Clarence And Virginia Thomas Have An Impressively Corrupt Activist Judge Scheme Going


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, far-right activist Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, have quite the scheme going. She takes in dark money contributions to her Tea Party-connected nonprofit, Liberty Central, and organizes Republicans on exactly the kind of issues that often reach the Supreme Court. He sits on the Supreme Court and never recuses himself as justices are called on by federal law to do in certain situations, including ones where their spouses have financial interests.

And this is going on while Justice Stephen Breyer is solemnly warning that expanding the Supreme Court might be a problem because “Structural alteration motivated by the perception of political influence can only feed” the perception that the court is guided by politics, “further eroding that trust.” As if that ship had not long since sailed.

This current court is corrupt beyond all recognition. The Republicans in Congress have destroyed any precept that the court is independent, unbiased, or in any way represents the people or the very laws by which they are tasked to interpret. The Democrats have an absolute mandate to repair the damage done to the federal judiciary by a minority that has appointed it in a mistaken and corrupt sense of entitlement, the majority of the country disagrees with, and the Constitution does not recognize.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, far-right activist Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, have quite the scheme going. She takes in dark money contributions to her Tea Party-connected nonprofit, Liberty Central, and organizes Republicans on exactly the kind of issues that often reach the Supreme Court. He sits on the Supreme Court and never recuses himself as justices are called on by federal law to do in certain situations, including ones where their spouses have financial interests.

And this is going on while Justice Stephen Breyer is solemnly warning that expanding the Supreme Court might be a problem because “Structural alteration motivated by the perception of political influence can only feed” the perception that the court is guided by politics, “further eroding that trust.” As if that ship had not long since sailed.

This current court is corrupt beyond all recognition. The Republicans in Congress have destroyed any precept that the court is independent, unbiased, or in any way represents the people or the very laws by which they are tasked to interpret. The Democrats have an absolute mandate to repair the damage done to the federal judiciary by a minority that has appointed it in a mistaken and corrupt sense of entitlement, the majority of the country disagrees with, and the Constitution does not recognize.
you can always tell what the dems are doing based on what they accuse others of doing,,,
The moment they put liberal judges on the SCOTUS, they became untrustworthy.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, far-right activist Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, have quite the scheme going. She takes in dark money contributions to her Tea Party-connected nonprofit, Liberty Central, and organizes Republicans on exactly the kind of issues that often reach the Supreme Court. He sits on the Supreme Court and never recuses himself as justices are called on by federal law to do in certain situations, including ones where their spouses have financial interests.

And this is going on while Justice Stephen Breyer is solemnly warning that expanding the Supreme Court might be a problem because “Structural alteration motivated by the perception of political influence can only feed” the perception that the court is guided by politics, “further eroding that trust.” As if that ship had not long since sailed.

This current court is corrupt beyond all recognition. The Republicans in Congress have destroyed any precept that the court is independent, unbiased, or in any way represents the people or the very laws by which they are tasked to interpret. The Democrats have an absolute mandate to repair the damage done to the federal judiciary by a minority that has appointed it in a mistaken and corrupt sense of entitlement, the majority of the country disagrees with, and the Constitution does not recognize.
I never did trust a man who referred to himself as "Long Dong Silver"....
The Democrats have an absolute mandate to repair the damage done to the federal judiciary by a minority that has appointed it in a mistaken and corrupt sense of entitlement, the majority of the country disagrees with, and the Constitution does not recognize.
The democrats were busy playing by the rules. Putting the most qualified judges they could find into the federal courts. While republicans based their picks on ideology first, last and only.

That's why republican presidents set records for the number of unqualified (as judged by an ABA panel that reviews judicial qualifications) people they nominated to be on the courts. And the republican senate set records for the number of unqualified and barely qualified judges they packed into the federal courts.

Just look at the number of confirmation votes the current members of the supreme court received. It clearly shows republicans changed from qualifications, Such as Antonin Scalia, to ideology like Clarence Thomas.
Is Ginni still wearing that kooky Statue of Liberty teabagger hat? :lol:

I never did trust a man who referred to himself as "Long Dong Silver"....

Heheh - I totally forgot about that! :lmao:

Judge Thomas would also talk about his own “sexual prowess” in workplace conversations, Ms. Hill said. And he once mentioned a pornographic film whose star was called “Long Dong Silver,” which turned into an infamous name in American political lore.

