Cleaning Up the Leftovers from Biden’s Last Bout of Leadership


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
When Joe Biden speaks of the need for American global leadership, perhaps he should first talk to those we have already left behind.

Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Syria: the greatest hits of American Empire. When Joe Biden speaks of American leadership, perhaps he should look there first.

But, he's a democrat- it's all good-

Home/Articles/World/Foreign Affairs/Cleaning Up the Leftovers from Biden’s Last Bout of Leadership

Foreign Affairs
Cleaning Up the Leftovers from Biden’s Last Bout of Leadership
Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Syria: the greatest hits of American Empire. When Joe Biden speaks of American leadership, perhaps he should look there first.

(Author photo, Iraq, 2009)

January 4, 2021
12:01 am
Peter Van Buren

As Trump leaves office the only president to have not started a new war since WWII—and Joe Biden, who supported so many of America’s wars, including (vice-) presiding over the second and third Iraq Wars, heads into office—the talk is again what should be the most terrifying words anyone outside the U.S. could hear: More American Leadership. Thing is, we haven’t cleaned up the leftovers from the last bout of leadership yet.
President-Elect Biden pulls no punches about how he feels about Trump’s lack of war, saying “Trump has abdicated American leadership in mobilizing collective action to meet new threats. This is the time to tap the strength and audacity that took us to victory in two world wars and brought down the Iron Curtain.” His SecState-nominee Antony Blinken used the word “leadership” in a speech 16 times. Biden himself wrote an essay in Foreign Affairs titled “Why America Must Lead Again.” Introducing his national security nominees, Biden said “America is back, ready to lead the world.”

I guess since he's a democrat hypocrisy doesn't matter
When Joe Biden speaks of the need for American global leadership, perhaps he should first talk to those we have already left behind.

Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Syria: the greatest hits of American Empire. When Joe Biden speaks of American leadership, perhaps he should look there first.

But, he's a democrat- it's all good-

Home/Articles/World/Foreign Affairs/Cleaning Up the Leftovers from Biden’s Last Bout of Leadership

Foreign Affairs
Cleaning Up the Leftovers from Biden’s Last Bout of Leadership
Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Syria: the greatest hits of American Empire. When Joe Biden speaks of American leadership, perhaps he should look there first.

(Author photo, Iraq, 2009)

January 4, 2021
12:01 am
Peter Van Buren

As Trump leaves office the only president to have not started a new war since WWII—and Joe Biden, who supported so many of America’s wars, including (vice-) presiding over the second and third Iraq Wars, heads into office—the talk is again what should be the most terrifying words anyone outside the U.S. could hear: More American Leadership. Thing is, we haven’t cleaned up the leftovers from the last bout of leadership yet.
President-Elect Biden pulls no punches about how he feels about Trump’s lack of war, saying “Trump has abdicated American leadership in mobilizing collective action to meet new threats. This is the time to tap the strength and audacity that took us to victory in two world wars and brought down the Iron Curtain.” His SecState-nominee Antony Blinken used the word “leadership” in a speech 16 times. Biden himself wrote an essay in Foreign Affairs titled “Why America Must Lead Again.” Introducing his national security nominees, Biden said “America is back, ready to lead the world.”

I guess since he's a democrat hypocrisy doesn't matter
“America is back, ready to lead the world.”
If Xi says he can. He owes China. Start looking for mandarin classes.
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So why did Trump reward the military industrial complex with a Trillion $ annually?
This is about Biden cleaning up the mess he helped create- fyi- you know, out with the old, in with the same old, same old-
So why did Trump reward the military industrial complex with a Trillion $ annually?
Because establishment 'Pubs and ALL Dems but Tulsi crammed that spending bill in his face with gov and military families facing furlough.

Why do you think so many GOP guys hated him? Because he's not a nice guy?

Get fucking real.

The first president in a fucking generation who didn't go start a war was guess who?

