat him.

If Democrats want to win this election, Hillary Clinton is the one. There is no Republican that can defeat her. The Tea Party has shattered the Republican Party into pieces, take advantage of it, and don't be stupid.


First, she will need to get nominated :D

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