“It would have been more comfortable to remain silent,” she said. “But when I was asked by a representative of this committee to report my experience, I felt that I had to tell the truth. I could not keep silent.”
Is Ginni still wearing that kooky Statue of Liberty teabagger hat? :lol:

The Supreme Court, unlike lower courts, has no requirement to recuse, because there is no court above them to enforce that judgment. Which is why it's so important that the justices confirmed for that court have the judicial temperament to do the right thing, knowing there is no mechanism to stop them from doing the wrong thing.
Is Ginni still wearing that kooky Statue of Liberty teabagger hat? :lol:

The Supreme Court, unlike lower courts, has no requirement to recuse, because there is no court above them to enforce that judgment. Which is why it's so important that the justices confirmed for that court have the judicial temperament to do the right thing, knowing there is no mechanism to stop them from doing the wrong thing.

Oh man, over the years Clarence and Ginni have crossed ethical lines about a billion times.
Clarence is 72 now. Retirement time!

Oh man, over the years Clarence and Ginni have crossed ethical lines about a billion times.
Clarence is 72 now. Retirement time!

I would have hoped that congress would have looked back at what Thomas told the Senate during his confirmation. That things he claimed or denied at the time, were later proven false by additional facts coming to light years after the fact.

And as we know, republicans believe someone who lied under oath, should be removed from office by impeachment and conviction. Even if that lie had nothing to do with his job. So a lie during a confirmation hearing should have every republican up in arms.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, far-right activist Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, have quite the scheme going. She takes in dark money contributions to her Tea Party-connected nonprofit, Liberty Central, and organizes Republicans on exactly the kind of issues that often reach the Supreme Court. He sits on the Supreme Court and never recuses himself as justices are called on by federal law to do in certain situations, including ones where their spouses have financial interests.

And this is going on while Justice Stephen Breyer is solemnly warning that expanding the Supreme Court might be a problem because “Structural alteration motivated by the perception of political influence can only feed” the perception that the court is guided by politics, “further eroding that trust.” As if that ship had not long since sailed.

This current court is corrupt beyond all recognition. The Republicans in Congress have destroyed any precept that the court is independent, unbiased, or in any way represents the people or the very laws by which they are tasked to interpret. The Democrats have an absolute mandate to repair the damage done to the federal judiciary by a minority that has appointed it in a mistaken and corrupt sense of entitlement, the majority of the country disagrees with, and the Constitution does not recognize.
Daily Kooks....All the agitprop lies fit to spam the forum wit\h.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, far-right activist Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, have quite the scheme going. She takes in dark money contributions to her Tea Party-connected nonprofit, Liberty Central, and organizes Republicans on exactly the kind of issues that often reach the Supreme Court. He sits on the Supreme Court and never recuses himself as justices are called on by federal law to do in certain situations, including ones where their spouses have financial interests.

And this is going on while Justice Stephen Breyer is solemnly warning that expanding the Supreme Court might be a problem because “Structural alteration motivated by the perception of political influence can only feed” the perception that the court is guided by politics, “further eroding that trust.” As if that ship had not long since sailed.

This current court is corrupt beyond all recognition. The Republicans in Congress have destroyed any precept that the court is independent, unbiased, or in any way represents the people or the very laws by which they are tasked to interpret. The Democrats have an absolute mandate to repair the damage done to the federal judiciary by a minority that has appointed it in a mistaken and corrupt sense of entitlement, the majority of the country disagrees with, and the Constitution does not recognize.
Is Ginni still wearing that kooky Statue of Liberty teabagger hat? :lol:

The Supreme Court, unlike lower courts, has no requirement to recuse, because there is no court above them to enforce that judgment. Which is why it's so important that the justices confirmed for that court have the judicial temperament to do the right thing, knowing there is no mechanism to stop them from doing the wrong thing.

Oh man, over the years Clarence and Ginni have crossed ethical lines about a billion times.
Clarence is 72 now. Retirement time!

You are a racist.
That 'article' makes a whole lot of claims and uses them to justify openly advocating for corruption but provides not a single specific fact.....
Did you even read it?

Virginia Thomas earned over $680,000 from conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation over five years, but the justice did not include it on financial disclosure forms, consistently checking no spousal income. Once the news came out, Thomas amended 13 years’ worth of disclosure reports to include details of his wife's income, Politico reports. He wrote it was a “misunderstanding of the filing instructions.

Clarence Thomas claims that as a justice of the US Supreme court, he wasn't able to correctly interpret federal forms. That he didn't know the meaning of "income" as used on the financial disclosure form.

That's a WOW moment.

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