Yeah, you are all fucking sheep and you don't even know it.
So why did Trump reward the military industrial complex with a Trillion $ annually?
We have a quandry now. We have to keep building military hardware or we will close down place and lose the ability to do so. We are not what we were. It take a long time to do build what took a much shorter time many decades ago. The people who push the projects do not make it easier. Our workforce is littered with a percentage quota people who are not that good and archaic union rules that make the cost of everything massively expensive. This is in everything we do. From space to passenger jets to military and more. Boeing has several programs having issues because of our social agendas. The 737 Max program suffered because of this. Boeing is paying out 2.5 Billion dollars in this round of law suits for the crashes. They are are about 2 years behind Elon Musk with their space capsule even with near twice the amount of money received for development from the government. And this with their long experience. The big rocket we are developing is a decade behind schedule and may cost 2 billion dollars a launch even after promising the costs of launches will drop big time from the shuttle. On and on and on...
Iran is just one more democrat policy failure to add to your OP list.
Iran being a problem started with Eisenhower- FYI, in 1953- history: If you don't learn from it, you're doomed to repeat it.
So why did Trump reward the military industrial complex with a Trillion $ annually?
Because establishment 'Pubs and ALL Dems but Tulsi crammed that spending bill in his face with gov and military families facing furlough.

Why do you think so many GOP guys hated him? Because he's not a nice guy?

Get fucking real.

The first president in a fucking generation who didn't go start a war was guess who?

Yeah, you are all fucking sheep and you don't even know it.
You Lie! No New Wars started under Carter or Nixon! You all also claim Clinton had a "Peace Dividend"!

Trump has spent more money on military than any president in History during the Largest Wars in History!!! All of which will be usurped, outdated & useless in future Defense of the USA
Trump has spent more money on military than any president in History during the Largest Wars in History!!! All of which will be usurped, outdated & useless in future Defense of the USA
He carried on the Establishment precedent- EVERY POTUS, in my life time has- taxpayers are given a pittance and large campaign contributors receive large pay backs for their campaign donations-
Iran is just one more democrat policy failure to add to your OP list.
Iran being a problem started with Eisenhower- FYI, in 1953- history: If you don't learn from it, you're doomed to repeat it.
Not sure why you think Ike had anything to do with the Shah's fall? The Shah got greedy and that led to "unrest":
"By 1979, this political unrest became a revolution leading to the monarchy's overthrow. The Shah's refusal to order his troops to fire on protesters forced him to leave Iran on 17 January 1979.[9] Soon thereafter, the Iranian monarchy was formally abolished, and Iran was declared an Islamic republic led by Ruhollah Khomeini (known in the West as Ayatollah Khomeini). Facing likely execution should he return to Iran, the Shah died in exile in Egypt, whose president, Anwar Sadat, had granted him asylum."
So why did Trump reward the military industrial complex with a Trillion $ annually?
We have a quandry now. We have to keep building military hardware or we will close down place and lose the ability to do so. We are not what we were. It take a long time to do build what took a much shorter time many decades ago. The people who push the projects do not make it easier. Our workforce is littered with a percentage quota people who are not that good and archaic union rules that make the cost of everything massively expensive. This is in everything we do. From space to passenger jets to military and more. Boeing has several programs having issues because of our social agendas. The 737 Max program suffered because of this. Boeing is paying out 2.5 Billion dollars in this round of law suits for the crashes. They are are about 2 years behind Elon Musk with their space capsule even with near twice the amount of money received for development from the government. And this with their long experience. The big rocket we are developing is a decade behind schedule and may cost 2 billion dollars a launch even after promising the costs of launches will drop big time from the shuttle. On and on and on...
You Lie! Wallstreet took over McDonald Douglas & Boeing to crush their US workers, engineers & costly safety record. They outsourced manufacturing, slashed safety, fired whistleblowers, engineering & used cheap unskilled labor to assemble aircraft sections from foreign countries all to boost corporate profits & stock prices. They all cashed out before the planes started falling from the sky!!!

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