Classified Information

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
What information should be classified, and what information does the public have the right to know? Aside from top secret information concerning weapon technology, war strategies, and defense projects, what information should the military withhold from the general public? Aside from information on American spies and their assignments, what should the CIA withhold from the general public? What information should the Department of Justice withhold from the general public?

What does transparency mean as it relates to the government? Does it mean that the general public should be informed on government decisions and activities except where national security comes into play? Classifying information should be restricted to national security, military operations, and those matters that could in some way compromise our government, should the information fall into the wrong hands. Other than those exceptions, I see no reason not to have a well informed public.

When legislation is argued and debated behind closed doors, and secret deals are made in order to bring a bill up for vote, should the public demand to know what took place and what deals were made? Is secrecy necessary in order for Congress to function properly?

In my opinion, the "classified information" label is abused to the point of a government without transparency and openness with the public. And, when information is declassified, and given to the public, rarely is there anything earth-shattering revealed. I believe that at times, information is classified in order to hide misconduct and questionable actions within the government structure.

Wouldn't you like to know everything the government knows about UFO's and the Kennedy assassination?
All military and government information should be classified. The civilian public doesn't need to know.

No, I've considered the UFO full disclosure question and have concluded I'm happier not knowing for sure. Either no UFOs ever have been actual aliens which would be disappointing, or some have. If some have though the next question is who are they working with that they've been kept a secret all this time? What is their goal for being here and staying hidden? Can't be good.

Remaining in an ambiguous fog of uncertainty let's us go on in blissful ignorance. Like the great line from "Men In Black"

"There's always a Corellian Death Ray or Arturian Battle Cruiser, the only way these people go on with their happy little lives is THEY DO NOT KNOW ABOUT IT!"

Excellent point. :)
I would like to know what was in all of those emails Hillary deleted to keep us from knowing what she was up to. "What does it matter?" just doesn't cut it for transparency.

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